Middle School Students Perform Wu Song Fights the Tigerin English
极目新闻讯记者 向一帆
通讯员 张迷 周旻萱
翻译 丁珏 谭朝敏 温芷晗(湖北大学)
Jimu News (Reporter:Xiang Yifan; Correspondents:Zhang Mi, Zhou Minxuan)
Translators: Ding Jue, Tan Chaomin, Wen Zhihan (Hubei University)
《武松打虎》《花木兰从军》《三顾茅庐》……这些经典的中国故事,被学生用英语演绎出来,别有一番风味。5月25日下午,武汉市第三寄宿中学在报告厅举办了主题为“Fantastic Culture,Wonderful World”的英语风采秀活动。
On the afternoon of May 25th, Wuhan No.3 Boarding School held an English talent show themed “Fantastic Culture, Wonderful World” in its lecture hall. The classic Chinese stories “Wu Song Fights the Tiger”, “Mulan”, and “Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage” were all reenacted by students in English, adding a charming twist to these old tales.
该校八年级学生各显神通,用舞台剧、乐队演唱等方式,秀出青春风采。从《Mulan》到《Wu Song Fights the Tiger》的中国故事新编,从《Lalaland》到《I have a dream》的外国歌曲分享,同学们用英语探寻中华优秀传统文化中的宝藏,分享对世界的理解与热爱。据悉,本次活动由该校八年级英语组精心策划,各班英语老师和班主任组织排演节目。
The young and enthusiastic eighth-grade students showcased their talents through stage plays, band performances, and other activities. From newadaptations of Chinese stories like “Mulan” and “Wu Song Fights the Tiger” to the performances ofEnglish songs like “Lalaland” and “I Have a Dream”, the students explored the treasures of traditional Chinese culture and shared their understanding and love for the world through English. The school’s eighth-grade English teaching staff planned the entire event, with each English teacher and class teacher overseeing their own students’ rehearsals.
During the show, the English rendition of the story,“Wu Song Fights the Tiger”,left a mark on many in the audience. Zhang Junrui, a Grade Eight student in Class 8, told the Jimu News reporter that he was very excited to participate in this talent show. He added that performing “Wu Song Fights the Tiger” in English was a novel experience for him. Translating the lines was also a challenge for him and his classmates, but they felt it was very worthwhile as they get to spread outstanding elements of traditional Chinese culture.
“Mulan could not bear to see her aged and frail father go to war, so she disguised herself as a man to join the army in his place. Throughout her military service, Mulan was brave in overcoming difficulties and thus earned the respect of her fellow soldiers. She wasn’t just fighting for her father; she was also fighting for her country.” After the event, Zhang Yatong, a student from Class 2 also in the eighth grade, commented,“Presenting such a touching traditional Chinese story and reenacting the tales of Chinese heroes in English is really entertaining.”
Zhao Yong, the head of the eighth-grade English teaching staff at the school, informed reporters that many classes performed traditional Chinese stories in English during this English show. Chinese traditional culture is not only the treasure of the Chinese nation but also a part of the world’s cultural heritage. Integrating Chinese traditional culture into English teaching in junior high school can provide students with a more comprehensive and in-depth language and cultural learning experience, cultivate their communication awareness and skills, and help them become well-rounded individuals with both cultural confidence and global vision.