何子衡Bill Ho:这是一次令人兴奋的经历|幼狮评委说②


4月23日,2024戛纳“幼狮杯”中国冠军选拔赛终审会在上海举办。在现场,《现代广告》与 阳狮PGone 执行创意总监何子衡Bill Ho聊了聊。


Meeting creative leaders from different generations and discovering fresh ideas from young creatives is an exciting experience. We all share a passion for great ideas regardless of age or background.

有幸与来自不同年代的创意领导人会面,并从年轻幼狮们那里发现新鲜的想法,是一次令人兴奋的经历。无论年龄或背景如何,我们都对great ideas都充满激情,充满热爱。


I truly appreciate the enthusiasm, bravery, and innovative ideas of the young individuals. Despite facing language barriers, some of them presented remarkably well, which is a testament to their resilience and determination.



You didn’t lose. You have learned something valuable from this experience.



To overcome the language disadvantage, we should try to find “creative solutions.”We are in the creative industry, after all, and our every brief is to help clients solve challenges with creativity. With that in mind, how can we creatively overcome language and cultural differences and present our ideas in a way that foreign judges can easily understand and delight them? That would be my advice, or my “brief” for them.



Young people today may not be as concerned with comparing themselves to others, but they are still passionate about creativity and innovation just like us. As industry leaders, it's important for us to connect with them and inspire them.


I love this game! I love doing it, and I love seeing fresh perspectives and out-of-the-box ideas. It’s much harder for me to play Mahjong every day.



The world is constantly changing, with technology advancing and markets shifting. However, despite these changes, creativity remains at the core of our business. In the advertising industry, we are facing many challenges, but it's more important than ever to maintain a creative approach in this day and age. My suggestion is to embrace these changes and keep up with the times. As the Chinese saying goes,


