AMWC 2025:高德美发布全产品线创新成果,引领医美前沿,满足行业需求

·高德美将发布多项产品组合的最新数据,包括RELAX和EXPRESSION研究结果,展示新型液态 A 型肉毒毒素(RelabotulinumtoxinA)的快速起效特点(最快一天内即可显示效果),以及六个月以上的高患者满意度1,2

·塑妍萃® (PLLA-SCA)作为首款经过验证的再生型生物刺激剂,其最新体内数据研究将被公布。研究显示,与PLLA-GA相比,PLLA-SCA具有更低的炎症反应,这对局部组织反应和产品降解具有重要影响,可能延长临床效果持续时间3-12


·高德美将举办专题研讨会,探讨如何通过医美治疗改善因药物导致的面部变化,并举办第二场专题研讨会,专注于使用瑞蓝® Kysse™(暂未于中国大陆地区上市)实现理想唇形的方案



“通过我们在AMWC 2025的广泛参与,高德美不仅将与全球医美行业进行深入交流,还将展示业内丰富的产品组合。通过数据发布和专家主导的学术分享,我们践行了自己的承诺:将持续引领注射类医美发展,并为医疗提供创新解决方案,以更好地满足求美者当前与未来的多样化需求”,医学博士、高德美全球研发负责人BALDO SCASSELLATI SFORZOLINI表示。



高德美主办的“药物驱动型减重:美学应对路径”专题研讨会将于3月27日(星期四)举行,紧接着在3月28日(星期五)还将举办一场大师班,深入探讨药物减重对面部造成的影响,并详解医美治疗如何帮助恢复面部体积和结构。研讨会将邀请Luiz Avelar博士、Priyanka Chadha博士、Sebastian Cotofana教授、Sabrina Fabi博士、Marcus Morais博士和Andreas Nikolis博士进行现场实操并分享他们的专业见解。

此外,高德美还将于3月27日(星期四)举办“GAIN专家对话:定义理想唇形”专题研讨会,由Sebastian Cotofana教授、Simone Doreian博士、Stephanie Lam博士、Christoph Martschin博士和Andrei Metelitsa博士担任讲者。该环节将通过深度辩论、文化和解剖角度分析、注射实操演示,深入探讨唇部美学治疗的新技术演变,以及求美者对自然外观和真实触感的审美标准与偏好。关于唇部注射技术的相关大师班课程也将于3月29日(星期六)进一步展开,深入讲解治疗技术细节。


高德美将公布III b期EXPRESSION和RELAX临床研究的新数据,显示高德美新型液态A型肉毒毒素在治疗皱眉纹和鱼尾纹方面起效迅速、美学改善显著。1,2在EXPRESSION研究中,超过50%的受试者在治疗后首日即感受到明显效果;在RELAX研究中,疗效可持续长达六个月,验证了READY研究计划中观察到的结果,超过三分之一患者在六个月后皱眉纹仍持续改善。1,2这两项研究再次证实患者对高德美新型液态A型肉毒毒素的高满意度,在RELAX研究中,70%的患者表示相比过去的治疗,更偏好高德美新型液态A型肉毒毒素。1,2同时,III期READY研究项目的事后分析补充数据也将发布,显示无论基线皱纹严重程度如何(中度/重度),接受高德美新型液态A型肉毒毒素治疗的受试者在皱眉纹和鱼尾纹的改善,整体幸福感的提升以及疗效持续性方面均有出色表现,疗效可维持六个月。15


关于瑞蓝®Shaype™(暂未于中国大陆地区上市)的补充数据也将在大会上发布。该产品采用高德美专有NASHA HD ™技术,已在加拿大及巴西获批上市。研究显示,该产品是目前市面上硬度最高的透明质酸注射产品,具有最高的G’值(弹性模量,代表凝胶强度和紧实度),具备独特的仿骨效果17,18。此外,多项合并数据及IV期关键研究数据将展示,瑞蓝®系列填充剂在改善面部吸引力与年轻感的同时,仍保留或增强98%受试者的自然表情19。这种“自然度+高满意度”的结合代表着长期美学改善19。迄今为止,瑞蓝®是首个也是唯一一个有体内数据来支持其在恢复及维持自然表情方面有效性的透明质酸填充剂品牌。19-22。



1. Shridharani S, Coquis-knezek S and Prygova I. Aesthetic improvement and rapid results in glabellar and lateral canthal lines after treatment with the innovative liquid relabotulinumtoxinA formulation. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

2. Ablon G, et al. Subject preference and satisfaction with liquid relabotulinumtoxinA treatment of glabellar lines over 12 months, in a randomized controlled trial. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

3. Galderma. Sculptra EU Instructions For Use 2023

4. Widgegrowl J, et al. A randomized, comparative study describing the gene signatures of poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA) and calcium hydroxylapaptite (CaHA) in the treatment of nasolabial folds). IMCAS Poster 2024. Paris, France

5. Galderma. Data on file. MA-50526. 43USSA1812 clinical study report. Fort Worth, TX: Galderma Laboratories, L.P. 2022

6. Bohnert K, et al. Randomized, Controlled, Multicentered, Double-Blind Investigation of Injectable Poly-L-Lactic Acid for Improving Skin Quality.

Dermatol Surg 2019;45:718–724

7. Hexsel D, et al. Introducing the L-Lift—A Novel Approach to Treat Age-Related Facial Skin Ptosis Using A Collagen Stimulator. Dermatol Surg:

Letters & Communications. 2019

8. Galderma. Data on File (MA-60875)

9. Zhang Y, et al. In vivo inducing collagen regeneration of biodegradable polymer microspheres. Regen Biomater. 2021;8(5):rbab042. doi:


10. Huth S, et al. Molecular Insights into the effects of PLLA_SCA on Gene Expression. J Drugs Dermatol. 2024;23(4):285-288. doi:


11. Avelar L, et al. Comparing two biostimulators on the local tissue response and degradation up to 52 weeks in vivo with an indirect comparison to clinical outcomes. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

12. Fabi S, et al. Regenerative aesthetic effects of poly L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA) treatment. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

13. Nikolis A, Prygova I and Brasatar D. The potential role of biostimulators/dermal fillers to address the impact of medication driven weight loss management treatments on facial appearance. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

14. Humphrey CD & Lawrence AC. Implications of Ozempic and other GLP-1 receptor agonists for facial plastic surgeons. Facial Plast Surg.


15. Ablon G, et al. RelaBoNT-A treatment of glabellar lines and lateral canthal lines of different baseline severity: subgroup analyses of pooled Phase III study data. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

16. Markowitz O, et al. Evaluation of synergistic effects for midface improvement when pairing Sculptra® (PLLA-SCA) with Alastin skincare®: A comparative study. Abstract presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

17. Bromée T, et al. A new hyaluronic acid injectable, HASHA, sets new G-prime standards. Abstract presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

18. Nikolis A, et al. Effectiveness and Safety of a New Hyaluronic Acid Injectable for Augmentation and Correction of Chin Retrusion. J Drugs Dermatol. 2024;23(4):255-61. doi: 10.36849/JDD.8145

19. Nkolis A, et al. Hyaluronic acid fillers preserve natural movement and dynamic expression: data from three postmarketing clinical studies. Presented at AMWC 2025; Mar 27-29, 2025; Monaco

20. Percec, I et al. An Objective, Quantitative, Dynamic Assessment of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers That Adapt to Facial Movement. Plast Reconstr Surg.

2020;145:295e-305e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000006461

21. Philipp-Dormston WG, et al. Evaluating Perceived Naturalness of Facial Expression After Fillers to the Nasolabial Folds and Lower Face With Standardized Video and Photography. Dermatol Surg. 2018;44(6):826-32. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000001419

22. Solish N, et al. Dynamics of hyaluronic acid fillers formulated to maintain natural facial expression. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2019;18(3):738-46. doi:


23. Sundberg AL and Stahl U. Relabotulinum toxin - a novel, high purity BoNT-A1 in liquid formulation. Presented at: TOXINS 2021; Jan 16-17, 2021; virtual meeting

24. Do M, et al. Purification process of a complex-free highly purified botulinum neurotoxin type A1 (BoNT-A1) - relabotulinumtoxinA. Presented at:

TOXINS 2022; July 27-30, 2022; New Orleans, LA

25. Shridharani SM, et al. Efficacy and Safety of RelabotulinumtoxinA, a New Ready-to-Use Liquid Formulation Botulinum Toxin: Results From the READY-1 Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Trial in Glabellar Lines. ASJ. 2024; sjae131

26. Ablon G, et al. Efficacy and Safety of RelabotulinumtoxinA Liquid Botulinum Toxin in the Treatment of Lateral Canthal Lines: Results From the Phase 3 READY-2 Study. Dermatol Surg. 2024. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000004470

27. Relfydess® . EU Summary of Product Characteristics

28. Persson C, et al. Patient and Investigator Treatment Experience with Ready-to-Use AbobotulinumtoxinA Solution Versus Powder BotulinumtoxinA for Treatment of Glabellar Lines. Abstract presented at TOXINS 2024; Jan 17-20, 2024, Berlin

29. Di Gregorio C. 25+ Years of Experience with the Restylane Portfolio of Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Fillers for Facial Aesthetic Treatment. E-poster presented at AMWC, March 27-29, 2024, Monaco

30. Nikolis A, et al. The Role of Clinical Examination in Midface Volume Correction Using Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: Should Patients Be Stratified by Skin Thickness? Aesthet Surg J Open Forum. 2020; 2(1):1-12.

31. Galderma. Data on file. Subject satisfaction (GAIS) - NASHA and OBT Fillers. 2021

32. Restylane U.S. Instructions For Use. Available online. Accessed January 2025.

33. Kablik J, et al. Comparative Physical Properties of Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers: Dermatologic Surgery 35, 302-312 (2009).

34. Narins RS, et al. Persistence of nasolabial fold correction with a hyaluronic acid dermal filler with retreatment: results of an 18-month extension study. Dermatol Surg. 2011;37:644-650

35. Talarico S, et al. High Patient Satisfaction of a Hyaluronic Acid Filler Producing Enduring Full-Facial Volume Restoration: An 18-Month Open Multicenter Study. Dermatol Surg. 2015;41:1361-1369

36. Ohrlund A, et al.. Differentiation of NASHA and OBT Hyaluronic Acid Gels According to Strength, Flexibility, and Associated Clinical Significance.

JDD. 2024; 23(1), pp.1332-1336

37. Philipp -Dormston WG, et al. Perceived naturalness of facial expression after hyaluronic acid filler injection in nasolabial folds and lower face. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020;19(7):1600-6.

38. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Sculptra summary of safety and effectiveness data. Available online. Accessed January 2025 .

39. Galderma. Data on File (MA-46589)

40. Duracinsky M, et al. Safety of poly-L-lactic acid (New-Fill®) in the treatment of facial lipoatrophy: a large observational study among HIV-positive patients. BMC Infect Dis. 2014;14(474). doi:10.1186/1471233414474

41. Zhang S and Duan E. Fighting against Skin Aging: The Way from Bench to Bedside. Cell Transpl. 2018;27(5):729-738. doi:


42. Asius J, et al. Inventors. US patent US 7,731,758 B2.2010. Available online. Accessed January 2025

43. Morgan P, et al. Product Manufacturing Process for Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA). Poster presented at IMCAS World Congress, January 26-28, 2023, Paris, France

44. Galderma. Data on File (MA-53568)

45. Shuster S, et al. The influence of age and sex on skin thickness, skin collagen and density. Br J Dermatol. 1975;93(6):639-43. doi: 10.1111/j.1365- 2133.1975.tb05113.x

46. Goldberg D, et al. Single-arm study for the characterization of human tissue response to injectable poly-L-lactic acid. Dermatol Surg. 2013;39:915- 22

47. Zarbafian M, et al. The emerging field of regenerative aesthetics—where we are now. Dermatol Surg. 2022;48: 101-108. doi:


48. Waibel J, et al. Gene Analysis of Biostimulators: PLLA-SCA Triggers Regenerative Morphogenesis while CaHA-R Induces Inflammation upon Facial Injection. Poster presented at ASDS 2024, October 17-20, 2024, Orlando, Florida, United States

49. Waibel J, et al. Bulk RNA-seq Analysis of Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA-SCA) vs Calcium Hydroxyapetite (CaHA-R) Reveals a Novel, Adipocyte

Mediated Regenerative Mechanism of Action Unique to PLLA. Poster presented at ASDS 2024 Annual Meeting, October 17-20, 2024, Orlando, Florida, United States

50. Haddad S, et al. Evaluation of the biostimulatory effects and the level of neocollagenesis of dermal fillers: a review. Int J Dermatol. 2022;61:1284-

1288. doi: 10.1111/ijd.16229

51. Vleggaar D, et al. Consensus recommendations on the use of injectable poly-L-lactic-acid for facial and nonfacial volumization. J Drugs Dermatol.

2014;13(4 Suppl):s44-s51

52. Fabi S, et al. 24-month clinical trial data on effectiveness and safety after correction of cheek wrinkles using a biostimulatory poly-L-lactic acid injectable implant. Poster presented at AMWC, March 30 - April 1, 2023, Monaco
