The Change to the Dates of COTTM – China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market 2020
鉴于新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响,中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM)主办方宣布: 推迟COTTM2020的举办日期。
作为COTTM的主办方,我们一直关注着本次新型冠状病毒肺炎的疫情发展以及中国政府采取的相关防控措施。 近日,通过与各利益相关方协商,我们决定将第十六届中国出境旅游交易会(COTTM2020)的举行延期至秋季,调整后的展会举办日期为2020年9月9-11日,而展会的场地---北京全国农业展览馆(新馆)和展位平面图等其他信息均保持不变。
我们深知,这次疫情给旅游行业造成了极大打击,中国出境旅游行业遭遇了重大损失。 COTTM主办方愿与中国出境旅游业者携手与共,为行业聚集目的地新资源新产品、汇聚新思想而提供更好平台,为迎接中国出境旅游行业的恢复和再发展继续努力。
Please note the change to the dates of COTTM – China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market 2020.
Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, we have been in close communication with the Chinese authorities and key stakeholders and it has been decided that the best decision for the tourism industry is to move COTTM 2020 to the new dates of 9-11 September 2020.
The event will still be held at the National Agriculture Exhibition Centre, Beijing.
For more information regarding any aspect of the event, including updated participation information and deadlines, you can get in touch with the team.