猪场通风出问题,美国Hog Slat有良方,轻松自己搞定!


随着生猪产业的升级,规模化养猪场逐渐成为发展趋势,其中设备是保证规模猪场高效化运作的根本和关键。对于产品,除了产品质量过硬之外,日常的维护和保养同样重要!据研究发现,定期对设备进行维护和保养,可以减少设备事故、延长设备使用寿命,保持设备的性能和精度,提高企业的生产能力和经济效益。近期,Hog Slat美国总部通风主管Austin Baker针对隧道通风系统,结合客户在使用过程中的问题反馈,推出了一份隧道通风系统故障排除指南(中英文见下文),供大家参考学习!

By Austin Baker, Ventilation director, Hog Slat Inc.

Austin Baker, Hog Slat 通风主管

I am frequently asked by farm owners to evaluate the tunnel ventilation system on an existing facility that they feel is "not performing to par."  I have a simple checklist that I follow to troubleshoot these systems.


I start with the fans.  Think of fans as air pumps. Exhausting air from the building is the primary method of removing heat.   If you don't have enough pumping power heat will build up inside the facility. 


I run a quick calculation of the required cubic feet per minute or cfm to check to see if the existing fans are adequate.  Honestly most of the time the installed fan capacity is enough to do the job.   We need to dig deeper to find out why the fans are performing up to their potential. 


1) Are the shutters dirty?   A dirty shutter can rob up to 8% of the cfm delivery as it takes extra energy to keep the vanes open. Keeping a broom at the fan end of the barn will pay for itself.


2) Are the belts worn?  The pulley transfers motor energy to the prop.  If it is slipping, the prop will not turn at its full revolutions per minute and reduced airflow results Annual belt replacement is part of a good maintenance program. 


3) Are the belts the correct length?


4) Is the belt tension correct?  Check for a stuck belt auto tensioner.


5) Are the pulleys worn?  This is one of the more common culprits.  Worn pulleys cause slippage and result in belts wearing faster.


6) Is there any "wiggle" in the shaft bearings?  Bearings should be firm and tight, as unnecessary vibration will cause the entire linkage system to wear quicker.


7) Are the bearings running hot?  The heat caused by friction means they need grease or replacement. 


8) Are the prop tension screws tight?  Not a common issue but it happens.


9) Are any sections of the fan cone missing?  Cones increase fan output by 10%. 


Once I am comfortable the fans are operating at their full capacity, I next turn to the air intake, which is most commonly a tunnel curtain.  A quick calculation of the total fan capacity in cfm divided by 400 will give the required opening for the system.  Typically the system was designed with enough opening but is somehow being restricted.  Here are some things to watch for.


1) Curtains that bunch up and block the bottom quarter or third of the opening.   Curtains should be attached far enough below the inlet to allow them to gather at the bottom without restricting the opening. 


2) Curtain rods are catching on the curtain pockets and not allowing them to come down.


3) Not enough weight in the curtain rods to allow the curtain to open fully.


The next area to look at is the cool cell system.  As warmer air passes through the pads, the water is evaporated to cool the air moving into the building.  As this water evaporates, it leaves behind whatever minerals, algae or dirt it contained.  These deposits build up on the pads as scale limiting airflow.


The most impactful ways to reduce scale is to drain the trough entirely and fill with fresh water once a week during hot weather.  This blast of clean water helps flush scale from the pads.  


More often than not, some basic maintenance and repairs are all that's needed to get an existing tunnel running at its full potential.


猪场养人,人养设备,设备养猪是规模化猪场的养殖方式。要想高效化,好的设备是前提,好的设备维护和保养是关键!夏季已经来临,天气炎热,各猪场一定要做好舍内降温工作,保证猪群在健康舒适的环境中生长。水帘降温,是目前市场上规模化猪场使用十分普及的一种方式。那么,猪场在使用水帘时,我们又该如何维护和保养水帘系统呢?下期Hog Slat将会继续从专家的角度为您带来经验分享。
