现代快报讯(记者 卢河燕)为了让在苏外国友人及时了解最新疫情发展情况,江苏省外办联合现代快报,在中文疫情通报的基础上,推出英语、日语和韩语三个语种的疫情通报。今日通报如下:
2 月 7 日 0-24 时,江苏无新增确诊病例。截至 2 月 7 日 24 时,全省累计报告确诊病例 701 例(其中境外输入 70 例),除 14 例境外输入确诊病例在定点医院隔离治疗外,其余均已出院。当日无新增无症状感染者,解除集中隔离和医学管理 2 例。截至 2 月 7 日 24 时,正在集中隔离和医学管理的无症状感染者 8 例。目前,全省追踪到确诊病例和无症状感染者的密切接触者 17463 人,已解除医学观察 17084 人,尚有 379 人正在接受医学观察。
最新疫情风险等级提醒 全国有 9 个高风险地区,34 个中风险地区:高风险地区(9 个):黑龙江省绥化市(3 个):望奎县,海伦市永富镇东大村、永富镇众发村。黑龙江省哈尔滨市(4 个):利民开发区裕田街道、利民街道,呼兰区兰河街道、呼兰街道。吉林省通化市(1 个):东昌区。北京市(1 个):大兴区天宫院街道融汇社区。中风险地区(34 个):黑龙江省哈尔滨市(18 个):香坊区新成街道,呼兰区公园路街道、建设路街道、萧乡街道、长岭街道、孟家乡,利民开发区裕强街道、南京路街道、利业街道、乐业镇,道里区建国街道、抚顺街道、新阳路街道、新华街道,道外区巨源镇、新一街道、永源镇,南岗区和兴路街道(原清滨街道部分,含仪兴社区、电表社区、建文社区、福尚社区、清滨社区)。黑龙江省绥化市(12 个):安达市金税小区、华庭二期小区、审计局家属楼小区、工商银行家属楼小区(含工商银行办公区),海伦市永富镇思源村、永富镇同发村、丰山乡丰庆村、丰山乡丰山村、丰山乡丰荣村、福民乡永兴村、伦河镇锦秀嘉园小区,北林区世福汇。河北省石家庄市(1 个):藁城区。河北省保定市(1 个):定州市西城区庞白土新民居北区。吉林省长春市(1 个):公主岭市范家屯镇。上海市(1 个):浦东新区高东镇新高苑一期小区。境外(除澳门为低风险外)仍全部为高风险地区。
一、合理安排出行,主动配合查验。原则上不前往疫情中高风险地区。入境来苏人员及境内中高风险地区旅居来苏人员,主动申请和使用 " 苏康码 " 进行健康状况申报,并向社区或单位报告,配合开展隔离医学观察和新冠病毒核酸检测。
二、减少不必要的聚集。聚会聚餐控制在 10 人以下,用餐使用公筷公勺。有发热、咳嗽等症状的人员,应避免参加聚集性活动。
三、保持健康习惯,自觉做好防护。乘坐电梯、公共交通工具及出入农贸市场、超市商场等人员聚集场所时,需全程佩戴口罩。公共场所注意保持 " 一米线 " 社交距离,缩短停留时间。注意勤洗手,咳嗽、打喷嚏时用肘袖遮掩口鼻。加强室内通风消毒,保持空气流通。
五、一旦出现发热、干咳、乏力等症状,应立即到就近的发热门诊就诊,并主动告知 14 天活动轨迹及接触史。就医途中全程佩戴口罩,避免乘坐公共交通工具。
February 8 Update: No New Confirmed Case Reported in Jiangsu
Between 00:00 and 24:00, February 7, no new confirmed case of Covid-19 was reported in Jiangsu. As of 24:00 of the day, 701 confirmed cases ( including 70 imported ones ) have been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively, and all have been discharged from hospitals except 14 imported cases, which were still under isolated treatment at designated hospitals. On February 7, no new asymptomatic case was reported in Jiangsu and two such cases were released from medical supervision. As of 24:00 of the day, eight asymptomatic cases were under medical supervision in isolation at designated hospitals. So far, 17,463 close contacts with confirmed cases and asymptomatic carriers have been traced in Jiangsu, 17,084 of whom have been discharged and 379 are still under medical observation.
The latest update on Covid-19 risk levels: There were nine high-risk areas and 34 medium-risk areas across the Chinese mainland.
High-risk areas ( 9 ) : Suihua, Heilongjiang Province ( 3 ) : Wangkui County; Dongda Village and Zhongfa Village of Yongfu Town, Hailun City.
Harbin, Heilongjiang Province ( 4 ) : Yutian Subdistrict and Limin Subdistrict of Limin Development Zone; Lanhe Subdistrict and Hulan Subdistrict of Hulan District.
Tonghua, Jilin Province ( 1 ) : Dongchang District.
Beijing ( 1 ) : Daxing District: Ronghui Community of Tiangongyuan Subdistrict.
Medium-risk areas ( 34 ) : Harbin, Heilongjiang Province ( 18 ) : Xiangfang District: Xincheng Subdistrict. Hulan District: Gongyuanlu Subdistrict, Jianshelu Subdistrict, Xiaoxiang Subdistrict, Changling Subdistrict and Mengjiaxiang Township. Limin Development Zone: Yuqiang Subdistrict, Nanjinglu Subdistrict, Liye Subdistrict and Leye Town. Daoli District: Jianguo Subdistrict, Fushun Subdistrict, Xinyanglu Subdistrict and Xinhua Subdistrict. Daowai District: Juyuan Town, Xinyi Subdistrict and Yongyuan Town. Hexinglu Subdistrict of Nangang District ( used to be part of Qingbin Subdistrict, including Yixing Community, Dianbiao Community, Jianwen Community, Fushang Community, and Qingbin Community ) .
Suihua, Heilongjiang Province ( 12 ) : Anda City: Jinshui Community, Huating Phase Ⅱ Community, residence of Audit Bureau, residence of ICBC ( including ICBC office ) . Hailun City: Siyuan Village and Tongfa Village, Yongfu Town; Fengqing Village, Fengshan Village and Fengrong Village, Fengshan Township; Yongxing Village, Fumin Township; Jinxiujiayuan Community, Lunhe Town; Shifuhui, Beilin District.
Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province ( 1 ) : Gaocheng District.
Baoding, Hebei Province ( 1 ) North Section of the new residential area of Pangbaitu Community, Xicheng District, Dingzhou City.
Changchun, Jilin Province ( 1 ) Fanjiatun Town, Gongzhuling City.
Shanghai ( 1 ) : Pudong New Area: Xingaoyuan Phase I Community, Gaodong Town.
All regions outside the Chinese mainland ( except Macao, which was at low risk level ) remained high-risk areas.
Experts note that: Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health. Recent days have seen outbreaks of the virus and some sporadic cases in many localities at home, which means we cannot loosen our efforts in preventing and controlling Covid-19. We need to continue with personal health measures, keep a close eye on the update on Covid-19 risk level, and remain alert with tight precautions. 1. Manage your travel properly and show the health code as required. Avoid unnecessary trips to regions with medium or high risks of the pandemic. Make sure you are well aware of the prevention and control requirements of your destination and ensure personal protection if you have to go to those regions. Keep your tickets in case of itinerary check and conduct regular health monitoring in your trip. Those coming to Jiangsu from outside the Chinese mainland or from medium or high-risk domestic areas should use Jiangsu Health Code to declare health conditions and inform their community or employer upon arrival in Jiangsu and cooperate in conducting medical quarantine in designated facilities and Covid-19 nucleic acid tests. 2. Avoid unnecessary travels or gatherings. It is advised that one should spend Spring Festival in their current place or avoid the peak time when returning home. The number of people for a group gathering should be less than ten and serving chopsticks and spoons should be used in dining. People with symptoms such as fever or cough should not participate in group activities. 3. Maintain good habits for health, and take preventive measures. Keep the mask on when taking the elevator and public transport and when going to crowded places such as farm produce markets, supermarkets and shopping malls. Practice social distancing by keeping a one-meter distance with others and shorten the length of stay in public places. Cover your nose and mouth with your elbow when coughing or sneezing. Ventilate rooms and wash your hands regularly. 4. Develop healthy eating habits, choose standard supermarkets or markets when purchasing cold chain products, and avoid touching them directly with your hands. Separate cutting boards, knives and tableware while storing and preparing food and wash them soon after use. Thoroughly cook meat, eggs, and seafood before eating. 5. Seek medical treatment at a nearby fever clinic as soon as possible when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and fatigue show and inform medical staff of your whereabouts and contact history over the previous 14 days. Keep the mask on and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment.
2 月 7 日付け江蘇省で新型コロナウイルス肺炎新規確定感染者がゼロ
2 月 7 日 0 時から24 時までの間、江蘇省で新型コロナウイルス肺炎 ( COVID-19 ) 新規確定感染者がゼロである。2 月 7 日 24 時現在、江蘇省では確定感染者数は累計 701 人(そのうち海外からの入国感染者が70 人)、指定病院で隔離治療を受けている海外からの入国感染者の14 人を除いて、すべての感染者はすでに退院したという。
当日新規の無症状の感染者がゼロで、2 人が集中隔離と医学的管理から解除された。2 月 7 日 24 時現在、集中隔離と医学的管理を受けている無症状の感染者は8 人となるという。
これまで江蘇省では確定感染者・無症状の感染者との濃厚接触者が17463 人と確認されたうち、17084 人が医学的観察から解除された一方、379 人が医学的観察を受けているところだという。
ハイリスク地域(9つ):黑龍江省綏化市(3つ):望奎県;海倫市永富鎮東大村、永富鎮衆発村。黑龍江省ハルビン市(4つ):利民開発区裕田街道、利民街道、呼蘭区蘭河街道、呼蘭街道。吉林省通化市 ( 1つ ) :東昌区。北京市 ( 1つ ) :大興区天宮院街道融匯コミュニティー。
黑龍江省綏化市 ( 12 ) :安達市金税団地、華庭フェーズ2 団地、審計局職員住宅団地、工商銀行職員住宅団地 ( 工商銀行のオフィスも含む ) ;海倫市永富鎮思源村、永富鎮同発村、豊山郷豊慶村、豊山郷豊山村、豊山郷豊栄村、福民郷永興村、倫河鎮錦秀嘉園団地;北林区世福匯。
河北省石家庄市 ( 2つ ) :藁城区。吉林省保定市(1つ):定州市西城区龐白土新民居北区。吉林省長春市 ( 1つ ) :公主嶺市范家屯鎮。上海市(1つ):浦東新区高東鎮新高苑フェーズ1 団地。
一、適正な外出を手配し、検査に協力すること。必須でない限り、感染ミドル・ハイリスクの地域に行かないこと。海外からの入国者そして国内ハイ・ミドルリスク地域への渡航歴があった人は「蘇康コード」に登録して健康状況を申告する上に、自ら所属するコミュニティーか勤務先まで報告し、集中隔離と医学的観察及びPCR 検査に協力すること。
二、不要の集会を控えること。集会・会食の人数を10 人以下に控える上に、取り箸と取りスプーンを使用すること。発熱や咳などの症状がある場合、集会を自粛すべきである。
五、発熱・空咳・倦怠感など異常の症状が出た場合、直ちに最寄りの発熱外来医療機関まで受診するうえに、直近 14 日間の行動の経緯と接触歴を教えること。受診中マスク着用のほか、公共交通機関の利用をなるべく控えること。