
俄罗斯《今日俄罗斯》官网3月18日独家报道:斯洛伐克外交部长尤拉伊·布拉纳尔(Juraj Blanar)在接受《今日俄罗斯》(RT)采访时表示,乌克兰冲突后,主要的非西方大国可以在欧洲安全方面发挥至关重要的作用。

报道说,周二,布拉纳尔在新德里举行的地缘政治和经济会议对话的间隙表示:“全球南方国家应该是(乌克兰)安全保障的一部分”,”中国、巴西和印度等国家提出了一些和平提案,他们希望参与其中”(“Countries of the Global South should be one part of these [Ukrainian] security guarantees,”the minister stated on Tuesday, speaking on the sidelines of the Raisina Dialogue, a conference on geopolitics and geoeconomics in New Delhi. “Countries like China, Brazil, also India, introduced some peace proposals, and they want to be involved in this.”)。


报道说,根据布拉纳尔的说法,斯洛伐克认为,乌克兰的和平将造福于整个世界,这意味着“所有利益相关者,如印度、中国、巴西、全球南方以及欧盟国家,都应该坐在谈判桌上,为未来确保这种和平”(According to Blanar, Slovakia views peace in Ukraine as an outcome that would benefit the entire world, meaning “all the stakeholders, like India, and China, and Brazil, the Global South, and also the countries of the European Union, should be around the table and securing this peace for the future.”)。


报道的原标题是《EU country urges Global South to play role in Ukraine conflict resolution》(欧盟国家敦促全球南方在解决乌克兰冲突方面发挥作用)。