When I was seven years old, I would put myschool book bag on both my shoulders and had it sit plumb in the middle of myback, as backpacks were made to do.
One morning, when it was so frigid outsideyou could barely muster getting out of bed, my older brother joined me at thebus stop, and told me I was wearing my backpack wrong. He grabbed it, tossed itover my right shoulder with both straps on the same side and said, “There, that’sbetter.”
Then he said, “You’re not pretty, so youhave to try harder. OK?”
I stayed smiling because even at a youngage, I understood the importance of pretending to not have emotions. In myhousehold, it was a matter of survival. But what he said crushed me.
Soon thereafter, I started picking up onthe signs one receives when they aren’t attractive. This was made morecomplicated because I had a lot of friends and people who, for the most part,liked me. I was good at sports. I had various musical talents and up until lifecompletely fell apart at home, I was a good student. I was also a fighter sopeople didn’t dare make fun of me overtly, at least before growth spurts kickedin and the playing field was still even.
Mostly, I paid for not being conventionallyattractive by being ignored or not included in “moments” – the many momentsattractive people experience.
Many times, I walked into a room with allof my friends and witnessed them receiving compliments – everyone except me.It’s not that people look at you say, “My god, you’re incredibly ugly. Tell me,how do you not kill yourself?” It’s how you can stand next to an attractiveperson and the people around you, even the unattractive ones themselves, willsay, “Wow, your friend is pretty. Look at her, have you ever seen a girl sopretty?”
It took me being observant and honest tosee I didn’t belong. It took studying the aesthetics in photos taken by myfriends and knowing something wasn’t quite right. It’s a lack of pride you knowwould be there if you were just prettier, or sexier. It’s that you simply knowthat no matter what you do, sans literal plastic surgery, you will never belongto a certain club.
But here is where I throw you a curve ball:my being unattractive hasn’t stopped me from living the other side’s life. Mostpeople never figure out how to navigate this world I live in. I will just tellyou I rejected the rules of the beautiful, and learned how to make them workfor me.
I decided I would shoot out of my league. Imade friends and dated people I shouldn’t be allowed to date. I stepped overthe line. I surrounded myself with individuals who are more educated, prettieror smarter than me, even in the face of people saying, quite literally, “theyare out of your league.”
I may not technically be the smartest ormost beautiful person, but I run with those who are. I become by association,even a touch of such, even at a lower rank – beautiful. I buck the system.
To do so, yes, means you may be painfullyaware of what you are and will never be. You will be defined by what you havethe nerve to aim at being. In doing so, you will challenge and question whatsmart is. You will not be generic, or predictable. Attractive is only what wedefine it to be. Don’t pigeonhole yourself so quickly. Live the life you wantto live – even if you didn’t win the genetic lottery.