了解英美法中的“Family allowance”制度

Family allowance在美国法律中指的是家属扶养补助在遗产管理过程中,为保障生存配偶和子女的生活而从遗产中拨付的一部分财产。在英国法律中指的是1,子女抚养补助为抚养双方当事人的子女而在离婚或分居判决中所规定的补助金,通常判决向其妻子和/或子女一次性支付。2,家庭补助;家庭津贴,英国政府自1946年起向有两个或两个以上子女的家庭拨付的补助金,该补助依子女人数(长子或长女除外)按月由财政部提供的基金中支付,并为整个家庭所受益。在此类子女到达离校年龄之前或未满18岁且处于全日制在校阶段之前,可一直享受该补助。后于1975年被儿童津贴(child benefit)所取代。

参考例句:However, after 2003, because of the new programs aimed at supporting families with children (for example: the new-born allowance, the

child raising indemnity and the bonus for the mother/father who returns to the labour field although being in child raising leave, the new-born trousseau, the additional family allowance and the support allowance for the single parent family), positive effects among the women employees and an increase of number of children can be noticed, mainly in the urban area.


The Family Allowance Programme (PRAF) offers a halfyearly voucher for 600 lempiras to a very small group aged over 60 in certain departments of the country.


That was seen in the increase in the education budget to 4.5 per cent of gross domestic product and through the implementation of a body of reforms, such as the equity plan, health-care reform, tax reform and the new family allowance system.

这一点从以下事实中可以看到:我们已将教育预算增至 占国内总产值的4.5%,并实行一系列改革,例如公平 计划、保健改革、税务改革及新家庭补贴制度。

After figuring in the government family allowance and income from investments, the household has a gross income of about CHF 157,000.


文章来源:译问 https://www.qidulp.com/
