入驻通知|复旦发展研究院访问学者 Zeno Leoni

访问学者 | 泽诺·莱奥尼

Scholar | Zeno Leoni


Zeno Leoni博士是伦敦国王学院国防研究系助理教授,也是伦敦国王学院刘氏中国研究所成员,并于该院担任政策简报系列《世界上的中国》的共同召集人。2024年,他曾在雅加达担任印度尼西亚国防大学客座教授。




他的分析文章见诸英国及国际媒体,例如BBC世界新闻、《卫报》、法国24、半岛电视台、《晚邮报》、意大利广播一台(Rai Radio 1)、《泰晤士报》、《南华早报》、彭博社和《金融时报》等。


Zeno Leoni博士将于2025年3月3日至3月30日在复旦发展研究院从事访问研究。


Dr Zeno Leoni is an Assistant Professor in Defence Studies at the Defence Studies Department of King’s College London, based within the Joint Services and Staff College (JSCSC) of the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom. He is also an Affiliate to the Lau China Institute of King’s College London - where he is co-convenor of the same institute’s policy brief series named 《China in the World》. In 2024, he was an Adjunct Professor at the Indonesia Defense University in Jakarta.

Dr. Leoni’s current research interests focus on grand strategy, US-China relations, a changing world order, and the positioning of middle powers amidst great power competition. He published three books on these topics: the latest one is 《A New Cold War: US-China Relations in the 21st Century》 (Bristol University Press, 2024).

He has designed and delivered postgraduate courses on China in the Liberal Order, but also lectures on Indo-Pacific security, world order after the end of the Cold War, and China’s maritime strategy, among other topics.

Dr Leoni engages policy-makers in Italy and the UK, among other countries. He supported the Italian Joint Chiefs of Defence Staff in the writing of Italy’s 《Future Trends Concept 2040+》 document, analysing geopolitical, technological, environmental, and economic trends. In the UK he supported different agencies from across government, but mostly from within the Ministry of Defence and SONAC, and the UK Parliament by submitting evidence several times.

His analyses appeared on British and international media, such as BBC World News, 《The Guardian》, France 24, Al Jazeera, 《Corriere della Sera》, 《Rai Radio 1》, 《The Times》, 《The South China Morning Post》, Bloomberg, 《Financial Times》, among others.

While at Fudan University, he is working on one chapter of a new book he is working on - tentatively titled 《The Return of Bloc Politics: World Order after the War in Ukraine》 - looking at relations between the most influential Eurasian countries such as China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, among others. At the same time, he is currently contributing to a special issue for 《The Pacific Review》 with an article on China-UK cooperation.

Zeno Leoni will be a visiting researcher at FDDI from March 3rd 2025 to March 30th 2025.

Email: zeno.j.leoni@kcl.ac.uk


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