dRoom预告 | 致青春项目单元:Good Luck! 将于5月18日开幕

GOOD LUCK/ 致青春 项目单元 开幕时间:2019.05.18 4:00pm 展览周期:20

GOOD LUCK/ 致青春 项目单元

开幕时间:2019.05.18 4:00pm



策展人:王将 /特邀评论:郭锦泓



GOOD LUCK/To YouthProject Unit



Venue:dRoom- Platform China 

Curator:Wang Jiang

Invited Critic: Guo Jinhong

Participating Artists:

Dong Jinling/Feng Lin/Hu Wei/Lin Aojie/Liu Chengrui/Tong Kunniao/Zhang Yue

dRoom项目空间 荣幸地宣布,我们将于2019年5月18日参与站台中国当代艺术机构夏季群展《致青春》,展览中将呈现由7位艺术家所组成的特别单元“Good Luck”。项目以此为题,是对《致青春》主题的回应,也是一场关于生命的祝愿。7位艺术家在不同的生活经验和艺术方法下所生成作品,因由展览机缘而形成临时对话,它们凝结为一种复杂的情绪,在作为主题的祝愿语下更显露出现实的冷酷。展览现场,项目策划人王将也将以一封特别撰写的“情书”-《致信青春》,作为此次展览的关系文本,并邀请艺术写作者郭锦泓作为该项目单元的特邀评论。展期将持续至6月30日。

dRoom Project Space is honored to announce that we will participate in Summer Group Exhibition: To Youth at Platform China Contemporary Art Institute on May 18, 2019, in which our space will present a special unit GOOD LUCK composed of seven artists. The project is a response to the theme of "To Youth" and a wish for life. The works produced by seven artists under different life experiences and artistic methods form a temporary dialogue due to the opportunity of exhibition, which condenses into a complex emotion. The cruelty of reality is even more evident in the words of wishes as the theme. On the exhibition site, the curator Wang will also use a special "love letter" - Letter to Youth, as the relationship text of the project. And critic Guo Jinhong is invited to comment on the project. The exhibition will last until June 30.


D-room is an art project launched by platform China contemporary art institut in October 2016. It explores and reflects on the new possibilities of art in the context of modern life through the interactive behavior based on physics and virtual space.

站台中国当代艺术机构(Platform China Contemporary Art Institute)于2005年在北京成立,2015年底搬入798艺术区。站台中国是一个具有实验性和开放性的平台。作为一个艺术的发现、推动和参与者,站台中国致力于优质艺术实践的推广和艺术生态的建设,持续推动着当代艺术国际间的对话与交流。是一个致力于当代艺术交流和研究的综合性艺术机构。

Platform China Contemporary Art Institute was founded in 2005 in Beijing, and moved into 798 area in the end of 2015. Platform China is an experimental and open platform. As a finder, pusher and participant of art, Platform China focuses on the promotion of the art practice and the construction of the art ecology, continually promoting the international communication on contemporary art. 
