Living Barra Grande 少即是多的海滨别墅设计

Living Barra Grande是Casas构想展览第二版的氛围,可以看到海湾Baía de Todos os Santos。在这种氛围下,来自NR Arquitetura的这对建筑师在Maraú半岛巴伊亚的Barra Grande海滩上构思了一个项目。

The Living Barra Grande, ambiance for the 2nd edition of the exhibition Casas Conceito, has a view for the bay called Baía de Todos os Santos. In this mood, the pair of architects from NR Arquitetura has conceived a project inspired on the Barra Grande beach, Bahia, in the Maraú Peninsula.


Influenced by the modern architecture maxim, “less is more”, the conception of this project simplify the details – without giving up on them, valuing the architecture of shape, besides framing the sea that surrounds the space.
