【每日动态】Leeds Jet均质机生产的Ca-海藻酸盐微凝胶颗粒中水不溶性多酚和β-胡萝卜素的包封

20190719 周五 Leeds Jet均质机生产的Ca-海藻酸盐微凝胶颗粒中水不溶性多酚和β-胡

20190719 周五

Leeds Jet均质机生产的Ca-海藻酸盐微凝胶颗粒中水不溶性多酚和β-胡萝卜素的包封

Colloids and Surfaces A(IF: 3.131 ,3区)



多酚和β-胡萝卜素由于其多种保健功能而被广泛研究,但它们在水中的溶解性差,抑制了它们添加到食品中。这为本研究提供了动力:将这些水不溶性化合物捕获到通过Leeds Jet均质机的特殊技术制备的藻酸盐微凝胶颗粒中。


本研究描述了将不溶性物质包封在微凝胶颗粒中以及它们的表征。最终混合物含有2wt.%的藻酸盐,包封材料不溶性多酚为0.5mM,β-胡萝卜素为18.5mM(有或没有3wt.%吐温20)。含藻酸盐的混合物与20mM CaCl 2的体积比为4:1,用喷射均质机在300bar下生产微米级藻酸钙微凝胶颗粒。使用马尔文激光粒度仪测量不同pH值下具有或不具有包封材料的微凝胶颗粒的粒度分布。使用马尔文电位仪测量水不溶性晶体的粒度分布和微凝胶颗粒的ζ-电位。使用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜原位可视化包封的晶体和微凝胶颗粒(通过添加FITC-葡聚糖),确定包封的成功程度。通过添加磁性纳米颗粒并用分光光度计量化包埋在微凝胶颗粒中的包封化合物以测量不同的水不溶性化合物被捕获在微凝胶颗粒内的相对容易程度。




作者的工作证明了通过Leeds Jet均质机生产的微凝胶颗粒中包封水不溶性化合物的新技术。与制造凝胶颗粒的许多主流方法相比,通过喷射均质机封装水不溶性化合物显示出小颗粒粒度、高包封效率,这使其成为一种值得进一步追求的技术,作为产生用于健康和幸福功能的微凝胶颗粒的手段。


Brent Murray

Brent Murray is Professor of Food Colloids in the Department, appointed as lecturer in January 1995. Prior to this he spent 3 years in ICI's corporate colloid research group (UK) and 3 years in the Department of Physical Chemistry Colloid Group at the University of Melbourne. Brent's principal research interests are as follows: Particle-stabilized foams and emulsions, Protein and polysaccharide microgel particles, Biopolymer complex formation as a route to novel encapsulation, emulsification and controlled delivery of functional food ingredients, Measurements of interfacial rheology and interfacial phase behaviour of adsorbed biopolymer/biosurfactant films in relation to emulsion and foam formation and stability, including use of Brewster angle microscopy, Development of methods for measuring the adsorption/desorption and conformation of biopolymers/biosurfactants at oil-water and air-water interfaces, such as Langmuir trough methods, Applications of confocal microscopy, bulk rheology and particle tracking techniques to understand the relationship between colloidal microstructure and bulk texture, Measurement of colloidal interaction forces between particles, e.g., emulsion droplets, via atomic force microscopy (AFM) and particle collision techniques, to enable predictions of emulsion rheology and stability, etc, Non-food uses of food materials in colloid and surface science technology.
