Design District在伦敦格林威治半岛落成开放

作为创意行业一处新的永久性基地,Design District在伦敦格林威治半岛落成开放


伦敦2021年9月16日 /美通社/ -- 英国首都首个为创意产业专门设计的永久性基地 -- Design District于今日开放由创业型空间打造企业Knight Dragon构思的这一备受期待的创新型宽大办公场所旨在促进创意和协作,租金低廉,并采用专注于支持创意部门的专门设计

Design District on Greenwich Peninsula, London’s first permanent, purpose-built hub for the creative industries, conceived and developed by Knight Dragon, and designed by eight leading architects. Credit: TARAN WILKHU

Design District on Greenwich Peninsula, London’s first permanent, purpose-built hub for the creative industries, conceived and developed by Knight Dragon, and designed by eight leading architects. Credit: TARAN WILKHU


这个区域提供了众多不同的工作空间,作为一个生态系统,这里可容纳1800名创意人员,包括个人制造者、雄心勃勃的初创企业、开拓性企业和行业领袖。众多来自不同领域的创意企业、品牌和个人已经落户这里,包括由LGBTQ+领导的非营利性组织QUEERCIRCLE、由Daniel Bailey创建的鞋履设计研究项目及出版物Concept Kicks,以及Brace Yourself PR,这是一个独立音乐品牌,拥有从狂躁街道传教者乐队到Bodega等突破型天才的令人艳羡的艺人名录。

“让艺术、文化和设计具有可及性和包容性将始终是我们的关注点, “Design District是一个令人兴奋的重要步骤,将在各个发展阶段为企业和个人提供支持,在一个关键时刻为创意交流、建立联系以及创新提供了急需的基地 -- 所有这些在过去18个月中都遭受了严重影响。” Kerri Sibson,格林威治半岛项目主任

Design District将比邻提供多种国际餐饮的新的美食目的地Canteen、可欣赏伦敦最著名景观的屋顶运动区域The Basketball Court、格林威治前卫的现场艺术画廊NOW Gallery(该画廊多年来已举办过众多创意展示并与众多艺术家合作,包括Camille WalalaMolly Goddard)、展示有Damien Hirst等世界知名艺术家雕塑名作伦敦首个高架公园和公共艺术步道The Tide,以及Bureau,这是伦敦创意产业新的会员俱乐部和该市首座On/Off办公室,旨在满足各企业灵活办公安排的新需求。

Design District的落成表明,格林威治半岛的愿景依然是融入未来,并致力于创意与创新

Design District on Greenwich Peninsula, London’s first permanent, purpose-built hub for the creative industries, conceived and developed by Knight Dragon, and designed by eight leading architects. Credit: TARAN WILKHU

Design District on Greenwich Peninsula, London’s first permanent, purpose-built hub for the creative industries, conceived and developed by Knight Dragon, and designed by eight leading architects. Credit: TARAN WILKHU

Design District on Greenwich Peninsula, London’s first permanent, purpose-built hub for the creative industries, conceived and developed by Knight Dragon, and designed by eight leading architects. Credit: TARAN WILKHU

Design District on Greenwich Peninsula, London’s first permanent, purpose-built hub for the creative industries, conceived and developed by Knight Dragon, and designed by eight leading architects. Credit: TARAN WILKHU
