合而不同,融而化之 | 杭州维翰学校举办首届融合课程学术研讨会


The autumn in Hangzhou is beautiful and HWIS has also harvested its achievement in this beautiful season. On the bank of Xixi Wetland, HWIS held an academic seminar on regional subject integration. This seminar invited national, provincial and municipal education experts, such as the former editor-in-chief of Primary and Secondary School Management, Mrs. Peining Sha, professor Jun Teng from Institute of International and Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University, Professor and PhD mentor Li Liu from Zhejiang University, vice chairman and general principal of Greentown Education, Jianming Huang, party secretary and principal of Hangzhou Chongwen Experimental School Guodi Yu, Zhejiang Edcation Magazine, Wenhua Chen, Vice professor of Zhejiang Foreign Language College, Genshen Li and many other education experts. In addition, the seminar also invited the vice principal of Yuhang District Institute of Education, Yuhua Li as well as principals and managers of more than a dozen schools in the surrounding area.


Professor Gu Mingyuan Visited Wickham

“培养什么人,怎样培养人”是教育的根本问题和永恒主题。砥砺前行,3年的坚持终于使得维翰成功获得IB PYP项目认证,成为一所以接纳中国学生为主、全校实施以中文为授课语言的IB PYP世界学校。本次研讨会旨在分享我校三年来的收获,展示维翰融合课程建设的现状与对未来的思考,为今后更加坚定地实践校本化、本土化、国际化的课程,创建“深耕中国、盛开国际”的文化氛围指引方向。

"Student growth and how they develop skills" are the fundamental issues and eternal theme of education. After three years’ efforts, HWIS successfully obtained the IB PYP program certification and became an IB PYP World School that mainly accepts Chinese students and implements Chinese as the language of instruction. The purpose of this seminar was to share the gains of our school over the past three years, to show the construction of Wickham’s integrated curriculum and think about Wickham’s future, to firmly practice the school-based, local and international curriculum in the future, and to create a school culture which is “deeply rooted in China and thriving worldwide”.


Principal Aiyu Hu introduced the foundation of HWIS, the school culture, the purpose of running the school, education goals and the honours students gained since the establishment of the school.


Speech of the transdisciplinary IB curriculum


The director of the School Curriculum Development Centre Ms. Xijiao Jiang reported the design of HWIS transdisciplinary curriculum and the outcomes of its implementation.


Ms. Jiang demonstrated the scope and sequence of subjects created by Wickham's team over the past three years, as well as the school curriculum map, an inquiry-based curriculum, and a multi-dimensional evaluation system.


Speech by Chenxin Wang

维翰学校课程研发中心主任助理、IB PYP协调员助理王晨欣老师向来宾们介绍了“我们身处什么时空”主题下住宅相关的探究单元设计以及成果。

HWIS Curriculum Development Center assistant, IB PYP coordinator assistant Mrs. Chenxin Wang introduced the design of the UOI house unit which was under the inquiry theme “Where we are in time and place”.


Mrs. Wang showed how teachers and students carried out inquiry activities, evaluation tasks, expert open lessons and integration of different subjects in authentic contexts of inquiry, based on the inquiry circle.

维翰学校丁雪晴、王倩谦和许小英老师,分别描述了超学科探究单元的学习过程中数学、语文和艺术学科是如何在IB PYP和国家基础性课程要求下开展课程融合的。这几位老师用非常生动的照片、视频以及大量的实践案例向来宾们介绍了维翰在融合课程方面的智慧与成果。

HWIS teachers Xueqin Ding, Qianqian Wang and Xiaoying Xu talked about how math, Chinese and Art subjects were integrated with other subjects following the requirements of IB PYP and national curriculum. These teachers used photos, videos and many cases to introduce the outcomes of HWIS in terms of subject integration.


Speech by Xueqin Ding


Speech by Qianqian Wang


Speech by Xiaoying Xu

专家诊断指导建议 Expert Advice


Despite the efforts and gains made by the Wickham School over the past three years in the area of subject integration, there are still many confusions and shortcomings. Fortunately, the visiting experts put forward a lot of suggestions for running schools and curriculum structures. The audience benefited a lot from their speech.


Comments from Li Liu, Yonghua Chen, Gensheng Li

刘力教授点评:超学科的课堂是一种思维训练,训练孩子们走进现实、真实世界的思维。今天研讨会上午的三个报告中所讲到的超学科课程,它的价值在于克服了我们只教惰性知识的不足。IB教学理念指导下的维翰课程有以下五大特征:1.教授跨学科知识与解决问题的能力; 2. 学生在学校学到的知识是与实际生活相联系的; 3. 引导孩子头脑风暴,从而获得解决问题的方法; 4. 强调课程审议; 5. 以六大主题和七大概念为特色。

Comments from Professor Li Liu: A transdisciplinary class focuses on training of thinking. Students learn how to think in the real world. The value of the three reports on subject integration this morning lies in that they showed us not only to teach knowledge. There are five characteristics of HWIS curriculum guided by IB teaching philosophy. 1. Teaching transdisciplinary knowledge and problem-solving skills 2. What students learn in school is linked to real life. 3.Guide your child to brainstorm and get a solution to the problem 4. Emphasis is placed on curriculum development 5. Featuring six themes and seven concepts.


Comments from Principal Huang


Principal Jianming Huang put forward that the world was well-integrated itself. Knowledge needed to be linked to experience. He suggested that the school needed to find structured themes to achieve the goal of innovation in the process of subject integration. If we can construct a Chinese curriculum well, we are also able to construct a global curriculum well.


Comments from Ms. Sha Peining


Editor-in-chief Peining Sha suggested that HWIS could jump out of the IB program framework and teaching tasks which were more interesting and closer to students cognitivity. The school can build a Wickham curriculum which is not only clearly structured and also focuses on basic teaching skills.


Speech from Professor Ms. Teng Jun


Professor Jun Teng suggested that school be able to clarify concepts and its education goal. The school should take advantage of the strengths of other schools and build a curriculum which enables students to have global competence. Students will become “a modern Chinese who have global competence in the future world”.


Zhejiang Province math subject teaching researcher Mrs. Miao’er Si took the place of the host for a while and brought joy to the seminar with her humor.


Principal Guodi Yu from Hangzhou Chongwen Experimental School introduced the project-based curriculum at her school and shared its similarity to the IB curriculum.


Dr. Lingjia Xu, chairman of Wickham Education Group, also shared his thoughts of running the school and Wickham’s future with the audience.


Professors and principals heatedly discussed the issues such as the purpose of introducing the IB curriculum, the future direction of an subject integrated curriculum, reform of educational teaching methods, accurate investigation of learner needs, goal of differentiated teaching and other hot issues in education. The seminar came to an end in the earnest advice by Provincial Education Department deputy director of the Department of Education Research, Chunyou Teng.


Wickham's first regional seminar on subject integration was successful, and a new round of research has quietly begun. We are ready for the future driven by our education dreams. We will always keep our mission in mind and continue to make efforts to build a curriculum which suits the future trends, international missions and the laws of student development. We will surely to make contributions to Chinese and international education.
