Heroes come from the people:“Knife-Wielding Hero”from Hubei Recalls Details of Breaking Window to R


“Knife-Wielding Hero” from Hubei Recalls Details of Breaking Window to Rescue a Girl

极目新闻记者 杨锦英 丁伟

翻译 章欣怡 熊紫瑞 卫拉(湖北大学)

Jimu News Reporters: Yang Jinying and Ding Wei

Translators: Zhang Xinyi, Xiong Zirui, and Lisa M. K (Hubei University)


On August 11, in Hechi, Guangxi province, a young girl’s neck got jammed in the safety bars around thewindow on the third floor, leaving her body suspended mid-airwhile she held on for dear life. Right atthis critical moment, a young man who is originally from Hubei province but currently running abusinessin Guangxidevised a clever rescue plan. Using a knife to cut through the burglar barson the second floor, he then crawled through the opening, successfully lifting and rescuing the little girl.


Two days later, a reporter from Jimu News returned to the rescue scene to hear the rescuer recount the details of his rescue mission.


Young Girl’s Neck Gets Lodged in Burglar Bars


Yang Shuang’s hometown is in Honghu, Jingzhou, a city located on the banks of the Yangtze River in Hubei province. For the last five to six years, he has been runninghis business in Fengshan County, Hechi, Guangxi. Situated along Jiaoyu Road, Yang’s wholesale store,Wangjia Aluminum Doors, specializes indoors and windows.


At around 3 p.m.on August 11, JiaoyuRoad was bustling with pedestrians and traffic. Yang Shuang who wasin his store taking a break from workwas chit-chatting with his business partner Lu Yunshun and another fellow townsman from Hubei. It was at this moment that they noticed thefaint cries of a girl not far away. Initially, Yang was not too concerned, because two nights ago,similar wails of a tantruming young girl had erupted from the third-floorof the neighboring building.


Ms. Wu, who runs a shop next to Yang Shuang’s, also heard the crying. She noticeda crowd starting to form outside as the chatteringpassersby stoppedto stareup at the building. Intrigued, she too walked out of her store. “I saw a little girl lodged by the neck in the burglar bars on the third floor, her entire body was just there hanging mid-air,”Ms. Wu said. The residents of the third-floor had just moved in recently, and the little girl was barely6 years old. Ms. Wuhad previously shown the apartment to the girl’s parents. Upon realizing the girl was in grave danger, she quickly called for Yang Shuang and Lu Yunshun to help with the rescue.


Theyounggirl’s head was wedgedbetween two aluminum alloy bars,which are typically installed for safety around awindow, leavingher body suspended three floors high in mid-air, about seven to eight meters above the ground. Whether from prolonged suspension or a potential fall, an unimaginable outcome was imminent. Seeing this, Yang Shuang and Lu Yunshun wasted no timeand immediately rushed to the third floor. The pair initially hoped to get the apartment’s occupants to open the door, however, their attempts were met with silence. In an effort torescue the girl as quickly as possible, they considered forcing the door open.


“It was an outward-opening door, and it was locked from the inside. Kicking it from the outside wouldhavebeenuseless, our only option wasto pry it open with a hard object.”Yang Shuang explained. After multiple attemptswith several neighbors, they realized they could not pry the door open fast enough. Instead, their plan was to now rescue the girl from the second-floor.

女童被卡防盗窗的视频截图(Screenshot from avideo showing a girl trapped in the protruding burglar bars around a window)


Breaking Through the Second-floor Window for theRescue


The current tenantsof the second floor rana shop nearby, and Lu Yunshun was familiar with them. The residents had just opened their door just as Yang Shuang and Lu Yunshun rusheddown from the third floor to the second floor. Uponenteringthe apartment, Lu Yunshun headedstraight to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, intending to cut throughthe security bars on the second floor and then climb out to rescue the girl. Due toan injury on his hand, Lu Yunshun handed the knife to Yang Shuang.


“Since we’rein the business of making doors and security barwindows, we know which parts can bear weight and how wide the gaps are between the aluminum alloy bars.”Yang Shuang explained. Crouching inside the security barwindow, he forcefully swung the knife to cut through two vertical aluminum alloy bars at their midpoints, then manually bent the bars to create a square opening about 35 centimeters wide. Yang Shuang, being slenderand tall, quickly squeezed through the opening and climbed onto the top of the second-floor window. Meanwhile, Lu Yunshun stayed on the second floor, using his knee to firmly support Yang Shuang’s foothold to prevent the aluminum alloy bars from bending under the weight. “We often work together, and he’s tall, with long arms.”Lu Yunshun explained Yang Shuang was a better fit forthe rescue operation.


Yang Shuang propped the little girl up, and was soon relieved when he heard her say, “My shoes and hair clipfell”. The young girl’s coherent speechindicated that she was not seriously injured.


“When the little brother saw me lifting his sister, he said ‘Thank you, uncle,’thatreally touched me,”Yang Shuang said. The little girl had a 3-year-old brother who was at home with her. After the sister fell through the window’s safety bars, the brother, worried she might plummet to the ground, had been holding onto her tightly the whole time.

女孩被卡的防盗窗(The burglar bars around the window that trapped the girl)


Rescued Girl Unharmed


WhileYang Shuang and Lu Yunshun rushed upstairs to force open the door, the neighbors in the vicinity were not idle either. Ms. Wu, who knew the landlord, immediately called him, urging him to quickly contact the children’s parents. When the landlord reached the girl’s parents, they were both out working. Upon receiving the call, they each requested leave from work and notified the children’s grandmother to rushto the apartment.


While there was bustling activity upstairs, things were not any quieterdownstairs either. A merchant who sells beds was passing by on a tricycle loaded with mattresses. Upon noticingthe dangling little girl, he quickly stopped his vehicle and unloaded a mattress. Together with several other neighbors, they carried the mattress and positioned themselves directly beneath the window, keeping close eye onthe situation upstairs, ready to catch the child if she fell. Fortunately, this mattress never ended not being used. The girl was rescued, and Yang Shuang safely climbed back to the second floor. Just as Yang Shuang was cutting open the window to rescue the girl, her grandmother arrived at the scene. Seeing the child get saved, she was moved totears.


After closer examination, the child’s injuries were found to be no more thanred, swollen abrasions behind her ear where shehad rubbed against the bars of the window. She hadno significant injuries to other parts of her body, and was in relatively good spirits following the ordeal. The child’s parents were equally relieved to see their daughter come out unscathed.


On the morning of August12, Mrs. Yang and her husband visited Yang Shuang’s shop to express their immense gratitude. They also invited Yang Shuang and Lu Yunshun to a meal together as a token of their appreciation, whichYang Shuang and Lu Yunshun politely declined.


“We already had a gathering planned for that evening.”Yang Shuang said. He explained, neither of them expected anything in return, stating his only thoughts while scaling the window was to save the child. The pair decided there was no need for the family to incur further expense, and as long as the child wassafe and sound,that was the best outcome they could ever ask for.

杨双(左)和陆云顺【Yang Shuang (Left) and Lu Yunshun】


