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Antidote 解毒剂呈现
Habibi Funk
Door: 60 before 23pm, 80 after
DADA Beijing
阿尔及利亚 Coladera,
黎巴嫩游艇 摇滚
埃及 Disco
突尼斯 Hip hop
摩洛哥 Funk
Habibi Funk是一个DJ,厂牌也是平台,在这个平台上有来自阿拉伯世界六十,七十和八十年代的 funky / soulful 和/或受 psych 影响的音乐。
在过去的几年中,Jakarta厂牌的Jannis去了北非的很多地方,在这期间他与Blitz The Ambassador一起巡演,并在突尼斯的录音棚里与 Oddisee 和 Olof Dreijer of The Knife 合作了 “Sawtuha”。在那里,他去挖掘唱片,并发现了60年代,70年代和80年代的一些非常棒的音乐。
Habibi Funk Boiler Room Beirut DJ Set
那些mixes 取得巨大成功之后,Jakarta 唱片公司决定是时候重新发布mix其中的一些音乐了。
这标志着Habibi Funk厂牌的起点。 到目前为止,Habibi Funk已经获得授权并重新发布了六个作品,将来还会有更多。
Habibi Funk :: Ahmed Malek - La Silence Des Cendres
Jannis富有活力的DJ 现场 sets 是一种独特的稀有的 funky 黑胶,是一种融合了苏丹、摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚、利比亚、突尼斯、埃及、叙利亚、黎巴嫩和欧洲阿拉伯大移居。他曾在开罗、卡萨布兰卡、贝鲁特、安曼、突尼斯、迪拜、伦敦、巴黎、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、柏林等地表演过DJ,这是他在中国的第一次巡演!
Independent interview with Habibi Funk
Pitchfork review
Antidote presents:Habibi Funk
Music: Algerian coladera, Lebanese yacht rock, Egyptian disco,
Tunisian hip hop, Moroccan funk
Habibi Funk is a DJ, label and platform for funky/soulful and/or psych influenced music from the Arab world of the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Jannis of Jakarta Records has traveled North Africa extensively in the last years thru touring with Blitz The Ambassador and a studio session with Oddisee and Olof Dreijer of The Knife for the “Sawtuha” project in Tunisia. While there, he did some record digging and found some incredible music from the 60s, 70s and 80s.
After the huge success of the mixes Jakarta Records decided it was time to re-release some of the music that was included in the mix.
This marked the starting point for Habibi Funk Records. So far Habibi Funk has licensed and reissued six releases with many more to come.
For his energetic DJ live sets Jannis plays a unique blend of rare and funky vinyl from Sudan, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and the european arabic diaspora. He has played DJ gigs in Cairo, Cassablanca, Beirut, Amman, Tunis, Dubai, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Berlin and many more -- this is his first tour in China.
暖场 Warm up DJ:
DJ Boss Cuts
现在,就请揭掉你防晒用的面具,让飘散在雾霾之上的紫外线从皮肤径直照射进你我灵魂,随着1950和1960年代的山区乡村摇滚, 车库摇滚, 爵士, 灵魂乐,放克和土豆泥跳起希米舞步,与瓦图西族共同扭动腰肢。DJ Boss Cuts网罗美国,澳洲,意大利, 日本等地最牛逼冲浪原盘,45s和12”,在Temple,Dada,Fruityspace, School, Caravan 和4 Corners. DJ Boss Cuts也是主持人MISH MASH SOUL!北京独一无二的黑胶派对,你要的风格都在这里。
Bust out the facekinis and do the shimmy, the swim, the mashed potato, the twist, and the watusi to 1950s and ’60s rockabilly, surf, garage, jazz, soul and funk. DJ Boss Cuts is a collector of original 45s from the United States, Australia, Italy and Japan and has performed at Temple, Dada, Fruityspace, School, Caravan and 4 Corners. DJ Boss Cuts hosts MISH MASH SOUL! Beijing’s only all-vinyl r&b, rockabilly, surf, garage, psych, soul and funk party
-----------DADA BEIJING-------------
Dada Bar, 206 Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing
以独立文化 / 电子音乐 / DJ派对为特色的前卫小酒吧 21点开门,22点后DJ上台