2019年5月1日至5月4日劳动节小长假期间,第三届“思南城市空间艺术StArt Festival 2019-上海城市空间艺术节”将于思南公馆举行。三年来,艺术节始终坚持“All In All Free”,坚持专业高度、坚持全场对公众免费开放。今年,作为“演艺大世界”的重点项目之一,”艺术节”将以高跷、戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、木偶、新杂艺等多种表演方式为公众在四天内带来逾百场次的高质量艺术演出,积极发挥引领作用,将“艺术作为流动的生命”注入思南城市公共空间,把“观演作为一种生活方式”融入思南生活。
During the May Day holidays from May 1st to May 4th, 2019, the 3rd " Sinan Urban Space Art StArt Festival 2019 - Shanghai Urban Space Art Festival " will be held in Sinan Mansions. In the past three years, the organizing committee has always based itself on the principle of “All In All Free”, provided services to the public free of charge and without compromising a bit of its expertise. This year, as one of the key projects of “SHOW LIFE”, the Art Festival will bring about more than 100 excellent performances in four days such as stilts, drama, music, dance, puppetry and new circus, etc. Its leading role in the festival will fill Sinan Mansions with arts and integrate art viewing into Sinan life style.
“思南城市空间艺术StArt Festival 2019 -上海城市空间艺术节”将于2019年5月1日至5月4日劳动节小长假期间在思南公馆举行。”艺术节”始终坚持“All In All Free”:免费的却是专业的。来自世界各地的9个团队32位艺术家将在劳动节假期四天内带来逾百场次的高质量艺术演出,面对面零距离与公众一同共演艺术。
"Sinan Urban Space Art StArt Festival 2019 - Shanghai Urban Space Art Festival (the Art Festival)" will be held in Sinan Mansions during the May Day holidays from May 1st to May 4th, 2019. The Art Festival has devoted itself to "All In All Free": free but nothing less professional. 9 teams consisting of 32 artists from all around the world will present their talents within four days via over 100 high-quality live art performances.
在中共上海市黄浦区委宣传部的指导和上海市对外文化交流协会的特别支持下,第三届“思南城市空间艺术StArt Festival 2019-上海城市空间艺术节”继首届“不破不立”和第二届“因时而进”之后,更凸显传承创新精神,继续“怀梦前行”。“传承”既是延续思南的人文精神,也是怀有梦想、坚持“艺术节”服务人民的创办初衷,“创新”则是在面对过往成就时,继续就专业高度、空间广度与公众参与度等各个方向进行不止步的探索前进。
Under the guidance of Publicity Department of Huangpu District Committee CPC Shanghai and support of Shanghai International Culture Association, following the 1st "Destruction Then Construction" and the 2nd "Advance With the Times", the 3rd "Sinan Urban Space Art StArt Festival 2019 - Shanghai Urban Space Art Festival" is about to further highlight the inheritance and innovation spirit, and continues to "dream forward". "Inheritance" is not only the continuation of Sinan's humanistic spirit, but also the original intention of dreaming forward and serving the people with arts. "Innovation" refers to a continued exploration from a professional level, a wide extent and the public involvement when faced with previous achievements.
In the meanwhile, in response to Shanghai's major “SHOW LIFE” objectives to build the city into an International Cultural Metropolis, a demonstration area of Asian Performing Arts Center and a world-class performing art gathering venue, Sinan Mansions is actively exerting its impact on geographical advantages and cultural position. Its leading role in this festival will fill Sinan Mansions with art and integrate art viewing into Sinan life style.
From public art, music, drama, dance to situational art, public space participates in arts more and more, makes progress hand in hand with urban construction, and even gets developed across fields. Since its foundation, the Art Festival has been pursuing professionalism and is committed to introducing more and more space art categories and world-class pieces to the public. The Art Festival will present a variety of art performances such as stilts, drama, music, dance, puppet and new circus, etc., and draw the distance from the audience in an interactive and more approachable presentation. For the audience, this is an interesting performance and a wonderful scenery; for the artist, it seems to be a relaxed performance, but it requires a profound understanding and a persistent pursuit toward space art. Art teams and artists from all over the world will bring their outstanding works in different fields of space art, so that everyone can feel the richness of art from their doorstep.
In the “walking parade”, the Art Festival is turning Sinan Mansions into a "mobile space", so that art can start and happen at anytime, anywhere. As the crowd moves around, the art may exist in a space larger than that in a traditional sense. In this year’s art festival, there are 16 public spaces involved. Apart from Sinan Mansions already known to everyone, the mass can follow the "headless man" in "the Suit" “flowing” through Sinan Road to Fuxing Park. The art performance extends from Sinan Mansions to Fuxing Park, providing more urban space artists and availing the public with more opportunities to participate in this art carnival. The extension of time and space will bring about more relaxed and more comfortable artistic enjoyment. The art performances will vary as spaces change, presenting different effects in diversified scenes, thus surprising everyone.
The earliest art in the world originated in public space. In ancient Greece, people came to the central square to appreciate the Poetry of the Homer episode in the evening, where the emergence of space art was meant to break the "fourth wall" between performers and the audience as the theater came into being. To this end, the Art Festival always adheres to the principle of openness and works hard to create an art festival that truly belongs to the people.
“弱台词、重视觉、重互动、多焦点的演出为主,能与城市空间产生关系的艺术表演”,是“艺术节”选择节目在公共空间表演的标准。艺术家突破传统的观演关系,与环境、观众互动融合,精心打造的交互感特别强的作品。本届“艺术节”在此基础上,邀请公众在在艺术实践中参与其中,共同完成演出作品,形成一种公共文化的氛围。由西班牙弗拉门戈舞蹈剧团带来的《一天的体验》,邀请观众们跟着音乐一起跳起传统的弗拉门戈舞蹈,在沉浸式的体验中感受他们对生活的独特见解。《风之幻》受法国科幻小说家Alain Damasio的作品启发,云朵猎人出发寻找风的源头。 旅途中,他们偶遇了在乌云中跳舞的泡泡仙女。他们受巨大的泡泡指引向前,并请观众们一同踏入这一梦幻旅程。本次艺术节,加入艺术家的行列共同“表演”,公众们将会体验怎样的梦一样的旅程呢?让我们一起拭目以待。
“Reduce lines, focus on visual, encourage interactions and increase different angles”, by which the Art Festival relates the art performances to urban space. This is a criterion that the Art Festival employs when choosing programs to perform in public spaces. Artists break through their traditional interactive relationship with the audience, blend themselves with the environment, and create a particularly strong atmosphere for interaction. On this basis, The Art Festival invites the public to participate in the art practice and jointly complete the performances to form a public culture nuance. The "CORdas" brought by the Spanish flamenco dance troupe DANSACIO invites the audience to join them in traditional flamenco dances and feel their unique insights into life in an immersive experience. Inspired by Alain Damasio, a French science fiction writer, “Les Chimères du Vent” sends cloud hunters out to find the origin of the wind. During the journey, they meet a bubble fairy dancing in the dark clouds. They are guided by huge bubbles and invite the audience to step into this dream journey. In the Art Festival, join the ranks of artists to perform together, then what dream-like journey will the public experience? Let us wait and see.
The Art Festival is expected to bring something fresher and more interesting to the public. The artists will show you a world-famous art event: the glowing bear will appear in the night, the "cloud hunters" will run into the "bubble fairy", the robot Titan star who has worked with Will Smith and Robert Downey Jr. pulls out some cool poses at the corner of the street... The Art Festival will also add night show time, create surprises on the nocturnal background, entertain the public until 10:00 pm every night with non-stop performances specially designed for the nighttime. In addition, the public can also see more innovative power from domestic artists. The "Adventurous Family" presented by the youth performance team will surround Sinan Mansions with flamingos and turn the festival into a happy ocean.
同时,在求新求变的过程中,更注重表演背后的故事。街头巷尾都是戏,台前幕后皆是情,艺术打动人的不仅仅是新奇的外观或是夸张的形式,更是内在的人文核心。来自法国的水龙剧团带来的杂技音乐演出《绳索与手风琴》,背后就有一个动人的故事。两位年龄相差18岁的艺术家在实际生活中是邻居也是忘年交,在团队成员Valentin Bellot小的时候,他就希望可以跟随Christian Pilet学习技艺,他一直没有放弃这个梦想。这才有了如今的这个配合默契精彩绝伦的演出,在他们身上,即有艺术的传承,也是艺术的创新与延续。
Meanwhile, in the process of seeking innovation and changes, more attention is paid to the story behind performances. The streets and alleys are full of dramas; love penetrates all around the stage. Art is not only a novel appearance or an exaggerated form, but also an inner human expression. There is a moving story behind the acrobatic musical "La Corde et On" presented by the French performance team Cie Hydragon. Two artists who have an 18-year-old difference between each other are neighbors and intergenerational friends in their real life. When Valentin Bellot was young, he hoped to learn from Christian Pilet and has always pursued this dream. That’s how we may enjoy this fascinating performance today. In them, there is the inheritance of art, and also an innovation and continuation of art.
本届“艺术节”的艺术总监继续由艺术候鸟联盟艺术总监、法国里昂伊力密托福情境艺术创作中心负责人,贝尔特朗·德萨纳(Bertrand DESSANE)先生担任。台前,他是本次艺术节艺术总指导,幕后,他是思南的老朋友。他在和思南连续三年的合作中,从陌生到了解,在熟悉中探索,每一年的变化都使得艺术更思南,思南更艺术,交织融汇中创造每一天的新的历史。
Mr. Bertrand DESSANE continues to be the art director of the Art Festival, who also takes the position of art director of Art Migratory Birds Union and head of Ilimitrof cpg in Lyon, France. On the stage, he is the chief art director of the Art Festival. Behind the scenes, he has been an old friend of Sinan Mansions. In his three years of cooperation with Sinan Mansions, he has explored and gained understanding from familiarity. Every year's changes have made art more interesting, Sinan Mansions is more artistic, and intertwined to create a new history day by day.
The real core of the Art Festival is the humanistic spirit. For this reason, it will continue to carry on its social responsibility of art education, and will bring the art forum to the public, including "Interpret the history, inherit regional culture - the new fusion of culture and business”, art workshop "Do Yangko Dances With Your Whole Body" and art lecture "Traditional Chinese opera can be very fun - Kunqu opera popularization lecture" and a series of other activities.
艺术节观演期间,为了给公众提供更好更方便的服务,思南公馆集合街区内商业优势特别推出各商户艺术节主题优惠活动,所有来到艺术节现场的朋友都将获赠艺术节观演导览手册以及商户优惠指南一份,旨在为公众提供一站式吃喝玩乐,使大家在这个假期“看好、玩好、参与好”。本次艺术节也感谢艺术同路人的大力支持:中国建设银行、中国银行、浦发银行、必富达Beefeater金酒、O D'HORA时光馥、思南书局、思南公馆AJM法餐厅、奕思创E-STRONGER、城野医生护肤体验中心、复兴里酒吧、 AWL澳洲传奇酒业、MAKE UP FOR EVER ACADEMY等。
During the Art Festival, Sinan Mansions gathers the commercial advantages in the area, and launches theme promotions with different stores to well serve the public. All visitors to the Art Festival live shows can be provided with a performance guide and store discount brochure, with which they can fully enjoy the holidays and participate completely. The Art Festival makes acknowledgement to the strong support coming from China Construction Bank, Bank of China, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Beefeater, O D'HORA, Sinan Books, Aux Jardins Massenet at Sinan Mansions, E-STRONGER Creative Space, Dr.Ci:Labo, Bar Renaissance, Australian Wine Legend and MAKE UP FOR EVER ACADEMY, etc.
Art is becoming a part of the city, and culture is nourishing the city. We look forward to seeing a stronger chemical action between arts and Sinan urban space, expect the Art Festival to make our city softer, so that everyone has the opportunity to appreciate art, experience culture, feel art in life and enjoy art in life.
第三届“思南城市空间艺术StArt Festival 2019-上海城市空间艺术节”
The 3rd Sinan Urban Space Art StArt Festival 2019 - Shanghai Urban Space Art Festival
Time: May 1st - May 4th, 2019