今晚@ALL:Say Yes x San Tai Zi - Foodman [Live]

Say Yes x San Tai Zi: Foodman [Live] (Mad Decent/P

这是Say Yes 与 San Tai Zi 首次联手举办的一次反常规活动, 并且非常贴合题意地邀请了一位反常规艺术家作为派对主角, 集DJ, 制作人, 画家三重身份于一身的Foodman!!! 我们虽不能保证他的美貌,但智慧是一定的!

Fooman以这个饶有趣味的艺名持之以恒地创作着一些拒绝被归类, 被标签化的作品, 在现今处处随波逐流或者随大流的音乐场景中, 依旧符合这样描述的艺术家早已寥寥无几。如果你觉得有点难以理解为啥突然请来一位Mad Decent的艺人,那就对了,艺术常常都是难以理解的,而我们要做的就是时不时不出来吓吓你,给你个惊喜,更何况Foodman真的mad decent!

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Foodman不断发展转变的音乐储备源于平时日积月累的偶然发现: house, techno, Chicago footwork, 根源性的本土民乐, ambient, J-pop,Alvin Singh的印度古典乐, drum 'n' bass的融合, 经典电动游戏配乐, 所有这些你能想到的以及你想不到的音乐, 他都能通过嬉皮迷幻的方式作为自己的擀面棍, 将他们全部巧妙地搓糅在一起,拧成一团, 使其融会贯通。娴熟的技术下,一些意外和局限也被巧妙地转化为创作的催化剂, 加以运用, 创作出声音拼接中的亮色, 广泛地煽动着, 迷惑着乐迷。

Live at Donau Festival

在纽约/俄亥俄厂牌Orange Milk发行首张专辑后, Foodman又在Diplo人尽皆知的Mad Decent及其子厂牌Good Enuff发行了一系列在国际上饱受赞誉的作品, 权威媒体好评如潮。

i-D评价他的作品: ”那些他认真创作出的有趣怪诞的作品,我们怎么也听不够。”

Fact Magazine的诠释: “在FOODMAN的音乐世界里, 每个人都会一直迷失并一直为之兴奋。”

Resident Advisor对其作品的描述:”他的作品所栖居的世界不是那些混杂俱乐部音乐的反乌托邦, 而是幻想中彩虹一般的迸发所孕育的空间。"

他的优秀不仅限于创作方面, 同样延伸至他出色的DJ混音, 众多全球权威媒体纷纷给予好评: NTS Radio邀请他录制月度驻场节目;为i-D 制作的guest mix被Pitchfork评选为十佳混音;近期为Noisey制作的混音, 入选Fact Mag 2019年5月7部必听DJ混音。几乎同一时期, 他受到Fact Mag的邀约, 录制了金牌节目《Against The Clock 》, 展示了他作为制作人的魅力。

创作的多产和独树一帜的风格将他推向更为广阔的世界舞台, 无论是纽约的Boiler Room录制,还是Unsound, Rewire, Resident DTLA, Rural等音乐节的邀约, 都让他为世界所熟知。Foodman当晚将为大家呈现live和DJ两个完全不同风格的set, 敬请期待他为大家烹饪的各式美味!

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DJ/Trackmaker/ creates music that defies – and is one of the few artists that actually fit this description. His ever-evolving and mutating musical vocabulary draws from every kind of music he stumbles across, from Chicago footwork to Okinawan folk music of his roots, ambient to J-pop, Talvin Singh's Indian classical music/drum 'n' bass fusion to classic videogame soundtracks, then twists them all with his playful psychedelia. He masterfully uses accidents and limitation as a catalyst to create the noisy technicolor of these sonic collages that has titillated and enchanted music obsessives far and wide.

After releasing his debut album from NY/OH label Orange Milk, his music has been released from international labels including Diplo's Mad Decent and its offshoot Good Enuff. His recent albums (Ez Minzoku, 2016 and ARU OTOKO NO DENSETSU, 2018) have been praised by the likes of Pitchfork, FACT, Tiny Mix Tapes, the Guardian, and Resident Advisor. 

"He makes seriously fun weirdo music that we can't get enough of." - i-D 

"in FOODMAN’s world, everyone is forever lost and forever thrilled about it"- FACT Mag

“The worlds his tracks inhabit are not the dystopias of so much hybrid club music, but spaces conceived in rainbow-like bursts of imagination.” – Resident Advisor

This extends to his remixes and DJ mixes, including his monthly residency at NTS radio and i-D magazine's "i-DJ" guest mix, which was picked up on Pitchfork's "10 Best DJ Mixes of March 2017 The mix that he provided for Noisey was selected for “7 must-hear mixes from May 2019”.FACT Magazine also invited him to "against the clock".

Boiler Room New York Live Set

His prolific and truly unusual of work has taken him on worldwide tours, and since making his international debut in mid-2016, he has appeared on Boiler Room, Theory, and Unsound just to name a few, as well as headline shows across the US and Europe. 
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TAXI的音乐旅程中会涉及的音乐类别包括World music, Ambient to Soul, Jazz, 70s'Funk, 80s'acid house, 90s'house classics, Nu-disco, Techno, Tribal house...此外,在他的背包旅行中,他开始收集世界部落音乐,并且在印度学习了“TABLA”,这些特别的经历建立了他独特的音乐观和派对观念,他的音乐现场专注于当下场景的情绪来播放他所收藏的house, Disco以及部落节拍新老跳舞音乐。

TAXI's big music background is inspired by both around New York club cultures, especially 80’s underground house sounds, and after 2000's Tokyo's club scene. On another side, by backpack traveling, he learned world tribal sounds, learned tabla in India. Mainly, TAXI focuses to play new & old club music sounds from house & disco & tribal by moods.

JUN- D.F.J. 
DJ超过25年, 16岁时喜欢朋克和UK dub,收藏的第一张唱片是Malcolm McLaren的Duck Rock LP。在美国旅行时, 在俱乐部和唱片店收获了许多音乐灵感,现在他的DJ set收录了New York house garage和 Soul,Funk风格。目前常驻上海,在长乐路和朋友经营一家人气颇高的现代创意日式料理餐厅“XIME/嘻咩”,除了他创作的日式料理受欢迎之外,他挑选的店内音乐也是常得到音乐人士的夸赞。很难说他的音乐灵感来自于厨房,还是他的料理灵感来自于音乐,对他来说两者有着奇妙的联系。

For more than 25 years in DJ career, Jun started his career from playing Punk and UK dub when he was 16, his first record is Malcolm McLaren - Duck Rock LP, now he plays everything like New York house garage and Soul/Funk. He traveled much in the USA where he enriched his music inspiration, now Jun is based in Shanghai. He’s also running a popular modern Japanese fusion restaurant called Xime, his inspiration is cooking and music which can surprisingly stand close to one another if you take a close look at it in a philosophy way.
嘻咩 〆XIME
* 活动当晚,Jun会带着他好吃到吓人的美味小点加入到Foodman的美食音乐节,大家要早点来哦!!! 来晚了就吃不到了哦!!!* 
*He will bring his ultimate munchies to Foodma's mad decent food and music festival, come early to catch, don't be late!!! *
2F, 17 XiangYang Bei Lu, near ChangLe Lu
襄阳北路17号2楼 (近长乐路)