联合国妇女地位委员会第六十九届会议(第六十九届会议)于3月10-21日在纽约联合国总部召开。今年,第六十九届会议聚焦审议和评估《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》发布三十年来的实施情况以及第 23 届联合国大会特别会议成果。 值此契机,联合国妇女署中国办公室与中国网络社会组织联合会、国际劳工组织中国和蒙古局于3月18日以线下、线上相融合的方式成功举办了以“‘北京+30’背景下促进妇女经济赋权:体面工作与性别包容型政策”为题的高级别边会。
此次边会介绍了关于《北京宣言》和《行动纲领》及第 23 届联合国大会特别会议成果执行情况的联合国秘书长报告以及联合国妇女署《北京世界妇女大会三十年后妇女权利回顾》报告 ,其中强调需确保在向低碳经济过渡的过程中,以及在技术变革、特别是人工智能发展的背景下,关注妇女的性别平等、照护和体面工作;优先进行公共投资,以发展和扩大综合照护系统,包括照护假政策、提供整个生命过程的普遍照护服务以及对有酬照料者的适当认可和奖励;保障非正规工人的劳动权利和应享福利,减少劳动力市场隔离和缩小性别工资差距,改善妇女工作的质量和条件。
作为第六十九届会议主题的构成部分,本次边会呼吁政府、企业、社会组织等利益相关方积极行动,制定并完善相关政策,推动妇女实现体面工作,构建性别包容环境,尤其聚焦面临多重困境、遭受交叉歧视的妇女就业与生计问题,全力加速落实《2030 年可持续发展议程》以及《北京宣言》与《行动纲领》,确保在发展进程中,不让任何一人掉队 。
联合国妇女署中国办公室代表安思齐(Smriti Aryal)女士在欢迎致辞中表示,女性的就业权以及在工作中享有的权利,是保障妇女整体福祉的基石,使妇女充分发挥自身潜力、促进性别平等,还深刻影响其健康、教育以及整体生活质量。随着更多女性进入职场并长期稳定就业,企业的盈利能力和运营效率将得到显著提升,进而推动国家经济增长。在迈向2030年的关键时期,我们必须以高度的紧迫感和主动性,采取共同行动,《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》所承诺的目标,唯有通过各方“携手并进”才能最终实现。
国际劳工组织中国和蒙古局局长,李昌徽(Chang-Hee Lee) 先生表示,“所有女性都是工作中的女性,无论她们从事的是有偿还是无偿的工作。让我们共同努力,构建一个每位女性的劳动价值都被认可和重视的未来,为女性赋权,使她们蓬勃发展,为经济和社会发展做出充分贡献!”
Promoting decent work and gender-inclusive policies: CSW69 UN Women high-level side event was successfully organized in Beijing
The 69th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69) is held from 10-21 March 2025 at the United Nations headquarters in New York. This year, CSW69 focuses on the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action over the past 30 years and the outcomes of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly. On this occasion, the UN Women China Office, together with the China Federation of Internet Societies (CFIS) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for China and Mongolia, successfully held a high-level side event on March 18 themed by "Beijing+30: Advancing Women's Economic Empowerment through Decent Work and Gender-Responsive Policies" through hybrid format.
The event highlighted how employment should address the specific needs and vulnerabilities of women and girls. It spotlighted laws, policies, innovative strategies, replicable programme interventions and practices that address gender-based discrimination in the workplace. Additionally, it focused on the recommendations to foster inclusive workplaces and empower women economically. Therefore, we can unleash women's potential to drive sustainable economic growth and advance the economic and social development.
The event featured the Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly and UN Women “Women’s rights in review 30 years after Beijing” Report, which emphasized the priorities for future actions to “ensure a focus on gender equality, care and decent work for women in the transition to a low-carbon economy and in the context of technological change, particularly the growth of artificial intelligence; Prioritize public investments to develop and expand integrated care systems, including care leave policies, the provision of universal care services across the life course and the proper recognition and reward of paid caregivers; Improve the quality and conditions of women’s work, through labour rights and entitlements for informal workers and efforts to reduce labour market segregation and close the gender pay gap”.
Representatives from several countries and key stakeholders discussed the challenges and opportunities women have faced in employment over the past five years. They explored policies and practices to promote decent employment and address workplace gender discrimination, including developing women's talent and potential, creating family-friendly workplaces, building comprehensive care systems, and fostering multi-stakeholder cooperation. The discussions emphasized the critical role of high-quality employment for women in advancing gender equality and promoting economic development.
As part of the theme of CSW69, the side event called on key stakeholders, including governments, businesses and civil society organizations, to take action to promote decent work and gender-inclusive policies, with a focus on employment and livelihoods for women facing multiple disadvantages and intersectional discrimination, and to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, leaving no one behind.
UN Women China Country Representative Smriti Aryal, Secretary General of the China Federation of Internet Societies Zhao Hui, ILO Country Office Director for China and Mongolia Changhee Lee, Vice President of China Enterprise Confederation Liang Yan and Director of All-China Women’s Federation Women's Research Institute Guo Ye shared their insights with the participants. Senior officials from governments of China, Kenya and Malta, as well as representatives from academia and civil society organization shared their practices and views at the event.