
丨 關於金堂奖丨

2020年8月22日,由金堂獎全國聯盟與深圳時尚家居設計周共同聯合打造的金堂獎10年盛典,在全球最大的深圳國際會展中心盛大綻放!雲集了中國設計產業頂尖的大咖,匯聚了中國設計產業最矚目的焦點,展示了中國設計產業的蓬勃力量,回顧了輝煌的歷程更展望了美好的未來。On August 22, 2020, the golden Hall Awards 10-year grand ceremony jointly created by the National Alliance of Golden Hall Awards and Shenzhen Fashion Home Design Week, bloomed grandly in the world's largest Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center! Gathering the top designers in China's design industry, gathering the most eye-catching focus of China's design industry, showing the booming power of China's design industry, reviewing the glorious history and looking forward to a better future.



金堂獎十年盛典盛大綻放,由金堂獎全國聯盟與深圳時尚家居設計周共同聯合主辦的《金堂獎美學研究院年度峰會|大灣區尖端設計論壇》,在深圳國際會展中心的全新亮點主題館10號館隆重舉行,來自中國設計界的頂尖大咖、學界與產業界頂級高手和代表人物匯聚壹堂。JTG blossoms festival grand prize ten years, by JTG award, the national alliance with shenzhen fashion household design week jointly hosted by the "prize for JTG aesthetics research annual summit | large bay cutting-edge design BBS", at a new bright spot of shenzhen international convention and exhibition center held a grand 10th pavilion, theme pavilions, from China's top design higher-ups, academia and industry's top player and representative characters togethe.

△ RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司


十年間,金堂獎作為關註和推動設計行業發展的專業力量,備受業界人士的肯定與贊譽,此次RICK瑞克國際設計(香港)有限公司創始人&創意總監宋愛生(Rick Song)先生獲得金堂獎全國聯盟&金堂獎美學研究院暨中國原創設計研發中心特聘“大灣區學術研究員”的殊榮,在本次大灣區設計論壇暨金堂獎美學院年度峰會中,與設計界精英和代表們,針對 “大灣區的設計產業高地如何更進壹步?”、“青年設計師應該如何引領新趨勢潮流?”等進行深層次思想的碰撞、幹貨的分享。

Decade, JTG prize as a focus and expertise, to promote the development of design industry is the industry's affirmation and praise, the Rick International(HK)Design Limited., founder and creative director RICK Song JTG award prize in the national alliance & JTG aesthetics research institute and the Chinese original design research and development center founded "big bay area of academic researchers" title, in the large bay area design BBS and JTG prize beautiful college annual summit, and the design elite and the delegates, for "the design of the large bay area industry highlands how to step into one more?" ", "How should young designers lead new trends? Such as deep - level thought collision, dry goods sharing.


JTG prize decade celebration activities, large bay area design BBS and JTG prize beautiful college annual summit, as well as with several fashion household design week in shenzhen exhibition agencies, jointly organized by Chinese young designers together wisdom city BBS activities, in full swing in the expression of the design of wisdom, JTG award ten years festival in one kind of unique posture, designed for China power!.

·················· RICK ················



RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司(簡稱RICK瑞克國際設計),香港&深圳雙總部,在長沙及南昌設有分公司,致力為客戶提供高品質的室內空間設計及軟裝設計定制服務。先後幫助萬科、華潤、碧桂園、中南、等中國一線房地產開發商,及萬豪&麗絲卡爾頓、凱悅&君悅、洲際、安娜塔拉、希爾頓、等國際五星級品牌及精品酒店客戶,以理性科學的策略思維設計手法及科學成本的控制,以極高的性價比形成卓越的產品競爭力,令客戶的投資實現市場行銷戰略目標及品牌價值得到長線增值。憑藉國際化視野及對項目品質的極致追求, 其作品榮獲設計專業眾多國內外獎項及榮譽。

宋愛生(Rick Song)先生 是一名新銳、知名青年設計師,其開創及帶領的RICK瑞克國際設計團隊秉承“東西融合” 的設計理念,擅長洞察項目特徵與使用者需求出發,把歷史、自然、文化、藝術結合國際新穎經營理念、生活方式及智慧科技理念融合於其創作中;運用當代的詮釋方式演繹傳統與傳承,讓文化藝術在真實的生活中重獲新生同時為空間賦予靈魂與智慧。塑造出與專案商業定位契合的空間氣質與靈魂 ,為客戶創造獨特而難忘的生活場景和非凡體驗。













