

那究竟什么是“权利负担”?现在看一个例句:They can't encumber us on the road .他们不会在路上拖累大家。这句话虽然与法律英语无关,但是可以帮助大家理解这个概念,说的直白一点,就是设置在某种财产(一般是不动产)上的“障碍”,该等“障碍”(如抵押)会拖累相关方对该等财产作出处置,例如:某公司出资人以设置权利负担的土地的使用权出资,那么该等出资的有效性就有待商榷,因为该等土地一旦执行抵押,该等出资有无效了。

具体到我们合同翻译而言,这个术语经常出现在股东协议(shareholder agreement)中的股份转让条款(Transfer of Shares),下面通过几个例子,大家可以很好地理解这个词在股东协议中的含义:


Subject to Clause X, no Shareholder can do, or agree to do, any of the following without the prior written consent of each other Shareholder (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld) unless it is permitted by this Clause: 在遵守第X条的前提下,除非本条允许,未经其它股东事先书面同意(其它股东不得不合理拒绝授予此类同意),任何股东不能从事或同意(他人)从事下列行为:

(a) pledge, mortgage, charge or otherwise encumber any of its Shares or any interest in any of its Shares; 质押、抵押、押记其任何股份或其股份中任何利益,或在其任何股份或其股份中任何利益上设定其它权利负担;

(b) sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of, or grant any option over, any of its Shares or any interest in its Shares; or出售、转让或以其它方式处置其任何股份或其股份中任何利益,或在其任何股份或其股份中任何利益上设定任何期权;或者

(c) enter into any agreement in respect of the votes attached to any of its Shares, except entering into this Agreement. 除订立本协议外,就其任何股份所附的投票权订立任何协议。


Encumbrance means any mortgage, charge, pledge, lien, option, restriction, assignment, hypothecation, right of first refusal, right of pre-emption, or right to acquire or restrict, any adverse claim or right or third party right or interest, any other encumbrance or Share interest of any kind, and any other type of preferential arrangement (including, title transfer and retention arrangements) having a similar effect;

