2017年在《Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids》发表的一篇综述,对14项在足月婴儿中开展的临床研究进行分析6。通过计算研究所采用的配方粉中sn-1,3位LCSFAs占总脂肪酸的比例,发现当该比例小于20%时,喂养的婴儿粪便中棕榈酸皂明显减少;当该比例小于13%时,喂养的婴儿粪便硬度明显降低、脂肪酸和钙吸收率增加,喂养效果进一步接近母乳水平。
1. J.S. Hyams, W.R. Treem, N.L. Etienne, H. Weinerman, D. MacGilpin, P. Hine, K. Choy, G. Burke, Effect of infant formula on stool characteristics of young infants, Pediatrics 95 (1995) 50–54.
2. B. Lloyd, R.J. Halter, M.J. Kuchan, G.E. Baggs, A.S. Ryan, M.L. Masor, Formula tolerance in postbreastfed and exclusively formula-fed infants, Pediatrics 103 (1999) E7.
3. P.T. Quinlan, S. Lockton, J. Irwin, A.L. Lucas, The relationship between stool hardness and stool composition in breast- and formula-fed infants, J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 20 (1995) 81–90.
4. V.T. Tunc, A.D. Camurdan, M.N. Ilhan, F. Sahin, U. Beyazova, Factors associated with defecation patterns in 0-24-month-old children, Eur. J. Pediatr. 167 (2008) 1357–1362.
5. L.T. Weaver, G. Ewing, L.C. Taylor, The bowel habit of milk-fed infants, J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 7 (1988) 568–571.
6. Petit V, et al. Importance of the regiospecific distribution of long-chain saturated fatty acids on gut comfort, fat and calcium absorption in infants[J]. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 2017, 121:40-51.
7. U. Bracco, Effect of triglyceride structure on fat absorption, Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 60(1994) 1002S–1009S.