Will Yunnan wine find the way to consumers minds?云南葡萄酒如何打动消费者?

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本报国际部记者 徐菲远 专访FuW国际独立葡萄酒专家协会认证专家、DEGUSTAR创始人Jörg Philipp

Finally being able to come to Yunnan, I am actually very thankful to have the possibility to visit many wineries and I think my first impression to compare with other region’s wineries, I have been visiting around 100 wineries in China, I think Yunnan has very cool color and structure. They have very fruity and fresh wines. I think there are possibilities here in the region to really make wines that are suitable for the Chinese market and consumers appreciate and also really gives a certain name because you can give a good feeling about Yunnan, special landscape, special feeling, and if you are able to transfer these things Yunnan could be get really success in China’ market.

终于来到云南,我真的很感谢能够有这个机会参观多家云南酒庄。 我已经参观过中国大约100家酒庄,与其他地区的酒庄相比较,云南给我的第一印象是,这里的葡萄酒有非常棒的颜色和结构,果味丰富、口感新鲜。 我认为云南产区能够酿制出真正适合中国市场的葡萄酒,受到消费者的赞赏,并且能够获得良好的声誉,因为云南给人一种不同的感觉,独特的地形风貌,给人留下特别的印象。 如果能够传达这些方面,云南葡萄酒就可能会在中国市场取得真正的成功。
