
观音菩萨在大乘佛教中被认为是西方极 乐世界教主阿弥陀佛的意念之子。是阿弥陀佛座下的上首菩萨。同大势至菩萨同为阿弥陀佛身边胁侍菩萨,与阿弥陀佛并称“西方三圣”。在国人心目中,她与释迦牟尼佛的关系似乎更为密切,在《西游记》俨然是释迦牟尼佛的代言人。她是中国人最喜欢的佛教偶像之一。

In Mahayana Buddhism, Guanyin Bodhisattva is regarded as the son of the idea of Amitabha Buddha, the leader of the western paradise world. It is the first bodhisattva under the seat of Amitabha Buddha. Dashizhi Bodhisattva is a bodhisattva beside Amitabha, and he and Amitabha are called the "Three Sages in the West". In the eyes of Chinese people, she seems to have a closer relationship with Shakyamuni Buddha, and is the spokesperson of Shakyamuni Buddha in Journey to the West. She is one of the most beloved Buddhist idols in China.


Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, full title is "great mercy save suffering save Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva." Other names are Bodhisattva of Salvation, Bodhisattva of Lotus Hand, and Great Master of Yuantong. Because avoid Tang Taizong Li Shimin taboo, omit the word "world", referred to as "Guanyin". The name Avalokitesvara contains Bodhisattva's meritfulness and thought of helping the world with great compassion.


Guanyin is one of the most common themes in jade carving, because the Chinese people believe that Guanyin has the ability to save the suffering and bless people's peace, so they also like to wear jade ornaments made into the image of Guanyin.


This jade Guanyin pendant, fine germplasm, elegant color, carver qiao color carved on the Buddhist music scene. Warm light such as smoke, smoke curling in the air, spirit branches show leaves swaying, the rustle of flying petal dance breeze, guanyin knot game sitting on the lotus, serene face, carefree manner, clothes lightly lightly as when the wind, elegant attitude. Pendant carving meticulous, generous size, wear bless peace. It has a very high collection value.
