两汉时期,社会安稳,国力强盛,玉器承继战国时代玉器的传统,持续有所改变和开展,并奠定了我国玉文明的根本格式。我国人自古对玉情有独钟,赋之 深厚,连绵几千年经久不衰。这种极点的爱玉情结是世界上其他国家所没有的,也是中华民族独有的文明现象。
In the Han Dynasty, the society was stable and the national strength was strong. Jade inherited the tradition of jade in the Warring States Period and continued to be changed and developed, laying the foundation of the basic format of China's jade civilization. Since ancient times, Chinese people have had a special love for jade, which has been rich and enduring for thousands of years. This extreme love of jade complex is not found in other countries in the world, but also a unique phenomenon of Chinese civilization.
Han Dynasty jade with pure, free from vulgarity, romantic, grand and generous realistic artistic characteristics, in China's jade development history occupies an important position. Because of the orthodox position of Confucianism, the thought of jade morality prevailed greatly, which greatly promoted the development of decorative jade.
The jade of the Warring Han Dynasty has the historical coordinate of the past and the future, its craftsmen spirit is extensive and profound, its carving skill is exquisite, and its artistic expression has a long charm. The long and rolling dragon pattern sustains the will of the monarch and the emperor and the hope for the country. The jade dragon is the control of the gift of heaven, which is the ververance of the emperor of the Western Han Dynasty.
This product jade quality white, most of the yellow - brown ooze, gorgeous atmosphere shape. Double dragons play bead, very dignified. The overall carving is complicated, the depth is even, and the production is fine and neat, which shows the craftsmanship of the jade master. It is the top work of the practical jade ware in the war han period because the material is damaged and the difficulty of carving is increased. The whole piece of fine production, exquisite decoration, ingenious design, reflects a higher value of arts and crafts and aesthetic value.