Gag order——a court-imposed order to restrict information or comment about a case. The ostensible purpose of such an order is to protect the interests of all parties and preserve the right to a fair trial by curbing publicity likely to prejudice a jury. A gag order cannot be directly imposed on memebers of the press because this constitutes an impremissible prior restriant and violates the First Amendment.
Gag order是美国法院的一种禁制令(Restraining Order)。在一些小的民事纠纷中,特别是在离婚前的纠纷中,法官可以发布禁制令,限制一方不得以任何方式接近另一方。这种禁制令甚至可以详尽到被限制一方不得靠近另一方200码之内。一般是在比较重要的、媒体特别重视的案件中,法官下令当事各方(包括律师)不得公开谈论案情,以免舆论误导,影响陪审团(trial jury)的判断。在言论自由原则下,此禁令不适用于媒体。
I think our Secretary for Justice must re-examine what he has done, and whether a political problem should be resolved by legal means or whether he should address squarely the constitutionality of this Ordinance and introduce legislative amendments expeditiously, rather than seeking an injunction order by hastily initiating civil proceedings, hoping to temporarily cover the mouths of some people.
Schelske's attorney, who is also bound by the gag order, did not return a call seeking comment.
As the injunction issued by the High Court prohibited disclosure of details about the business affairs of DBC, she considered it necessary for LegCo to appoint a select committee to enable the public to obtain more information on the matter.
由于高等法院发出的禁制令不准相关人士披露有关DBC 的业务详情,她认为有需要由立法会委任专责委员会,让公众能取得更多有关此事的资料。