



Dao coin is a kind of copper coin name in ancient China. Evolved from the knife of production tools. Qi, Yan, Zhao and other states circulated in the spring and autumn and Warring States period. There are many kinds of Dao, such as Qi Dao, Jimo Dao, Anyang Dao, zhenshou Dao, Jianshou Dao, Yuanshou Dao and Mingdao. There are characters on it. After the first emperor of Qin unified China, he unified the currency system and discarded shells, knives, cloth and other coins. Later, the coins Wang Mang minted included gold wrong Dao. Dao coin is the general name of all kinds of Dao shaped coins, such as needle head Dao, sharp head Dao, Ming Dao, Qi Dao and round head Dao, which were made in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. It is named for its shape like a knife. Qi Ming Dao, also known as Boshan Dao, is commonly known as Boshan Dao because it was first found in Boshan, Shandong Province. Boshan is an old county name, located in the middle of Shandong Province. It was abolished in 1958 and incorporated into Zibo City. According to jinshishuo, the origin of Boshan Dao is studied. It is recorded that "Boshan Dao was created by sun Xingfang, and hundreds of pieces were dug out of a cellar in Xingyu village of Yunbo mountain, which can't be distinguished from the text". Moreover, "this Dao and the front Dao came out of a cellar, although the boat was sent from Boshan.". Because this Dao coin was unearthed in Qi Dynasty, it has the characters of "Ming" (or "Zhao" or "Yi"), so it is often called "Qi Ming Dao". Qi Ming Dao is thinner and narrower than Yan Ming Dao, and its seal character "Ming" is long and square, which is different from Yan Ming Dao. There are more than ten kinds of characters with different number of words, such as Qi, Qi Hua, Qi Hua Gong Jin, Ju Ye Hua, Ju Ye Qi Hua and so on. This Dao coin is thick, with a slightly lower copper content and a slightly higher lead content. On the back of the text "Anyang of the law" five words, "Anyang" is now in Caoxian area of Shandong Province. Dao coin consists of Dao head, Dao body, Dao handle and Dao ring. The edge of the knife has an outline, the edge is not outward, and the edge is left but not right. The concave back convex edge, the head of the knife is close to the three pictographs, the body and handle are two rectangles of similar size, and the ring of the knife is round. These geometric shapes are skillfully combined to form a kind of smooth, round and harmonious beauty. In addition, Dao coin is the epitome of people's life in ancient times, so it has a profound historical and cultural heritage, and has a high collection value.
