上汽集团SAIC Motor: 如何设计新一代的电气架构 How Design Next Generation EEA

演讲题目:“ 自主智能网联车开发和探索“

随着5G技术的推进,中国汽车网络通信市场存在着巨大的潜力,“电动化、智能化、网联化、共享化” 成为汽车行业的共识,汽车也慢慢由普通的运载工具变成智能的出行工具,为客户带来娱乐、信息、连接等无限延展的体验。如何设计新一代的电气架构,使其既能保证传统功能的扩展性、稳定性和可靠性,又能满足开放式的车载信息服务需求,成为业内普遍关注的话题。本次演讲分享了我们在现有平台和车型上的实践,以及我们应对未来智能网联车的一些思考和探索。


个人介绍:主要负责整车电气架构的前期研发,整车电气功能分配和整车电气基础策略开发和应用。2008年加入上海汽车乘用车分公司,从事整车电气集成测试,期间负责多个量产项目集成测试工作;2011年调入电气架构科,参与上汽第二代电气架构的研发工作,主要负责整车电源模式、功耗管理等基础策略制定为实现整车互联、大数据、智能驾驶等提供基础,以及第二代电气架构在MG GS、荣威 RX5车型上应用。

Presenation Topics: With the advancement of 5G technology, China's automotive network communication market has great potential. "Electrical, intelligent, networked, and shared" has become the consensus of the automotive industry, and cars have gradually turned from ordinary vehicles to smart ones. The travel tools provide customers with an unlimited experience of entertainment, information, connectivity and more. How to design a new generation of electrical architecture, which can ensure the scalability, stability and reliability of traditional functions, and meet the needs of open-type in-vehicle information services, has become a critical topic of general concern in the industry. This presentation will share to you our practices on existing platforms and models, as well as some of our thoughts and explorations on the future of intelligent networked vehicles.

Speaker: Huidong Zhai , Architecture Engineer, E&E Department of SMPV, SAIC Group

Bio: Mr. Huidong Zhai is mainly responsible for development of vehicle electrical architecture, vehicle electrical function distribution and basic strategy development. In 2008, he graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology and joined electrical integration testing ofSMPV. From 2008 to 2011, he was responsible for the integration testing of severalmassive product projects. In 2011, he was transferred to the ElectricalArchitecture Section to participate in the development of the E2A electrical architectureof SAIC, mainly responsible for the basic strategy of vehicle, such as powermode and power consumption management which is the basic technology for remoteservice, intelligent driving. Also responsible for E2A architecture implementedin MGGS, Roewe RX5.
