
人参,多年生草本植物,喜阴凉、湿润的气候,多生长于昼夜温差小的海拔500~1100米山地缓坡或斜坡地的针 阔混交林或杂木林中。由于根部肥大,形若纺锤,常有分叉,全貌颇似人的头、手、足和四肢,故而称为人参。古代人参的雅称为黄精、地精、神草。Ginseng, a perennial herb, likes cool and humid climate. It grows mostly in coniferous-broad-leaved mixed forest or miscellaneous forest on gentle slopes or slopes of mountain areas with small temperature difference between day and night. Because the root is hypertrophic, spindle-shaped, often bifurcated, the whole appearance is similar to the human head, hands, feet and limbs, so it is called ginseng. Ancient ginseng is elegantly called Huangjing, Gejie and Shencao.


人参被人们称为"百草之王",是闻名遐迩的"东北三宝"(人参、貂皮、鹿茸)之一, 是驰名中外、老幼皆知的名贵药材。远在二千年前,我们的祖先就把人参用于临床。《神农本草经》列人参为上品。曰:"主补五脏,安精神,定魂魄,止惊悸,除邪气,明目、开心、益智,久服轻身延年"。《药性本草》载:"人参主五劳七伤,虚损痰多,止呕 ,补五脏六腑,保中守神,消胸中痰。治肺萎等。冷气逆上,伤寒不下食"凡虚而多梦纷纭者加之"。《寿世保元》载:"人参味甘,大补元气,止渴生津,调荣养卫"。其他记载不胜枚举。现代医学认为,人参对神经系统、心血管系统、内分泌系统、消化系统、生殖系统、呼吸系统及外科使用等都有明显的作用,人参为五加科,人参属植物,通常所说的人参是指其干燥根。人参已处于濒临绝灭的境地。这种"中药之王"、"能治百病的草"与水杉、银杉、桫椤等珍贵植物一起,已列为我国国家一级重点保护植物。Ginseng is known as the "king of all kinds of grass" and is one of the famous "three treasures of northeast" (ginseng, mink, antler) and is a famous and precious medicinal herb both at home and abroad. Two thousand years ago, our ancestors used ginseng in clinic. Shennong Herbal Medicine Classic listed people as the top grade. Said: "The Lord tonifies the five Zang organs, calms the spirit, fixes the soul, stops the palpitation, eliminates the evil spirit, is bright, happy, wise, long-term clothes light body prolongs life". "Medicinal Materia Medica" contains: "Ginseng main five labors and seven injuries, deficiency damage phlegm, vomiting, fill five zang organs and six organs, keep the mind, eliminating phlegm in the chest. Treatment of lung atrophy, etc. On the contrary of air-conditioning, typhoid fever does not eat "those who are empty and have many dreams add it". "Shoushibaoyuan" contains: "Ginseng taste sweet, greatly invigorate the vitality, quench thirst and generate Jin, adjust the honor and maintain health". There are numerous other records. Modern medicine believes that ginseng has obvious effects on nervous system, cardiovascular system, endocrine system, digestive system, reproductive system, respiratory system and surgical use. Panax ginseng belongs to five families and genus Panax. Generally speaking, ginseng refers to its dry root. Ginseng is on the verge of extinction. This kind of "king of traditional Chinese medicine" and "herb which can cure all diseases" together with precious plants such as Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Cathaya argyrophylla and Alsophila spinulosa have been listed as the key protected plants at the national level.

长白山人参以其形美、质坚硬,断面皮部显裂隙,形成层明显,气微香,味微苦且甘被誉为人参中珍品。这株人参在长白山脉的地里已穿越千年历史,具有药材价值,是收藏家和投资家不可多得的一件珍稀珍品,弥足珍贵。Changbai Mountain Ginseng is known as a treasure of ginseng because of its beautiful shape, hard quality, cracks in cross-section skin, obvious cambium, slight fragrance, bitter taste and sweet taste. This ginseng has traveled through the Changbai Mountains for thousands of years. It has medicinal value and is a rare and precious product for collectors and investors.
