Heroes come from the people:Man Collapses from Cardiac Arrest on Busy Road,Two Off-duty Doctors’Har


Man Collapses from Cardiac Arrest on Busy Road,Two Off-duty Doctors’ Harrowing Roadside Rescue

极目新闻记者 刘迅

通讯员 黄娜

翻译 张梦琦 韩晓龙 卫拉(湖北大学)

Reporter: Liu Xun

Correspondent: Huang Na

Translators: Zhang Mengqi, Han Xiaolong, Lisa M.K. (Hubei University)


On the morning of November 11, a man suffered sudden cardiac arrest and collapsed on the roadside ofHanyang District, Wuhan. Right at this critical moment, two specialists from Wuhan Fifth Hospital who happened to pass by, sprang into action and began CPR. Their duo’s timely response stabilized the man’s breathing and heart rate, buying extra time for further medicaltreatment.


That morning, Dr. Nie Deyun, a neurologist, and Dr. Zhang Xin, a nephrologist, from Wuhan Fifth Hospital had just completed their shift volunteering at the community’s clinic in Hanyang. While passing the bus stop near Hanyang Railway Station on their way back to the hospital, they encountered the collapsed manby the roadside and rushed to check his condition.


The man, in his 40s, lost consciousness after collapsing and was unresponsive. Upon examination, it was discovered that the man had a cardiac arrest, dilated pupils, a bluish tinge to his lips, and clammyskin. Nie Deyun and Zhang Xin, both seasoned medical experts, suspected that it was likely a sudden cardiac arrest. As they waited for the ambulance to arrive, their priority was to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation to restore his heartbeat, and prevent vomit and other obstructions or blockage in the airway.


At 10:20, Nie Deyun and Zhang Xin began emergency treatment. After laying the manflat, they took turns performing compressions. During this period, the man briefly regained consciousness and breathing.


After about 8 minutes of administering CPR, ambulance arrived at the scene. The duo then helped transfer the man onto the ambulance before rushing back to the hospital after relaying his condition to first responders.

武汉市第五医院两位专家紧急救治病人(通讯员供图)【Two specialists from Wuhan Fifth Hospital deliver life-saving treatment(Jimu News/ Huang Na)】


On the morning of November 12, Jimu News reporterslearned in aninterview that the man was sent to the ICU of Wuhan FifthHospital for treatment. At present, his vital signs are stable, but further treatment is still required for the resulting comprised heart function.


“The patient was in cardiac arrest and the situation was life-threatening.” Nie Deyun and Zhang Xin, explained that any doctor’s first instinct is to help when they see someone in need of medical assistance. Fortunately, valuable time was gained for subsequent treatment thanks to the timely rescue.


