女子带癌患儿子到济南就医 超市老板“反向打工”已月捐5万
A Store Manager“Works” for His EmployeewhoseSonSuffersfrom Cancer
极目新闻记者 余渊 李迎
JimuNews Reporters:Yu Yuan, Li Ying
翻译:严佳薇杨珂卫拉/Lisa M. K(湖北大学)
Translators:YanJiawei, YangKe, Lisa M. K(Hubei University)
超市老板李玉合 The store managerLi Yuhe
Supermarket manager, Li Yuhe, would have never imaginedthat he would one day find himself “working” for his employee.
“April 15th, 1500 yuan.”Li Yuhe rechecked the electronic records, showingthe store’s hard-earned profit for the day. Without hesitation, he transferred the money via WeChat.
The recipient, Wang Qian receivedthe moneywithmixedfeelings. While Li’s heartfelt generosity moved her,she was anxious as to how she would ever repay such kindnessin the future. But above all, she was extremely overwhelmed. Despite her and her husband’s best efforts and the helpofothers, the hugemedical costs required for their son’s finaltreatment still burdened the family.
李玉合给王茜的转账记录 Transfer records from Li Yuhe to Wang Qian
Wang isfrom Bazhong(SichuanProvince),andher 3-year-old son, Yuze, wasdiagnosed with neuroblastoma in October last year. Upon recommendation from a fellow patient, in February of this year, shebrought her son to Jinan(ShandongProvince) for treatment, temporarily living near Shandong Cancer Hospital. During this time, she applied for a job at Xidonglai Supermarket, about 18 kilometers from the hospital. However, due to her child’s frequent chemotherapy appointments, Wang could not guarantee her working hours, resultinginherleavingwork early andbeingabsent twice in a row.
After discovering the actual reasonsbehind Wang’s absences, Li decided to use the supermarket’s daily gross profit to aid inthe child’s expenses. Over the past month, he has made over 33 payments to Wang, totaling over 50,000 yuan. “As long as there is chance of saving thechild, I will continue to support them.” Li said.
Diagnosiswith“King of Childhood Cancer”
Wang Qian led her son, Yuze, out of the consultation room, that day, he had beendiagnosed with neuroblastoma. At the hospital supermarket, Yuzewanted a toy. After purchasing the toy, Wang Qian hugged her son and squat at the hospital entrancesobbing.
In the last six months following her son’s diagnosis, that scene is etched in her memory. On the afternoon of April 14th, when a JimuNews reporter met Wang, she was selling tissues outside a charitybakery near thehospital. Her son was undergoing his ninth round of chemotherapy in the hospital, after which the chemotherapy would be put on hold, in preparationfor the stem cell transplant.
In October 2023, Yuzehadexperienced abdominal pain accompanied by a high fever for two tothree daysfollowing a fall.Wang Qian took him for an examinationin Chongqing where he was found witha tumor the size of a goose egg in his abdomen. The doctors suspected it was highly malignant and recommended immediate tumor removal surgery. Followingthe surgery, he was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma, with a survival rate of only 20% to 30%. With a stem cell transplant and immunotherapy, the survival rate could beincreasedto 50%.
“I was gobsmackedat the time, my mind went blank.” Wang Qian said. She and her family had no idea what neuroblastoma was. It was not until later when they searched online that they learned thedisease, also known as the “King of Childhood Cancers” has a high mortality rate.
小雨泽不愿意去医院,王茜带着他挑选玩具 Yuze(little boy)is reluctantto go to the hospital, Wang Qian (mother) comforts him by preparing some of his toys to carry
Public information shows that neuroblastoma is a cancer originating in thenerve cellswhen they are first developing. As a malignant tumor, treatment is difficultandhasa poor prognosis. It is the most common type of tumor in infants and is especially prevalent in children under 5 years old, particularly in infants under 2 years old. It is relatively rare after the age of10 years.
Recommended by a fellow patient, Wang and her mother brought Yuzeto Shandong Cancer Hospital in Jinanin February this year for follow-up radiotherapy and chemotherapy as well as a stem cell transplant.
DrugsCost 16,000 Yuan per Box
Shandong Cancer Hospital is located in the western suburbs of Jinan, nearly 20 kilometers from the city center, adjacent to the Jiyan Highway. A crowded urban villagelies to its east, while to the west isa brewery, steel company, and a 4S car dealership. Accordingtolocal drivers, “People who come here are either here to buy cars or goingtothe cancer hospital.”
孩子用的靶向药 Medication prescribed for Yuze
To the east of the hospital is a narrow alleywaylined with fast food restaurants, grocery stores, and lodging options that cost less than 100 yuan per night. Further in are rented two- or three-story self-built houses. Thiscommunity owes its existence to the cancer hospital. Cancer patients from all over the country flock here with their families, renting rooms hereas they preparefor a protracted battle with uncertain odds.
After arriving in Jinan, Wang rented a house in a neighborhood about 2 kilometers from the hospital and spent 800 yuan ona second-hand scooterfor easy transportation to and fro the hospital. Her time was meticulously planned down to each minute: at 7:30 in the morning, Yuzehad to take his medication, which requiredan empty stomach an hour before and after.After 8:30, Yuzewould begineating breakfast. Due to his poor appetite during chemotherapy, Wang Qian and her mother hadto coax him to eat more. After 9 o’clock, they would then go to the hospital for chemotherapy. Each chemotherapy cycle lasted 21 days.Inthe first 5 days,Yuze would receiveintravenous fluids in the hospital. The following7 to 14 days arethe suppression period during which his blood and organ indicators need constant monitoring: when the white blood cell count is less than 2, “white blood cell injections” are needed to prevent infection and fever; when the red blood cell count is less than 70, plasma transfusions are required; platelet indicators also need attention.When any indicator is too low, “platelet injections” are needed. These symptoms may randomly appear after chemotherapy. On the 22nd day, the next round of chemotherapy begins.
To alleviate anemia, Wang Qian’s mother prepares beetroot juice for Yuzeevery afternoon. “I’m afraid of the indicators droppingto the lowest level which would put his life at risk” Wang Qian’smother said, as she turned to wipe her tears secretly.
During the time Yuze was not admitted in hospital, Wang Qian was constantly job hunting.She toldthe reporterthat the medication costs16,000 yuan per box, equivalent to 177 yuan per pill. Thefollowinghematopoietic stem cell transplant surgery will cost up to 100,000 yuan. Down the line, the even more expensive immunotherapy might be required with costs exceeding one million yuan.
The Truth behind Two Absences
Finding a suitable job was no easy task for Wang Qian. As she gives utmost priority to caring forher child, shehadto find a part-time job thatcould permit her leave on short notice wheneverher child neededher. Wang Qian knewthis requirement wasunreasonable, but she hadno choice. Two weeks into job hunting, Wang Qian had beenrejected everywhere whether she was applying fora delivery driver or a supermarket cashier. Fortunately, she wasmentallypreparedand said: “After all, the world does not revolve around anyone”.
In late February, Wang Qian accidentally found anew supermarket hiring staffsonline. She attended the interview,however,the person in charge of hiring did not reach out to her. Wang Qian assumed she failedonce again.
“The working hours Wangrequested are quiet differentfrom whatour storerequired. OurHRlady could not decide by herself.” said the store manager LiYuhe.After this, he decided to employ her,adding:“Aswe just opened, the most important thing is to keepthemoraleofourstaff.”
Wang Qian was mainly responsible for sortingfresh produce. In the first week, she worked diligently without much interaction with Li Yuhe, and her colleagues were alsounawareofher family’s situation. After about seven daysat her new job, Wang Qian randomlyreceived a call from her motherwhile she wasworking, saying the hospital had notified them of their son requiringan examination.SinceLi Yuhe was not in the store at the time, Wang Qian hurriedly leftafter askingthe supervisorfor leave. That evening, Li Yuhe learned ofWang Qian’s early departure but he decidedtolet the matter pass.
To Li’s surprise, at 1 p.m. the next day, Wang requested to leave early again.
Feeling Self-assured after Being Employed?
Li Yuhe isnot someone toeasily get angry. But as the manager of the store, he was very displeasedthis time: how would othersview him if he allowed his employees to bend the rules? Li Yuhe recalled, upon questioning Wang of her recent absences she lowered her head and began sobbing. For Li, who now felt helpless, seeing a woman cry was his biggest fear. He also wondered, how could a normal workplace conversation come to this?
王茜的爱心摊位 Wang Qian’s stall
Unable to withstand the scrutiny, Wang finally toldhimthetruth: the two absences were both for her 4-year-old son with cancer. As Wang Qian left the supermarket, tears welled up inher eyes. Watching Wang walk away, Li too was overcome with emotion.
“Any tumor with thecharacter‘mu’ is brutal,” Li Yuhe said. In May 2022, his nephew who was not even two years old was diagnosed with medulloblastoma. At that time, he searched fordoctors everywhereand took the child to several hospitals in Jinan. Later, they even travelledto Beijing for treatment. Unfortunately, the child did not make it past October that year.
Determinedto Help after “Secretly Visiting” the Hospital
Li Yuhe could fully relate to Wang Qian’ plight. After learning of her son’s conditionon March 4th, Li thought it over and decided to transfer the store’sdaily gross profit to Wang to help with her son’smedical costs.
He sent Wang Qian 1,000 yuan via WeChat and added the message:“You’ve been working at the store for a week and I can see how dedicated you are. After learningabout your family situation,my family and I want to help you. Wewill take out some money from the store’s daily earnings to helpyou. You can use this for your immediate needs, so do not delay treatment for your little boy.”However, in reality, Li Yuhe made this decision without informing his family. By“deceiving”Wang Qian, hewas hoping to not burden her.
Wang Qian wascompletely taken aback by her manager’s unexpected kind act. When she saw the 1,000 yuan transferred by Li Yuhe, she was astonished, uneasy, and could hardly believe it. However, all such thoughts quickly subsided when she remembered “my child needs money for treatment”.Wang Qian said she had no choicebecause shewas dire needof money at the time.
For the next seven days, Wang Qian spent hertime at the hospital accompanyingher child for check-ups. It took over an hour by busto get to the hospital, whichwas nearly 18 kilometers away from the store she worked at. Li Yuhe informedher shewas free tochoose her working hours.“If your child needs to go to the hospital, you don’t need to come to work,” he said.Despite Wang Qian not working during those7 days, Li Yuhe never stopped transferring moneyto her, ranging from 1,000 yuan to 1,500 yuan.
3月11日,李玉合到槐荫区办事,顺便去了山东省肿瘤医院“暗访”。“我可以资助一个好人,但绝不资助一个骗我的人。”李玉合说,他去医院就是想看看,孩子的病情是否真如王茜所说的那样 。
On March 11th, Li Yuhe was running errands aroundHuaiyin District and took the opportunity to “secretly visit”Wang Qian in the Shandong Cancer Hospital. “I can help a good person, but I will never help someone who deceives me,”Li Yuhe said. He went to the hospital just to confirm whetherthe child’s condition was indeed as Wang Qian had described.
Due to chemotherapy, four-year-old Yuzelost all of his hair. Needles was piercinghis tiny arms, while a infusion pump wasemittingoccasional buzzing sounds.Standing outside the ward, Li Yuhe felt devastated. He confirmed that Wang Qian had not deceived him. He did not botherWang Qian and her son, but secretly made up his mind to help save the child.
Boss “Works”for His Employee
One day, Wang Qian and Li Yuhe’s story was posted online with the title “Boss Works for His Employee”. A wave of interviews then followed. Initially, Li Yuhe declined as he wanted
tokeepa low-profile, let alone havingthe media report his deeds. However, hesoon changed his mind, realizinghe alone could not save the child, and “what Iexpect the most is thatnews reports can callonmore people to lenda hand”.
Thesupport came even faster than Li Yuhe had imagined. Good samaritans from Jinan rushed to the storeand donated 1,000 yuan; colleagues from other storesbrought 10 boxes of tissues for Wang Qian to sell at her stall; and many strangers came to Li Yuhe’s store, buying goods and payingtwiceasmuchjust to help them.
依托于肿瘤医院的城中村 The urban village near thehospital
Despite his happiness, Li Yuhe also had some concerns. The news spread so quickly; would his wife see it too? When Li Yuhe calmly and sincerely explained the situation to his wife, she admittedthatwas already aware of everything. His wife simplyasked him, “Until when were you planning to keep it a secret from me?”
超市的另一名股东张羽平(化名),也被蒙在鼓里 。张羽平说,老李把超市的毛利润都拿出去了,水电、运输、房租等都含在里面,这意味着超市现在是亏本经营,不过还在可承受范围内。他们还开有另一家超市,能补贴一些损失,大家也都挺支持老李。
Another shareholder of the supermarket, Zhang Yuping (alias), was also kept in the dark. Zhang Yuping said that Li had taken out all the supermarket’s gross profit, including water, electricity, transportation, and rent, which meant the supermarket was now operating at a loss, but still within manageable limits. They also owned another supermarket that could subsidize some of the losses. Everyone in the supermarket supported Li’s actions.
Wang Qian received love and support from everyone:in the hospital ward where the child underwent chemotherapy, in theirtemporary yet warm home, the stall where customers visited despite no one watching, or onthe internet.
Parents in the ward comforted each other, becoming each other’s emotional support.The landlord, upon seeing the news, secretly gave the child some moneywhile Wang Qian was not at home.Akind-hearted person drove over ten kilometers to Wang Qian’s stall and left 300 yuan without taking any goods.Hundreds of netizens transferred life-saving moneyto Wang Qian via Alipay. As of April 15th, donations had exceeded 110,000 yuan. Wang Qian said that without this sum, her son’s surgical expenses could not have been covered. Regardless of the discourse online abouther, she was willing toaccept it. What saddened Wang Qian was that some netizens questioned whetherLi Yuhe was just putting on a show.
“In recent days, many kind-hearted people have explicitly told me to give part of their donations to Mr. Li, but every time hepolitely declined and toldme to keep it,”Wang said. For over a month, Li had practically given her paid leave. Hejust silently transferredmoney every day, without ever asking her to do anything. She was grateful to himand hoped everyone would not misunderstand him.
Looking through Li Yuhe’s phone, his chat records with Wang Qian were “direct and straightforward”. The 33 transfers totaling over 50,000 yuan almost accounted forhalf of their chatting record. Apart from this, the most frequent phrases were “Take it”and “Thank youMr. Li”.
Li Yuhe said he disliked superficial things and pretty words; only practical actions were the best help for the child.
After the hypedied down, would he still continue to donate? Facing the most concerning question from the public, Li Yuhe firmly said, “As long as the child can be saved, I will continue to support him”.