withdraw的两层含义withdraw,其最常见的含义是“取款”,比如withdraw cash(取现) withdraw deposit (提款)等等,这层含义没有太多需要强调的地方,这里我重点要讲的是这个词在合同中的另外两种译法:(1)撤回; (2)退出
(1)撤回,常见搭配如withdrawal of offer撤回要约, withdraw a charge撤回指控,withdrawal of capital contribution撤回出资等。
(2)退出,这层含义常在limited partnership agreement (有限合伙协议)中出现。
No Limited Partner shall have any right to withdraw from the Fund or to the return of its Interest except with the consent of the General Partner, upon dissolution of the Fund, or as expressly required by this Agreement.
补充:作退出讲,常见搭配withdraw from,表示从某项活动或组织中退出。