
大运河传媒讯 (卉君 王婧发自波兰)6月24日一26日,2024世界运河大会,正在波兰比得哥什市举行。大运河传媒代表团成员、中国“壮游大运河”活动发起人、壮游人生教育科技(北京)有限公司董事长程颢在“人与人的活动”分论坛英语演讲后,向大会发出《全球运河城市共建“世界运河城市研学云平台” 》倡议书,倡议所有世界运河城市,携起手来,充分运用日新月异的数字科技,共同建立数字化的“世界运河城市研学云平台”。

在英语演讲“用云上大运河联接世界青少年”(CONNECTING THE WORLD'S YOUTH THROUGH THE GRAND CANAL ON CLOUD ) 中,出生在中国大运河畔城市宿迁的程颢介绍,大学暑假时期,曾沿着运河历时30天骑行2000公里,进行运河研学之旅;也曾沿着运河,历时40天,拜访中国30位经济界著名人,完成大学毕业之旅。并写了《趁早与这个世界约会》的著作。2015年,他和航海家翟墨一起驾驶帆船壮游地中海;2016年开启了父子壮游大运河的研学之旅。2014年中国大运河申遗成功之时,他成为壮游大运河研学活动的发起人,并出版第二本著作《壮游大运河》。



世界运河大会主办方内河航道国际组织(IWI) 前主席鲁迪·范德文表示,目前,IWI正在关注青少年与运河的关系,壮游大运河研学的中国实践为世界运河城市提供了样板和灵感。“世界运河城市研学云平台”是一个很激动人心的想法,让世界青少年更便捷、更深入共享世界运河文化和智慧。

比得哥什市副市长 Mr Łukasz Krupa在介绍了比得哥什是音乐之都和运河城市后,希望比得哥什成为壮游大运河的目的地城市,两国城市的青少年在探索运河中,增进了解,扩大交往。


明年,世界运河大会将在纽约水牛城举办, 纽约运河公司(社团) 主任布莱恩·斯特拉顿说, 期待纽约伊利运河将通过“世界运河城市研学云平台”,向世界传播伊利运河。







Global Canal city construction "World Canal city research cloud platform" proposal

1. The inherent communication function of canals has instilled in us the spirit of freedom, openness, and interconnectivity among canal cites.

2. In line with this spirit, we propose the creation of Cloud Platform for Study Tours in World Canal Cities (CPWCC) by the canal cities worldwide. Using innovative technologies, this platform will enable countries, especially their youth, under the flags of canals, to contribute to the preservation and promotion of canal culture and foster cultural exchange and educational cooperation among global canal cities.

3. We appeal to governments, educational institutions, enterprises, and social organizations to lend their strong support and assistance to the construction of this platform, to jointly creat an open, shared, and mutually beneficial international canal cultural exchange platform.

The World Canal Cities Study Tour Cloud Platform will be a comprehensive online platform that integrates global canal cities resources, historical culture, and educational content.

4. Cloud Platform for Study Tours in World Canal Cities (CPWCC) will delve deeply into canal cultures worldwide, develop international canal courses, and transform every canal city into a secondary classroom, a spiritual home, and a practical base to assist the growth of young people. It will provide diverse learning resources to youth worldwide, fostering the inheritance and promotion of canal culture, offering an easy communication platform for international canal cities, and providing a broad space for learning and practice for international youth.

Through Cloud Platform for Study Tours in World Canal Cities (CPWCC) , every canal and each canal city will become a shared learning subject for global youth. The platform will accompany growth, witness growth, and empower growth, creating new opportunities for the development of world canal cities and offering new avenues for the growth of international youth. Youth from various countries can choose appropriate bases and courses through the platform, participate in more practical activities, cultivate a global perspective, and enhance intercultural communication skills and international understanding.

5. Canals connect rivers, lakes, seas, and different cities, linking the world together. Cloud Platform for Study Tours in World Canal Cities (CPWCC) can, with great hope and potentials, bring new opportunities to every canal city, connecting the growth of every canal city with that of its youth and every family.

制作 曹宇

编校 延晨 徐蓉

一审 桂艳 张莉

二审 肖东

三审 晖军
