

如果当时的“高性能”模式是手机厂商搞出来的幺蛾子的话,那么这个就是手机厂商的问题了。可是现在,SoC供应商直接把当年手机厂商的“作弊”思路直接做到了自己的产品中。没错,现在被抓现行的这个SoC厂商就是联发科。AnandTech在进行Reno3 Pro海外版(搭载联发科Helio P95)的基准测试的时候,联发科P95处理器的PCMark成绩大大超出了这颗处理器本身“该有的性能表现”。然后外媒对比了搭载天玑1000L的版本,发现P95的性能比天玑1000L的还要高。

在联发科的产品线中,P95的定位是要比天玑1000L要低的,基准测试成绩不如天玑1000L才是一个合理的现象。基于上述不合理的情况,外媒就挖出了联发科处理器跑分作弊的事情。联发科在SoC的BSP固件中直接内置了一个power_whitelist_cfg.xml 文件,这个就是一个白名单文件,把目前市面上的基准测试App列了个遍,然后运行测试的时候火力全开甚至“超频”,无视温控,来获得更高的测试成绩。联发科在固件中内置白名单的行为,并非只出现在OPPO的手机当中,外媒还发现在其他使用联发科处理器的产品当中发现了同样的白名单文件。


MediaTek follows accepted industry standards and is confident that benchmarking tests accurately represent the capabilities of our chipsets. We work closely with global device makers when it comes to testing and benchmarking devices powered by our chipsets, but ultimately brands have the flexibility to configure their own devices as they see fit. Many companies design devices to run on the highest possible performance levels when benchmarking tests are running in order to show the full capabilities of the chipset. This reveals what the upper end of performance capabilities are on any given chipset.

Of course, in real world scenarios there are a multitude of factors that will determine how chipsets perform. MediaTek’s chipsets are designed to optimize power and performance to provide the best user experience possible while maximizing battery life. If someone is running a compute-intensive program like a demanding game, the chipset will intelligently adapt to computing patterns to deliver sustained performance. This means that a user will see different levels of performance from different apps as the chipset dynamically manages the CPU, GPU and memory resources according to the power and performance that is required for a great user experience. Additionally, some brands have different types of modes turned on in different regions so device performance can vary based on regional market requirements.

We believe that showcasing the full capabilities of a chipset in benchmarking tests is in line with the practices of other companies and gives consumers an accurate picture of device performance.


