2019小学英语教师资格证面试:试讲及答辩真题《What would you like to eat?》
What would you like to eat?
1. 题目:What would you like to eat?
2. 内容:
句型:—What would you like to eat?
—I??d like a sandwich,please.
3. 基本要求:
1. 小学阶段的语法教学需要注意什么?
2. 请问你有哪些记忆单词的好方法可以提供给学生?
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I??m No. 1 candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is What would you like to eat?Now I??m ready. Class begins.
Ⅰ. Warming?up and lead?in
T:How is it going,Jenny?What??s your favorite food?Oh,your favorite food is cakes. Why do you like cakes best?
T:The cake is sweet and delicious. Exactly. Who can list some other food which is sweet?Are they Chinese food?
T:We are going to learn some western food.
Ⅱ. Presentation
T:Today is my birthday. I??d like to invite you to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday. What would you like to eat?
T:OK,now look at here,the first is ice?cream. What kind of ice?cream do you like best?I??d like to share with you what I think about this. I like strawberry best. Mike,do you think the same way?
T:Mike likes lemon. That??s interesting. Well,it??s cool to have an ice?cream when we??re thirsty. What would you like when you??re thirsty?Please look at the PPT. A cup of tea would be most acceptable.
T:What do you eat when you??re hungry?You must be familiar with these two words,one is hamburger,the other is sandwich. When we are hungry we usually have a hamburger. But some of us want to keep healthy,so they prefer to have some salad. And there??re many kinds of salad,such as the vegetable salad,the fruit salad and the egg salad.
Ⅲ. Practice
T:Boys and girls,let??s go over the new words in this way. Look at the projection exercise. Please find the missing letters in the words of food. And then please tell us the English name of foods according to what you see.
T:Let??s see what the correct answers are.
T:Now it??s time for our competition. Do you want to have a drawing competition?We have two piles of cards on the desk and all of you are divided into two groups. OK,after I say “go”,a person of each group comes to the front,picks a card and draws the food. The rest of the group should guess what it is. The group that guesses all the foods in the shortest time wins the game. Do you catch the meaning?OK,let??s get started!
Ⅳ. Production
T:Look at the papers. There are foods and drinks on them. We can use them as a menu. I act the waiter in a restaurant. When the guest comes in,I would ask him what he would like. If the guest wants to have a cup of tea,he will say I??d like a cup of tea. Tom,could you act the part of the guest?We??ll make a dialogue. What would you like to eat?
T:Very good. What would you like to drink?
T:Now make a dialogue with your partner. Who can show it to the class?Any volunteers?
T:Well?done!Let??s give them a big hand!I??d like another group to act it out again.
Ⅴ. Summary and homework
T:Today we??ve learned the new words ice?cream,tea,hamburger,sandwich,salad. What else?Yes,the dialogue. What would you like to eat?I??d like a ...,please.
T:After class,teach your parents the knowledge you??ve learned and ask them what they like to eat. Make a table,with Chinese food in one line,the western food in the other line. Try to write as much food as possible. Remember to do your homework and hand it in tomorrow morning.
T:There??s the bell. See you next week.
Blackboard design:
[What would you like to eat?
hamburger —What would you like to eat?
sandwich —I??d like a...,please.
That??s my presentation. Thanks for your listening.
1. 小学英语语法教学要培养学生基本的语法意识,同时还必须培养学生的语法应用能力。语法教学是相对比较枯燥的,作为小学英语教师,在语法课的教学当中时刻注意抓住学生的注意力,让学生在参与贴近现实生活的交际任务中或真实的语境中,感知语法、理解语法并应用语法。教师只要注意授课的形式多与实物结合,抓住学生的兴趣点,布置任务或创设情境让学生多进行练习,则会产生意想不到的效果。
2. 词汇学习要根据遗忘规律,科学、合理地记忆词汇,避免学生死记硬背。词汇记忆策略包括联想记忆、谐音记忆和利用卡片进行记忆。首先联想记忆是因为小学生对形象直观的事物比较感兴趣,把单词联想成生活中常见的一些事物能帮助学生记忆,如记忆单词tree时可以把tr看成树干和树枝,把ee看成树叶。其次谐音记忆也可以帮助学生快速地记住单词,如pest是害虫,一想到害虫我们都想到拍死它,这个谐音和单词的读音很像。卡片记忆法是将单词整理或写在卡片上,可供随时翻阅并加以记忆。这种方法的特点是简单实用并易于携带,不受时间和空间的限制,可随时随地进行复习巩固。