Heroes come from the people:Zodiac Stamps:A Symbol of China for a Global Audience


Zodiac Stamps: A Symbol of China for a Global Audience

极目新闻记者 陈凌燕

翻译 陈天一 何凌寒 卫拉(湖北大学)

Jimu News Reporter:Chen Lingyan

Translators: Chen Tianyi, He Linghan, Lisa M.K(Hubei University)



潘虎,1973年生于湖北武汉,1996年毕业于中央工艺美术学院(现清华大学美术学院)。他是当下最具有热度和影响力的设计师,也是刚刚首发的中国邮政2025生肖蛇年邮票设计者;他是潘虎设计实验室首席设计师,担任英国D&AD包装设计类评委会主席、深圳市插画协会副会长;他也是联合国邮政署签约艺术家、宝格丽BVLGARI 联名艺术家。我们能看到的现象级的瑞幸酱香拿铁、青岛白啤、时尚集团等品牌的包装设计均出自他手。

Pan Hu, one of the most influential and celebrated contemporary designers, wasborn in Wuhan, Hubei Province in 1973and later graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Design(nownamedthe Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University) in 1996. Better known as Tiger Pan, he is the designer behindChina Post’s newly released Chinese zodiac themed stamps for the upcoming Year of the Snake in 2025,the Chief Designer of Tiger Pan Packaging DesignLab, D&AD Awards’ Packaging Design Jury President, and Vice President of the Shenzhen Illustration Association. Panis also a contracted artist for the United Nations Postal Administration and a co-brandedartist for BVLGARI. Remarkable designs of leading enterprises, such as Luckin Coffee’s viral Moutai-flavored Latte, Tsingtao White Beer, and Trends Group, are all the works ofTiger Pan.


潘虎在工作中(受访者供图)【Pan Hu at work(Courtesy of interviewee)】




On October 30th, China Post issued the design draft for the zodiac themed stamps for the Year of the Yisi,or the Year of the Snake.The stamps, designed by Tiger Pan and Zhang Wang, are inspired by Dunhuang murals and traditional folklore. They ingeniouslycombine the image of the snake with auspicious symbolism, which not only showcases the charm of the zodiac culture but also embodies the plain yet agile wisdom of the people. Recently, a reporter from Jimu News interviewed Pan tolearn aboutthe story behind the design and his experienceas a designer.


Zodiac Stamps: A Balance Between Culture and Aesthetics


Jimu News:The stamps for the Year of the Snake you designed for China Post are both adorable and aesthetically pleasing. Could you share the design process with us?


Pan Hu: The snake is a unique creature, and different people have different sentimentsand understandingabout it. So, designing stamps for the Year of the Snake is quite a challenge. The difficulty lies in striking a balance between itscharacteristicsand aesthetics, while also ensuring it is generally appealing. After all, the audience will be 1.4 billion people in China, if 1% of them dislike it, that is a huge proportionof people who will be dissatisfied. As one of the contributors, I am fortunate to collaborate with Mr. Zhang Wang on the design of stamps for the Year of the Snake. What made me even happier is that the feedback has beenoverwhelmingly positive following the release of the stamp design.


Jimu News:You have also designed several zodiac stamps for the United Nations, and recentlyyou designed a stamp for the Year of the Snakefor Liechtenstein, combiningthe snake with Mahjong, which is equally very impressive.


Pan Hu:All Chinese zodiac themed postage stamps are based on the Chinese zodiac, and while they embrace Chinesecharacteristics,they also appeal to the world at large. Liechtenstein, dubbed the ‘Kingdom of Stamps’,is renowned for its profound stamp culture. Whether in the professional language of stamps or the richness of creativity, designers have a great freedom to fully express themselves. The snake holds different connotationsacross various cultures, so when designing stamps for the Year of the Snake for Liechtenstein, I focused on integrating these diverse interpretationsof the snake.


Mahjongis quintessential Chinese culture, which can be interpreted as ‘seeking orderout of chaos’. At present, we are living in rather tumultuous times, with some aspects of our lives more complicated and intertwined than ever. This calls for the collective effort of all humanity as we seek for a better way to coexist. Therefore, I decidedto integrate the features ofMahjonginto the design of the stamp. As for why I chose the ‘BambooEight’ tile, it is a highly recognizabletile in Mahjongand its pattern is naturally well-proportioned.


Jimu News:How would you ratethe design of the ‘Year of the Snake’ stamp?


Pan Hu: 88, I suppose. I usually score my work an 88 out of 100 when I am satisfied with it. During the 30 years of my career, as time goes by, I tend to have all sorts of regrets whenever I look back, but that is just a part and parcel of pursuing design.


列支敦士登2025蛇年邮票图稿(The design for Liechtenstein’s2025 Year of the Snake postage stamps)


Personal Style has Never Taken Precedence


Jimu News: You once mentioned that how well a design aligns with the cultural context determines whether the work can be widely spread. However, many of your designs transcend geographicand culturalboundaries. So how do you manage to turn your work into a ‘universal language’ in such a diverse world?


Pan Hu: I think that perhaps people have overemphasized the difference between nationality and universality. Actually, no gapneeds to be bridgeddeliberately. After the Industrial Revolution, technology has been driving the development of commonality in human society so that the whole world is becoming increasingly more interactive. Human beings have commonalities. When we trace the traditional cultures of different countries, we can find quite a few things in common. The same applies in design, what we need to do is to recognize these commonalities and convey them.


Jimu News: Your studio’s officialaccount often sharessome design tips, one of them being ‘Just one draft’, which is really the dream of many designers.


Pan Hu: Ha ha, don’t take ‘Just one draft’ as a way to save time. Before the last version, I might have already produced 100 drafts and screenedthrough each of them. I have never been in favor of the practice of ‘offer five proposals first’,which just makes the designer guess the client’sneeds,but yet the designer’s job is to help the clientachieve their goal. In thatcase, the clientbecomes the judge and the role of the designer is insteaddiminished.


Jimu News: So, is there a boundary on how much say the designer or the clientgets?


Pan Hu: Of course, there is. Both parties need to engage in thorough discourse to build a solid foundation of trust.


Jimu News: Your designs are so unique and distinguishable. How should designers establish and maintain their own styles?


Pan Hu: Frankly speaking, I’ve never thought about personal style. If people think I have one, it’s unintentional. I’m actually not for designers bringing their personal style intoprojects. The aim of design issimilar to an actorportraying a character, and theimportancelies in lettingthe audience see a captivating yet realistic character rather thanthe actor themself.


中国邮政《乙巳年》特种邮票图稿(China Post’s themed stamps for the upcoming Year of the Snake)


Creativity Entails Challenging the Norm


Jimu News: You’ve designed so many works! Where do you get all your great ideas?


Pan Hu: The very nature of creativity entails challenging routines and norms. When engaging in design, it’s essential to have a critical mindsetand an acute level of awareness, which includes an insight into culture and other people.


Jimu News:With such a busyschedule, how do you manage to stay inquisitive and keep learning?


Pan Hu: I always say that the answer is on the way. When you’ve been sitting in the office for a long time and can’t seem to finda solution, it’s time to go out for a walk. I am very busy indeed, but I also focus on adjusting my pace and mindset which gives me a new perspective on a problem. For example, when I go on a business trip, I view it as a vacation, which changes how I feel about it. For designers, keeping physical and mental freedom is crucial, and it’s equally important to have a passion for life.


For instance, it took me one year to make a table for myself with every detail tailored to my individual needs. As a perfectionist, I have highly meticulous requirements for this table. It needsto precisely satisfy all my needs, for example,the distance between the left and right speaker box and my ears is exactly 85 centimeters.


Jimu News: It sounds that this table is like Iron Man’s armor?


Pan Hu: Yeah, that’s it!


Yearning to Return to My Hometown, Wuhan


Jimu News: You were born in Wuhan. Would you share your journeyfrom a ‘Wuhan native’to a prominent figure in the design industry?


Pan Hu: I lived in Wuhan until I was about 16 or 17years old, and then I went to Beijing forcollege.When I left, the only thing on my mind was that I needed to leave. Young people are always eager to explore the world, so at that time, all I wanted was to see what was out there and find my footing free of my family’s constraints. Interestingly, in recent years, I’vehad a strongdesireto return to Wuhan. Each time I come back, I feel really excited. How do I describe this feeling? It’s a bit like how people start to enjoy drinking hot water when they reacha certain age. Your hometown will always behome. No matter how far you travel, there will comea time when you can’t help butreturn.


Wuhan’s breakfastfoods are my all-time favorite. Every time I come back, I always wake up early to go out for breakfast with a few close friends.When we go out together, we order a variety of foodsand try a little bit of everything, making sure we don’t miss out on any of the delicious options.


Jimu News: Wuhan is known as a ‘City of Design.’How do you feel about its changes?


Pan Hu: Wuhan has changed a lot. I grew up along Shouyi Road inWuchang. Back then, there were still vegetable fields nearby. I would evenswim in the Yangtze River with my friends. Now, Wuhan looks completely different, but the spirit of the peoplehasremained unchanged. Wuhan people are quick-witted; we’re all ‘nine-headed birds’, a term that refers to howclever and resourcefulwe are. The dock cultureis also a big reason behind the Wuhan hospitality and its passionate people.Each time I return to Wuhan and meet up with my friends, I am flooded with nostalgic memories of the past, but there is always something new or unexpected for me to experience.


