CBN丨China's foreign trade returns to growth

Hi everyone. I’m Stephanie LI.


Coming up on today’s program.


China's foreign trade volume jumps 4.8% in Q1 despite global volatilities;

Sinopec acquires 1.25% stake in QatarEnergy's gas field, the world’s largest LNG project.

Here’s what you need to know about China in the past 24 hours


China's total goods imports and exports expanded 4.8 percent year on year in the first quarter of 2023, reversing a decline of 0.8 percent in the first two months of the year, official data showed Thursday.

After dropping 7 percent year on year in January due to the Spring Festival holiday, it recovered to an expansion of 8 percent in February before surging 15.5 percent in March. Total exports soared 14.8 percent last month, marking the first increase in five months, while falls in imports narrowed by 8.8 points to 1.4 percent, according to the General Administration of Customs (GAC).

In the first three months, exports grew 8.4 percent year on year to 5.65 trillion yuan, while imports rose 0.2 percent to 4.24 trillion yuan, bringing the total trade to 9.89 trillion yuan.

"China's foreign trade has displayed resilience in the first quarter. The steady growth laid a foundation for promoting stability and improving quality of foreign trade throughout the year," said Lyu Daliang, an official with the GAC.

During this period, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) remained China's largest trade partner. China's trade with ASEAN countries rose 16.1 percent year on year, 11.3 percentage points higher than the country's overall trade growth rate.

Trade with countries along the Belt and Road jumped 16.8 percent year on year, while that with other members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership grew 7.3 percent during this period.

New drivers are taking hold, as China saw a 66.9-percent increase in the exports of three green products, namely solar batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and electric vehicles. These three products contributed 2 percentage points to the overall export growth in the first quarter.

Looking ahead, China's foreign trade development may face greater difficulties and challenges, Lyu said, as the weak demand caused by global inflation and major economies' sluggish growth this year will have direct impact on China's foreign trade.


海关总署4月13日公布的数据显示,以美元计,3月出口同比增长14.8%,较1-2月加快21.6个百分点,为2022年8月以来最高;当月进口同比下降1.4%,降幅收窄8.8个百分点;当月实现贸易顺差881.9亿美元。 以人民币计,3月出口同比增长23.4%,高于1-2月22.5个百分点;进口同比增长6.1%,增速回升9.0个百分点;实现贸易顺差6010.1亿元。








China's Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao met with Serbia's Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic on Wednesday, jointly signing a memorandum of understanding to start negotiations on a free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries, which will inject more momentum into deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.


China's "artificial sun" set a world record on Wednesday night by generating and maintaining extremely hot, highly confined plasma for nearly seven minutes. The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) in the city of Hefei generated and sustained plasma for 403 seconds, breaking its previous record of 101 seconds in 2017 and marking another key step towards building high-efficiency, low-cost thermonuclear fusion reactors. "The main significance of this new breakthrough lies in its 'high-confinement mode', under which the temperature and density of the plasma increase significantly," said Song Yuntao, director of the Institute of Plasma Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which built EAST.

中国“人造太阳”再破世界纪录:4月12日21时,中国有“人造太阳”之称的全超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置(EAST)创造新的世界纪录,成功实现稳态高约束模式等离子体运行403秒,创造了托卡马克装置稳态高约束模运行新的世界纪录。此前的101秒世界纪录,也由EAST于2017年创造。 “这次突破的主要意义在于‘高约束模式’。”中科院合肥物质科学研究院副院长、等离子体物理研究所所长宋云涛说,高约束模式下粒子的温度、密度都大幅度提升,“这为提升未来聚变电站的发电效率,降低成本奠定了坚实物理基础。”

Moving on to regional highlights


The 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition, also known as Auto Shanghai 2023, is scheduled to be held from April 18 to 27, the organizer announced on Thursday. With a total exhibition area of more than 360,000 square meters, the expo is the first A-class international auto show to be held in China this year. Over 1,000 enterprises from all over the world have registered to participate in the auto show at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).


Greater Bay Area, Greater future


Hong Kong inaugurated InnoEX on Wednesday in a push to strengthen inter-regional cooperation in the innovation and technology industry. InnoEX is one the flagship events of “Business of Innovation and Technology Week”, co-organized by the SAR government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. The four-day physical showpiece runs from April 12 to 15, while the exhibition’s online business matching platform Click2Match operates from April 12 to 22. InnoEX is jointly organized along with Hong Kong Electronics Fair (Spring Edition) and the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Spring Edition), drawing more than 2,900 exhibitors from 20 countries and regions.

首届香港国际创科展开幕:由香港特别行政区政府与香港贸易发展局合办的首届“香港国际创科展 (InnoEX) ”,连同香港贸发局的“香港春季电子产品展”和“香港国际春季灯饰展”,三大科技展4月12日于香港会议展览中心揭幕。三项展览合共吸引逾2900家来自香港、中国内地、亚洲、欧美等20个国家和地区的展商参与。三大科技展以“智慧生活 联系世界”为主题,以“展览+”的在线、线下融合模式举行,除了连续4天的实体展,到22日前全球的展商、业界人士和买家也可同时通过“商对易”(Click2Match)智能商贸配对平台进行洽商。

Next on industry and company news


China's top energy authority vowed to further enhance the nation's energy security by maintaining annual domestic oil output at over 200 million tons and deepening energy cooperation with Russia. The National Energy Administration (NEA) will further safeguard China's energy supply by maintaining the domestic crude oil output at over 200 million tons each year, and keep a natural gas self-sufficiency rate of no less than 50 percent, head of the NEA said Wednesday. As China continues to strengthen the role of coal power as a major support in the energy structure, it will increase the clean energy utility rate by one percentage point each year in the next five years, and to lift the proportion of non-fossil energy power in newly generated power to 80 percent as of 2035, the NEA said.


Sinopec, China's biggest oil refiner, said it signed an agreement with QatarEnergy on Wednesday to acquire a 1.25 percent stake in the latter's North Field expansion project. With a total investment of US$28.75 billion, the expansion project is the world's largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) project and is expected to begin production in 2026.


China's leading agricultural and food company COFCO Corporation has invested over US$2.3 billion in Brazil since 2014, according to data released by the company. COFCO Corporation has become one of Brazil's major exporters and processors of corn, soybeans and raw sugar. In 2022, the company sold 33 million tons of agricultural products in Brazil and recorded a sales revenue of US$5.4 billion. For the past three years, COFCO has imported 34 million tons of agricultural products from Brazil, with a total import value of US$19 billion.


Tesla will from Saturday cut the prices for certain models in Hong Kong by up to 15 percent, following similar moves in China, the United States and Europe. The largest reduction will be offered for the Model 3 Performance, with the price set to drop 14.7 percent and start at HK$440,335 under the "one-for-one replacement" scheme, while the long-range version will follow with an 11 percent cut. The scheme was launched by the Hong Kong government to encourage private car owners to switch to electric vehicles by offering higher tax concessions. Prices of two versions of Model Y will also be slashed by 9 percent and 8.7 percent, respectively.

特斯拉香港最高直降14.7%:4月12日,特斯拉香港宣布将于4月15日调整Model 3和Model Y的售价。本次价格调整减幅最大的是Model 3 Performance,“一换一”价格由440,335港元起,减幅达14.7%,其次是Model 3长续航版本,“一换一”价格为399,485港元,减幅为11.06%。至于Model Y长续航版本及Performance版本分别亦将降价8.7%及9.03%,至459,685港元起及487,205港元起。特斯拉香港地区官网显示,根据“一换一”计划,车主可以透过简单步骤,选择拆毁及取消登记其合乎申请资格的旧私家车,去换取全新特斯拉,即可享有上限为25万港元的首次登记税宽减额。

Tencent Holdings’ stock price sank after Prosus, the Chinese internet giant’s largest shareholder, revealed plans that may lead to the global investment group further reducing its stake in the firm. Prosus will deposit an additional 96 million of Tencent shares it holds in certificate form into Hong Kong’s central clearing and settlement system this week, the unit of South African media giant Naspers said in a statement yesterday.


Switching gears to financial news


Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors, which are foreign investors licensed to buy Chinese yuan-denominated stocks on the mainland, held positions worth 196.4 billion yuan in 234 stocks as of the end of last year, according to the financial reports of listed companies. Over half of their investment portfolios by market value last year were in the biomedicine, electronics, non-banking finance and electrical equipment sectors. In the fourth quarter, they cut holdings in 56 stocks, increasing their holdings in 48, bought into 108 new ones and the rest they left unchanged from the third quarter.


China's largest commercial bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), has processed the first cross-border yuan settlement in Brazil at its local branch there, Xinhua reported on Wednesday. In February, China and Brazil signed a memorandum of understanding to phase in the yuan clearing arrangement.


Wrapping up with a quick look at the stock market


Chinese stocks fell on Thursday with the benchmark Shanghai Composite down 0.3 percent, while the Shenzhen Component sank 1.2 percent. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index finished slightly higher by 0.2 percent, while the TECH index dipped 0.2 percent.


Biz Word of the Day


The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), internal designation HT-7U (Hefei Tokamak 7 Upgrade), is an experimental superconducting tokamak magnetic fusion energy reactor in Hefei, China. It is the first tokamak to employ superconducting toroidal and poloidal magnets. It aims for plasma pulses of up to 1,000 seconds. The ultimate goal of EAST is to create nuclear fusion like the sun, using substances abundant in the sea to provide a steady stream of clean energy.


Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜





