Amazing China Colorful Jingchu:Ezhou Huahu International Airport Launches its First Air Freight Rout


Ezhou Huahu International Airport Launches its First Air Freight Route to Manila

鄂州至马尼拉国际货运首航仪式现场(摄影:极目新闻记者赵德龙)【The launch of the firstflightfrom Ezhou to Manila.(Photographer: JIMU News Reporter Zhao Delong)】

极目新闻记者 赵德龙

通讯员 王星予

翻译 姚晨 孙静怡 严佳薇 (湖北大学)

JIMU News Reporter: Zhao Delong

Correspondent: Wang Xingyu

Translators: YaoChen, SunJingyi, YanJiawei (Hubei University)

6月29日晚10时25分,一架波音737- 800F全货机,满载22吨出口货物,从鄂州花湖国际机场起飞,飞往菲律宾首都城市马尼拉。此趟航班的起飞,标志着鄂州至马尼拉定班国际货运航线成功首航,这是花湖机场开通的第20条国际货运航线。

At 10:25 pmonJune 29th, a Boeing 737-800F cargo plane, loadedwith22 tons of export cargo, made its first flight from Ezhou Huahu International Airport toManila, capital cityofthe Philippines, indicating the airport’s successful launch of the 20th international freight route.

当晚9时许,鄂州花湖机场302R机位,中州航空的一架波音737—800F全货机停在场地中央, 机场工作人员冒着小雨往飞机上装货。“飞机前下腹舱高度仅一米多。”机场物流工作人员说,码货的师傅必须弯着腰工作,非常辛苦。

At around 9 pm that evening, the Boeing 737-800F cargo planeofCentral Airlines was parked at the center of the parking stand302R. Despite the light rain, airport staff were loading cargo onto the aircraft. “The height of the lower cargo compartment of the plane is just over one meter,” said oneairport logistics staff, noting that cargo handlers had to bend over, making the work physically demanding.


The first flight alongthis route was set to export cross-border e-commerce goods, electronic products, general cargo, crayfish and other goods, mainly from Hubei and surrounding areas. While promoting the “Return of Hubei goods to Hubei” initiative, it also has attractedtransshipment goods from East China, South China and other regions, effectively expanding the coverage of Hubei's cross-border logistics network and providing a more efficient air passage for economic and trade exchanges between China and the Philippines.


Accordingto the flight schedule, the Ezhou- Manila route operates five regular flights weekly,providing 220 tons of air transportation capacity. The transported goods primarily include cross-border e-commerce items and seafood.

本次定班货运航线由翼飞(广州)航空服务有限公司承运,国内全货机运营商中州航空执飞。中州航空具备国际航空货运运行资质、危险品航空货运资质,目前投入运行B737F列飞机8架、B777F 飞机2架,货运总量超20万吨。后续,中州航空计划新开、加密鄂州往返东南亚及日韩航线,有助于加强湖北乃至华中地区和东南亚各国的经贸往来。

This scheduled cargo route is operated by Efly (Guangzhou) Airlines Service Co., Ltd., with domestic all-cargo carrier CentralAirlines flying the routes. CentralAirlines holds qualifications for international air cargo operations and the transport of dangerous goods by air. Currently, it has put into operation 8 B737F aircraft and 2 B777F aircraft, with a total cargo volume of over 200,000 tons. Subsequently, it plans to open and increase the numberof flights between Ezhou and Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, whichwill strengthen economic and trade exchanges between Hubei, Central China and countries in Southeast Asia.

继去年开通10条国际货运航线,今年上半年,鄂州花湖机场陆续开通飞往俄罗斯莫斯科,美国芝加哥、迈阿密,韩国仁川,匈牙利布达佩斯,埃塞俄比亚的斯亚贝巴等10条新的国际货运航线和6条国内货运航线,提前完成年度航线开通目标。一张由鄂州辐射亚洲、 欧洲、美洲、非洲的国际航空货运航线网络正加速织密,花湖机场航线通达性、设施完备性、集疏便捷性不断提升,吸引越来越多的进出口货物在花湖机场集散转运,推动花湖机场航空运力不断释放,为湖北加快建设国内大循环重要节点和国内国际双循环重要枢纽提供有力支持。

Following the opening of 10 international cargo routes last year, Ezhou Huahu Airport successively launched 10 new international cargo routes to Moscow, Russia; Chicago and Miami, USA; Incheon, South Korea; Budapest, Hungary; and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, as well as 6 new domestic cargo routesin the first half of this year, hitting its annual target for route openings in advance. A network of international air cargo routes radiating from Ezhou to Asia, Europe, the Americasand Africa is rapidly expanding. The route’sconnectivity, and continuous improvements of the facilities and efficiency atHuahu Airport, has been a huge incentive in the increasing volumes of import and export goods for distribution and transshipment. This has continuously unlocked the aviation capacity at Huahu Airport, providing strong support for accelerating the construction of key nodes in Hubei’s domestic circulation and important hubs in domestic and international dual circulation.


