中国国际时装周的老朋友HISEOUL SHOWROOM再次携韩国优质品牌Ulkin & Doucan前来参加本次2021春夏时装周
China Fashion Week 's good friend HISEOUL SHOWROOM has brought us great Korean brands Ulkin & Doucan again to the Fashion Week SS21
This independent brand registered in South Korea has sales stores in Chengdu, Beijing, Hainan, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Henan, Shanxi and Guangzhou. It has entered China's fashion market and brought different fashion experience to domestic consumers.
The brand has participated in fashion week for many times and held release, mainly launching men's and women's fashion, shoes and hats and other accessories. Since entering the fashion industry in 2014, Ul: kin has participated in large Fashion Week activities in New York, Paris, Seoul, Berlin, Beijing, etc., and has participated in fashion business activities in Hong Kong, Paris, Milan, Shanghai and other places. In the field of fashion, it has appeared in people's eyes many times.
ul:kin的品牌创意总监兼首席执行官Seongdong Lee,在2014年创立ul:kin品牌,以实现“从艺术到时尚”的服装设计师理念。用真正的画作制作的包,经过升级改造,重新诠释和设计艺术家的作品,展示跨越艺术和时尚界限的设计。
Seongdong Lee, the Creative Director & CEO of brand ul:kin, launched brand ul:kin at 2014 to realize the philosophy as a fashion designer that ‘inspire art to fashion’. With the bags made with the real paintings that are upcycled, reinterpret and design the artworks of artists to show the designs that move across the boundaries of art and fashion.
Bringing upcycling and environmental-consciousness to fashion, takes the role of influence people to join the environmental movement by consuming that are not wasting.
Combining art & culture with upcycling to set the process of ‘talent cycle’, help young artists with collaborations, supporting with materials, opening exhibitions, and other ways. Desire to take a part in enriching our society with artistic value as a designer.
There is a saying, "The ground hardens after the rain."
As the saying goes, 'After overcoming hardships, things become stronger and firm'
Every hardship leave its footprint on the path that it has passed. No matter how hard and firm it is now, there is a time when it was soft, and it hardens in the shape of the footprints that ordeal left on the surface. This collection unravels the traces of footprints carved on the hard surface and the way it gets harden from soft.
2021 S/S Collection focuses on the combination of things that used to be considered as the opposite, in visually and functionally. Covid 19 pandemic affect our lives in various sides, we have no other choice but to change everything that surround us to protect ourselves and the society, and things that used to be considered as ‘ordinary’ or ‘normal’ are no longer ordinary.
Change of our lifestyle is the biggest issue in nowadays, and this collection absorbs this change deeply to adapt and go forward with it. This will awaken people of where to heading for and why we have to change our path to the future. We don’t go outside for work, which used to be ‘very normal’ before the pandemic, and what we need for living are delivered right in front of our door by clicking. Fashion, the industry that are the closest to life, is now under a huge upheaval and we will see what would be left after this change.
Some of the key looks are the pieces that are made upcycled with thrown-away clothes or vintages, gathered in one garment in the way that no other does. Combining the 2 opposite characteristics or colors, and this kind of combination make things conflict but still harmonious, which finally lead to the visualizing the way ul:kin see things. Also, in the context of the seasonal concept, some of the pieces are inspired by pajama or homewear that reflects the change of our lifestyle due to Covid19. This change erases the boundary of inside and outside, or home and work, school, and eventually affect what we wear or had to wear in certain circumstances. Maybe, pajama could be your work clothes in a Zoom meeting.
2016年设计师PHOENIX LEE 与朋友联合创立设计师品。
In 2016, designer Phoenix Lee and friends jointly founded the designer brand.
It aims to convey the values of independence and self for contemporary women. Since the establishment of the brand, the sexy / cool / dark style runs through the design. Through the expansion of the design concept and the accumulation of visual expression, the designer constantly strengthens a unified and three-dimensional concept of "new dark Empire"
将白色,黑色等多样的色彩充分利用融合整个系列充斥着五彩斑斓的色彩。在这里可以遇见每个女生在少女时期梦中幻想的衣服。通过DOUCAN2021 SS系列,可以感受到季风过后的那份清凉和干净的感觉。
After the passing of the monsoon, everything becomes clear and beautiful.
DOUCAN expresses the feeling after passing the seasonal wind.
Based on the lines of clothes with feminine charm, the lotus leaf edge is added to express women's charm vividly and vividly, and the women's wear series is also completed.
A kite of various colors is developed in a collection that utilizes white, black, and various primary colors. Any woman can meet the clothes that can remind her of her dream of girlhood.
With the DOUCAN2021 SS collection, you'll find the cleanliness and cleanliness you'll feel after the monsoon.
Multi-persona即多重自我。现代人希望自身可以因场合和情景的不同而切换成多样的角色。 在这次服装秀上,将充分展示这种想要表现多种自我的心理。
Multi persona is means multiple egos. Modern people hope that they can switch to various roles due to different occasions and situations. The collection contains the psychology of expressing various egos.
You will see the elegant party queen in gorgeous dress, the playful girl in black hoodie, etc. various egos are presented in this collection.
华丽多彩的doucan原创图案,结合了街头感性的狂野气息和摩登风格相融合的宽松款外套,带来全新的感性。 迷彩,花朵,几何图形交织在一起,尝试了将印有doucan原创插图的夸张外套和简洁大气的休闲线条的拼接。
doucan的经典裙装线条融合了金色,紫色,绿色,橙色等多种颜色,并增添了优雅,粗犷的感觉。 其中复古的细节和轮廓展现了过去和未来的时间框架。
The gorgeous and colorful original design of doucan combines the wild atmosphere of street sensibility with the loose coat of modern style, bringing a new sensibility. Camouflage, flowers and geometric figures are interwoven together, trying to splice the exaggerated coat with original illustration of doucan and the simple and elegant leisure lines.
Doucan's classic skirt lines combine gold, purple, green, orange and other colors, and add elegance and rough feeling. The retro details and silhouettes in them express the time frames of the past and future.
由首尔市、首尔产业振兴院(SBA)和HISEOUL SHOWROOM联合创建的韩流时装行业新流通平台 HISEOUL SHOWROOM,以振兴首尔市时装产业和东大门时装市场,帮助有前途的设计师开拓市场为己任。
HISEOUL SHOWROOM is a brand-new platform for Hallyu fashionco-organized by Seoul Metropolitan Government,Seoul Business Agency, and HISEOUL SHOWROOM to foster Seoul’sfashion industry, to promote Dongdaemun fashion district, and toprovide new market for promising designers.
从时装企划到设计开发、产品生产、产品展览、产品匹配、产品销售、产品洽谈、提供新产品信息、产品订货、销售结算等,作为帮助买手实现最大业务效率的系统,HISEOUL SHOWROOM为韩国有前途的设计师、时装中小企业扩大销售渠道提供了实质性帮助。
Our system provides the optimal business environment: from planningto design, production, exhibition, matching, sales, consulting,information on new products, obtaining and signing of contracts,we practically assist promising designers and small to medium-sizedfashion enterprises in the actual sales process.
HISEOUL SHOWROOM还在中国、东南亚、欧美地区举办展览会或PT秀,在海外知名百货店开设快闪店等,积极开展挖掘当地营业点事业,推介和销售韩流设计师品牌。在海外市场,HISEOUL SHOWROOM通过知名人士和意见领袖开展促销活动和SNS宣传活动,及通过当地网上平台开展O2O服务、特别促销活动等,为当地量身打造的营销活动,使得“韩国制造”时装获得更广范围的关注。
HISEOUL SHOWROOM is proactively developing local footholds abroad, byholding presentations in China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Americas,and opening pop-up storesin popular overseas department stores.We maximize awareness for fashion “made in Korea” through customizedmarketing strategies such as promotion by famous celebrities and influencers,social media marketing, O2O service at local online platforms, and special events.