
New Year’s Resolution(新年新愿),一直是盛行英国每年不变的传统。大家习惯在新年来临之际回望过去,并许下期待在新年里达成的目标、要培养的习惯、或者要打破的框框套套,通过这些新愿砥砺自己努力前行,而这也映射出典型的富于传统文化精神的不列颠人——目光灼灼、步履稳健、含蓄内敛却同时又幽默、轻松!

身在异国,即入境随俗,我们亦向铂会学子们征集他们2020的New Year‘s Resolution,请他们写下各自对2019年的回顾以及对2020年的展望。尽管孩子们彼时正在各地与家人欢度冬季圣诞假期,但仍是以一贯高效的特点——在要求的截稿时间内悉数传回。有的洋洋洒洒、有的诗性大发、有的以图像构思,以或真诚、或睿智、或幽默、或深刻、或调侃、或平实等等不同形貌的文思呈现了他们对2019的回望和对2020的期待!而几位刚赴英国学习方一个学期的孩子,亦坚持用英语行文完成他们的思考。


两周前,英国女王伊莉莎白二世在圣诞致词上说了几句特别值得铭记的话,“Giant leaps often start with small steps ….. And, as we all look forward to the start of a new decade, it's worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”(不积跬步,无以至千里。当我们都期待下一个10年时,我们要相信,最终能改变一切的,往往是我们前行的小步履,而不是巨大的飞跃。)





14岁 写于上海(备考14+)







11岁 写于重庆 (就读7年级)




17岁 写于东京(就读A1年级)

My New year resolution for 2020 is that I hope when that day comes, I can represent the person I want to be, a better person, a stronger-mind.


As for some specific aspects, for example to keep up with the effort in photography and in other subjects, i hope in the coming 2020, this new year resolution doesn't be a problem anymore, but a habit. It is not a subject that I should endeavor to elaborate, but a part of my daily life. It is a solid stem from which a handful of other possibilities can evolve and fructify.



17岁 写于重庆(就读A2年级)

2019 is a really precious year. I have Started my A2 year, and simultaneously start my university application.


I always consider my experiences as a road. When you are traveling on the road you will meet difficult moments ,harsh moments, miserable time and suddenly you find the sunlight and finally you will know where you goona go and will you wanna go.


In 2020, I need to read more books to enhance my specific skills and preparing for my university.


Secondly, I need to spend time more efficient and making short-term goal.


Thirdly I need to make revision plans for my upcoming A-Level exam.


However, I really cherish everyone that has encouraged me in 2019, and I hope I will do better in 2020.



10岁 写于上海 (就读5年级)

2019 is a year of harvest for me, because l went to England, studied and had lessons there. Although it’s my first time studying in England but l have got on with all my classmates and teachers very well since the very beginning of the school term started in September.


In 2020, it is a new year, I hope l will be doing even better at school that to study more and learn more. I will do more interesting sports and games and I believe that through all of these activities I will improve myself more and work harder at Eaton Square School. Plus I hope that I will be able to read not less than 30 books in the new year.



12岁 写于深圳 (就读7年级)

Let talk about 2019 first. I know I've made lots of mistakes, but while I made a mistake, I also grew. Mistakes brought comprehension.


I'm very happy to join Belmore to learn, to read, to have fun together.


My best wish for 2020 is that I am able to enter xxxx School, to learn more broadly. Top schools are much harder than others to get in it, so I must try my best. My dad always says that on matter what the result will be, you must show us that you have tried the best. His words are memorized clearly in my mind.


Now my English is getting better and better. It’s just like I'm climbing the stairs, and I won't stay at this point forever. I will move up step by step, to catch up with others, up till the highest step!



12岁 写于深圳 (就读7年级)

Fear of time does not prevent the live, it only prevents the growth. Throughout this year, various events have arisen in my duration here studying at the Belmore education. From this past year of experience, I have changed in a lot of ways, whether it’s my personality of matureness, or in my own advance of study compared to the previous year. 2019 is ending no hesitate, the last two days is passing by like a rapid creek, streaming down into the hearts of us as if a stopwatch was employed. There are a large amount of lost and regret that could’ve been studied better, similarly, there were a lot of remarkable and astonishing moments that have given us delight.


This year, I have grown a lot throughout my time. Moreover, I am very proud of myself for various of things I have achieved which I would never think of accomplishing from the year before. In 2019, I found my biggest attainment was passing the entrance exams for my applied schools. The success of these schools was obtained by accumulating more knowledge and experiences over time, and among this, I have learnt many valuable skills that gives me the courage to face the challenges ahead in different situation.


Another thing I have gained is dealing with the new setting around me. At the start of this year, I went to a weekly boarding school to try and adjust to a new condition I am unfamiliar with. It was a very tough time at first, very different to the life I was enjoying at home. I had to do everything by myself, to become very independent and not rely on anyone. Boarding wasn’t easy at all, but it had taught me a great deal of things that I would find very difficult in future. To be independent isn’t a effortless thing to complete, because there are many times where I would want to rely on someone. However, to learn the skill of becoming independent and to not need anyone than myself, is something very useful to me.


For the new me in 2020, I my biggest goal to achieve is to get past the entrance exam into a school of my wish. I believe through this experience in 2019, I will know better of what to expect from myself and to improve upon. On the other hand, I hope in 2020 I will have more time to visits my best friends and elders that are in China. To have more time of communication and visiting even though I am in a different country, away from them! Also, to have a happy 2020!!!



12岁 写于深圳 (就读7年级)

In my 2019, I really regret messing up some of my tests because I know I am capable and I have the ability to do much better. It is just a repeat of a small mistake. Despite it is a small mistake, it can cause immense consequences just like a snowball rolling down the hill. As the snowball speeds down the hill, it gets larger and larger by picking up small pieces of snow. As a result, it becomes a colossal snowball. A small mistake, little by little, forms and adds up to a tremendous mistake. Just like the saying “ a single spark can start a prairie of fire. ”

在2019年,我很后悔搞砸了一些考试,因为我知道我有能力,我可以考得更好。尽管这是一个小错误,但它会造成巨大的后果,就像雪球从山上滚下来一样——当雪球从山上滚下来时,它一路“吸收”小雪块,越滚越大,结果最终变成了一个巨大的雪球。一个小错误,一点一点地,形成了一个巨大的错误,就像俗话说的 “星星之火,可以燎原”。”

In future 2020, my goal is to improve on everything, it doesn’t matter how much I improve, the thing that matters the most is trying my best to improve. I want to promote my grade on a variety of different subjects, and I will try my best to do so. In a word, the time goes by and there’s no way of going back. If you made any mistakes, learn from it, forget about it, and look forward to the better future!



9岁 写于上海 (就读4年级)

2019 has passed. 2019 was a very challenging but happy year because I become a overseas student ! I said bye to my Chinese firends, and said hello to new British friends. They don't look similar to me but it doesn't matter because we are in one classroom.


I hope that I can get more A in the exams. I will read more books, no matter they are Chinese or English. I will just read more!


I will continue studying Math and Science, and I want to get more certificates. I wish that 2020 will give me more support!



14岁 写于重庆 (就读9年级)








13岁 写于重庆(就读9年级)

In thepast year, it's been happening lots of things for me? therefore, I wouldgenerate a few things here: achievements, growth, the progress, as well as theregret and the parts I need improve, the change in my life. Personally, there’ssome huge things changed and made a great impact on me, not just the influenceto my study, also to my family and friends. However, I've learned some veryimportant stuffs through the year, as well had some experiences pass the year,whether they make me feel good or bad. Certainly, I would say this is the mostsignificant year in my life, strong feelings in it, frustration, excitement,grievance, sense of lost, happiness..........all fresh, all new.


First,I had finish the term of study in my first school— Rye St. Antony, I actuallyreally get into this small and warm place, I made good friends there and metgreat teachers. Anyway, I had finish my end of term exam in this year summer,and the results is quiet pleasant for a foreign girl which only stay there forone term, but I believe the grades will getting better and better next year. Atthe end, when I finally left the school, the departure of my first school givesme a strong feeling of upset and a bit reluctant to leave............

首先,我完成了在第一所学校——Rye St. Antony中学的学习。我好喜欢这个温暖的小镇,不仅交到了好友,还遇到了很棒的老师。今夏我完成了期末考,对于一个只在那里待了一个学期的外国女孩来说,成绩算是相当不错的,但我深信明年的成绩会越来越好。挥别学校时,我感受到离情依依和强烈的不安感,实在舍不得呀。

Afterwards,I began my summertime which start in Oxford and end up in China. In thebeginning, I’d been having classes for everyday(not include weekend), and afterthis long month of learning time, my English and other parts had been highlyimproved, achieved a good level in all of them. In the second month, I attendedthe summer camp in Tombridge, in there, I had improved my speech skills,debating skills and drama skills, importantly, niv English got much better inthe camp which I expanded my vocabulary. Also, I had during a memorable timethere, there was many new people and new situations. Overall, I gained a lot ofstuff, new friends, new skills, new words.


In addition, some new people stepped intomy life. This year I met two new mates in Belmore, they are Jin and Helen, theyare all older than me, well,they both are kind and enthusiasm to me.Most importantly, a new member of my family has be born in July! I le s mylittle brother, he is very big and has a good appetite, even he is only a fewmonth, itJs a really exciting new for me, because his birth means I am notalone anymore; but for that, my family have put more attention to home rightnow.


After the hot summer, I welcome the coldwinter's coining. I move to a new school called Queenswood in September, this schoolis probably the one I’m going to stay till sixth form. When I first step intothis place, I had a feeling of resonance to the school, I realized Tm reallyput into this place, the atmosphere of the school, the environment, thebuildings; therefore, I decide to become a part of the school, to do myselfwell, and achieve a good grades. Now I am familiar with the school, every part,the teachers, the students, their food, every subjects, as well, I am notlonely in the school, friends around me, so definitely, I am happy in theschool. One thing changed from Rye St Antony, I'm a full boarder now, I havemore time spend in the school, so I attend many activities in the weekend,travel around UK, I’ve been to quite a lot museums in London, and go to shopping,anyway, I had a great time in Queenswood In my first term. Furthermore, I gotmy reports from my teachers in Christmas, generally, I could do better than theactual reports, my math is good, except this, the other subjects need moreeffort and practice, I will keep going next term and improve those subjectswhich get B or below.


In 2020, I wishmy art scholarship will successfully pass, and my art skills will be improved. Finally, I hope I can find thething I'm really interested in, and start thinking about my future.



15岁 写于牛津 (就读10年级)



10岁 写于香港 (就读5年级)

My new year resolution is trying to pay more attention in the classes, and be more confident in rugby, and not be scared by being tackled.


In 2019 I was not confident on playing with other kids and making new friends. I always took a while to try to make new friends. This year I will try my best to turn the negative things to be positive things.


My math got a bit improved from February 2019 when I first joint Belmore. And I think this year will be my best year of my life. I think I’ll improve a lot in football, math and rugby... Paying attention in classes is the important one for sure.



12岁 写于牛津 (备考13+)



11岁 写于牛津 (备考12+)

