移民快讯 加拿大 EE快速通道190轮甄选,CEC380分邀请5956人

2021年5月31日,加拿大EE移民快速通道进行第190次甄选,380分发出5956份邀请。本次甄选是继对PNP雇主担保移民甄选后, 针对加拿大经验类移民CEC的甄选, 也是这个类别规律性甄选的最低分数。联邦技术类移民尚未恢复甄选。

EE经验类移民CEC分数继续下降,5月31日, 380分。这是CEC类别除了2月13日75分大赦外分数最低的一次,5956人。


Results: Rounds of invitations

Ministerial Instructions respecting invitations to apply for permanent residence under the Express Entry system #190– May 31, 2021

See full text of Ministerial Instruction

Canadian Experience Class

Number of invitations issued: 5,956Footnote*

Rank required to be invited to apply: 5,956th or above

Date and time of round: May 31, 2021 at 13:19:23 UTC

CRS score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 380

Tie-breaking rule: May 28, 2021 at 14:45:22 UTC

If more than one candidate has the lowest score, the cut-off is based on the date and time they submitted their Express Entry profiles.


Footnote 1

Candidates from the Canadian Experience Class were eligible for this round of invitations.

Return to footnote*referrer

CRS score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of May 25th, 2021
