Heroes come from the people:Compassionate Counselor and Cherished“Mom Zhu”to all


Compassionate Counselor and Cherished “Mom Zhu” to all

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 狄鑫

通讯员 谢敏 陈欣

翻译:石晴 严铖 黄伟韬(湖北大学)

Jimu News

Reporter: Di Xin

Correspondents: Xie Min, Chen Xin

Translators: Shi Qing, Yan Cheng, Huang Weitao (Hubei University)


As the graduation season approaches, 31-year-old counselor Zhu Huajie from the School of Art and Design atWuhan Institute of Technology received the best giftyet — over 100 graduating students, out ofthe 389 fromthe 17 classes he had mentored, mentioned him in their thesis acknowledgements. He furtherreceived eight silkbanners, which are typically gifted as a token of appreciation for one’s selfless acts.

学生给朱华杰老师送来锦旗(Silk banner presented to Mr.Zhu by his students)


His Name is Mentioned in Over 100 Thesis Acknowledgments


“My counselor is the best in the world. There are moments I even wonder if he isa superhero.” a student noted. “He has offeredme tremendoushelp and care in my personal life, I wish him all the best and good health.”another student expressed. “From the moment I stepped into the school, you have beena guide, always walking beside me through my formative years” shared a student.Recently, at the undergraduate thesisdefense forthe School of Art and Design atWuhan Institute of Technology, the thesis examiners noticed a recurring namein the acknowledgments of the students' theses —“Mom Zhu”.


In reality, “Mom Zhu”, whose real name is Zhu Huajie, is one of the two counselors who have been with the students for four years. Even as a male counselor, his caring and thoughtful nature has earned him the nickname “Mom Zhu” from students who view him as a motherly figure. Many students remarked, “Whenever I textMr. Zhu, he replies instantly. Whenever I encounter problems and need someone to talk to, Mr. Zhu is always a good listener.” This is how the nickname “Mom Zhu” has spread among students.


Zhu Huajie also stuck by his students up until the final preparatory stages of their graduation projects. During the week of setting up the graduation exhibition, Mr. Zhu always carried a set of keys to the multiple doors in the exhibition hall. Zhu, in addition to managing his daily tasks, accompanied his students as they completed their projects. He said: “Since I have the keys, students can ask me to open the door and work on their projects at anytime. With the keys in my hands, their projects are guaranteed full safety as well.”


The day beforethe opening ceremony of the graduation exhibition, a few students who neededto modify their works in the hall overnight wereoverwhelmed and anxious. Zhu Huajie stayedwith these students in the exhibition hall,encouragingthem until 3:00 a.m. For the students, such companionship has been a common theme during their four years in university.


One night in early July 2023, a time when Wuhan typically experiences unbearably high temperatures, there waspower outagein the student dormitory. Numerousstudentsunder Zhu’s care had stayed behind for the summer vacation to prepare for their postgraduate entrance examination.Zhu Huajie, fearing the heat would interfere with their sleep,immediately informed the students to take theirbelongingsandblankets, and sleep in the conference room of School of Art and Design. He furtherprepared mosquito-repellent for the students.


That night, Zhu Huajie sat in his office all nightto ensure the absolute safety of the students. “Mom Zhu’s” most admirable quality is the great sense of security he offers to students under his care.


Sponsoringscholarshipsout of pocket


At the beginning of 2022, Zhu Huajie decided to establish theacademic progress scholarship for his students. Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, was trending at that time. Students worriedpurchasing a figurine of the mascot was a long shot. So, Zhu Huajie ordered a Bing Dwen Dwenfigurineonline and promised to award it to the student who could make progress in studies.


“There are otherscholarships offered by the school, targeted mainly towards students with outstandinggrades or who are struggling financially. But I hope that by rewarding students through my own means, I can motivatestudents who work hard and makesignificant progress in their studies.” Zhu said he plans to award prizes every semester to the most improved student in each class, paying 10,200 yuan out of his own pocket for each of the 17 classes.After awarding each prize, Zhu Huajie reviewstheirresult transcript to assess the challenges the student faced, before creating a plan for the next phase of their studies.

17名同学喜获“辅导员”奖学金(17 Students awarded with the scholarship sponsored by Mr. Zhu)


Leng Peiyang, a student from Class 1 of New Media Advertising Major, said excitedly after receiving the award,“I will redouble my efforts and study harderin the future to live up to Mr. Zhu’s trust.” Yan Zhimei, a graduatingstudent majoring in visual communication, addedthat during the CET-4 and CET-6(College English test) exam period, Mr. Zhu would prepare snacks outside the exam room to cheer everyone up,so much so it drew the envious eyes of students inother schools.


“A teacher’s kindness endures a lifetime” “A teacher and friend, a model toteachersin modern times”“The world’s best instructor”... Zhu Huajie was showered with silk banners bearing words of appreciation from hisstudentswhentaking thegraduation group photo. Graduatingstudent Yan Zhimei said:“There are many opportunities for students to get honors and awardsbut nonefor Mr. Zhu, who has wholeheartedlyaccompanied us for four years. I just did not expect many of the other students to had the same idea in mind, we all hope to appreciate his efforts on our behalf!”


Each of thesebanners washung by ZhuHuajie in his office.He revealed that whenever he received cards and greetings from students, he would secretly shed tears, “They are my first batch of students to graduate. We have experienced a lot together, and now some of them have found a good job, some have been admitted as postgraduatestudents, and some are still working hard. As a counselor, I am thrilledfor their achievements yetvery reluctant to say goodbye.”

朱华杰与学生在一起(Photo of Mr. Zhu and his students)


