城市驾驶人在购买SUV之前“应该三思”City Drivers“Should Think Twice”Before Buying SUVs

参考消息网4月19日报道 Drivers in crowded cities should think twice before buying a big SUV, says the head of a motoring organisation.

Steve Gooding, from the RAC Foundation, said: “We should all choose the right vehicle for the right trip to cut the size of our carbon footprint.”

His comments come as research confirms most SUVs are bought by urban drivers.

It shows that large SUVs - often known as Chelsea tractors - are indeed most prevalent in places such as Chelsea.

They are typically defined by their extreme size, and off-road features such as high ground clearance and four wheel drive.

They often face complaints from other road users about their bulk and their pollution - especially during the school run.

The report from the think-tank New Weather Institute said: “The numbers stand up long-held suspicions that these vehicles ostensibly designed for off-road are actually marketed successfully to urban users where their big size and higher pollution levels are a worse problem.”

Andrew Simms, from the New Weather Institute, said: “Just as tobacco advertising was successfully ended, it's time to stop promoting polluting SUV's.”









But motoring organisations said the analysis was too simplistic.

While Mr Gooding supported the principle of making appropriate choices of vehicles, he told the BBC it was wrong to protest against medium sized cars that look like SUVs but don't clog the streets and are economical to run.

“The term SUV has become so broad as to be unhelpful,” he said. “(Some) motorists might just be seeking the comfort and convenience of relatively tall but still modestly-sized cars that come with the SUV badge but are economical to run.”

“The popularity of the SUV body-style looks like it's going to be with us for some time as some auto companies have already released fully electric versions with more to come later this year.”

Edmund King, from Automobile Association, told the BBC: “Talk of banning the advertising of SUVs is a naive approach. The auto industry is developing a wide range of cleaner, greener vehicles with some of the best in SUV styles,” he said. “Not all SUVs are large. Small SUVs are among the most popular cars on sale, because they usually offer the high-set driving position, practicality, safety and looks of more traditional off-roaders, but without the high price, running costs or emissions.”

A study by the International Energy Agency said increasing demand for SUVs is the second biggest contributor to the growth in carbon emissions.

Annual emissions from SUVs rose to more than 700 megatonnes of CO2, and if SUV drivers were a country, they would be the seventh in the world for carbon emissions.







