The most basic Law of the formation of Chinese characters: the formation of Chinese characters by the arrangemen


第四章 汉字形成的最基本规律:部首组合排列形成汉字 

第一节    部首组合排列形成汉字的基本内容

The basic content of the formation of Chinese characters by the combination of part and head


The formation of Chinese characters is the most basic law of the formation of Chinese characters. Only by grasping the law of the first group of characters can we really reveal the mystery of the formation of Chinese characters, or the cipher of the formation of Chinese characters. Therefore, it is the key to explore the mystery of ancient Chinese characters to explore the regularity of the first group of characters in ancient Chinese characters.


The head is the most basic element in the formation of Chinese characters.


Western languages, or simply Western languages, such as English, Greek, German, Russian, etc. They often use about 300 roots as the backbone, by adding suffixes and other forms, the formation of a large vocabulary of Western languages. Various Western languages have developed from hundreds of thousands of words to more than a million lexicon.


It is difficult for western scholars to grasp the law of ancient Chinese characters. In fact, the formation of the ancient Chinese character font and the western word font has certain rules to follow. The formation of Chinese characters and the formation of western words can be used to explore their respective laws. The ancient Chinese characters have similar rules on the group words and the words in the western language.



Various Western languages use about 300 roots as the backbone to form new words and then assemble them into a huge thesaurus.

The ancient Chinese characters are composed of 300 Chinese characters, and through several or more of them (usually two or three heads, at most a few of them six or seven heads), a huge ancient Chinese character font can be formed by means of wonderful combination and arrangement. Under normal circumstances, the Chinese character library is within the range of 10, 000 characters. It is a tedious practice to get 40 to 50, 000 Chinese characters.


According to the fact that there are about 300 roots or heads of Chinese characters in western languages and ancient Chinese characters, it is shown that there is a common law in the understanding of the world in both Eastern and Western cultures, and that the Eastern and Western characters are the result of the understanding of things. It is the reflection and expression of people's understanding of things in words.

以形象具体的汉字部首组成整个的汉字群体是古汉字的一大特色,也是古汉字的基本造字规律。The formation of the whole group of Chinese characters with concrete Chinese characters is a characteristic of ancient Chinese characters as well as the basic character-making law of ancient Chinese characters.


The first part of ancient Chinese characters is the most basic element in the formation of Chinese characters. The head of Chinese character belongs to the category of hieroglyphs as a whole. In Xinhua Dictionary (10th Edition), published by the Business Press, the book shows that according to the first Table (draft) of the Ministry of Unification of Chinese characters, there are 300 heads: 201 subject heads and 99 synonymous heads. The introduction here is only 137 heads of Chinese characters. According to the order of the Chinese phonetic alphabet, their distribution is arranged as follows:

B 八、丷、灬 、宀、勹、匕、癶、比(8)

C 艹、彳、 辶、巛、艸、隹、厂、臣、虫(9)

D 亻、卩、夂、刂、刀(5)

E 歺、儿、耳(3)

F 匚、阝、攵、犭、飞、缶、阝、飞(8)

G 丨、廾、干、广、艮、囗、鬲、乛、弓(9)

H 户、灬、虍(2)

J 巾、彐、乁、彑、丬、臼、钅、孑、几(9)

K 凵(1)

L 耂、冫、力、耒、老(5)

M 糸、冖、宀、厶、米、马、矛(7)

N 牜、廿、疒、屰、女(5)

P 爿、丿、疋、丬、攴、攵、皮(7)

Q 犭、凵(2)

R 亻、人(2)

S 丨、扌、手、爫、殳、忄、氵、礻、纟、饣(飠)、氺、巳、尸、彡、夊、豕、罒、糸、厶、十、礻(21)

T 亠、冖、冂(3)

W 罒、囗、韋、瓦(4)

X 忄、彐、小、彡、厷(5)

Y 一、 廴、乚、幺、衤、疋、覀、讠(訁)、肀、又、雨、玉、页(14)

Z 夂、爫、辶、乛、止、隹、豸、子(8)


All of the materials cited in this chapter are from the Xinhua Dictionary (10th Edition), published by the Business Press (Beijing, 2006).


How many heads are there in ancient Chinese characters? Xu Fu, Song Minmin's "Shuwen-540" (Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House, 2002) thinks that there are 540ancient Chinese characters. Because in AD 100, Xu Shen's Shuo Wen Jie Zi (hereinafter referred to as Shuo Wen) has 540 Chinese characters in the first part of his book, "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" ("Shuo Wen Zi" for short).


However, in the "Kangxi Dictionary" of the Qing Dynasty, the total number of Chinese characters in the library reached 47043, the first in the middle of which was 300. The Xinhua Dictionary (10th Edition) included more than 10000 single characters of Chinese characters (including traditional and alien characters). There are 300 Chinese characters in the book. In this paper, the author chooses 300 Chinese characters in Xinhua Dictionary (10th Edition) to expound his own point of view.


The whole ancient Chinese character library is composed of 300 heads. If we are familiar with these 300 Chinese characters and use them flexibly in the formation of each Chinese character, we can understand the meaning of most Chinese characters. This is to reveal the mystery of the formation of Chinese characters.

(二)在甲骨文和篆书中,汉字部首都是“象形字”In the inscriptions on oracle bones and seals, the capital of the Chinese character ministry is the "hieroglyph".


In oracle bone inscription and seal script, these Chinese characters are able to find their corresponding hieroglyphs, so they should be called "hieroglyphs". For example, cattle, horses, sheep, hogs, dogs, good, birds, hands, feet, rice, moths, mugs, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, etc., are lifelike hieroglyphs in oracle bone inscription and seal script.


There are few first strokes in Chinese characters, but all of them are prologue. There are not only a few strokes of the head, but also more strokes of the head. The first part of the stroke from 1 to 17 paintings have. The number of strokes that cannot be regarded as part of the head is not counted in the ranks of the head of the ministry.


比如,10画到17画的部首其具体分布情况如下:10画 5个;11画 7个;12画 3个;13画 3个;14画 2个;15画 1个;16画 1个;17画 2个。

According to statistics, from 1 to 9 paintings, a total of 276 heads; and the head of 10 to 17 paintings, can be called high stroke head, a total of 24.

For example, the specific distribution of the radicals of the 10 to 17 pictures is as follows:10 for 5;11 for 7;12 for 3;13 for 3;14 for 2;15 for 1;16 for 1; and 17 for 2.


Why are the heads of 24 high-stroke paintings also separate hieroglyphs? Because, from oracle bone inscription and seal script, these high-stroke the beginning of these paintings, is some animal simple strokes. Horses, Gai, Gao, wheat, birds, fish, hemp, deer, tripod, millet, drum, mouse, nose, and so on, all of which are hieroglyphs. For example, horse is the horse's hieroglyph, can see the horse's mane, as well as the horse's body and four legs; the word is made of clay, can be used to cook food, with a middle belly, three-legged cooking utensils; Bird, fish, mouse, etc are visible, palpable pictographs of natural animals. Words; the other heads are also hieroglyphs.



As for the first words drawn from 1 to 9, there is no doubt that they are pictographs.

For example, there are 43 headings in 1 painting and 2 paintings, of which 9 are in the first part, 34 in the head of the painting section, and only 9 in the 43 headings. However, these heads are also hieroglyphs. Whether it is the first part of a stroke, a cross, a skim, a repress, a tick, etc., or a part of a painting, such as a knife, a government, a force, a, etc., can be found in the nature of the corresponding specific things. For example, a horizontal, can be a stick; a skim, a pinch, can be a piece of corn leaves; a hook, can be a branch with a hook, and so on.

总之,300个部首都是象形字。汉字字库正是在这300个部首基础上形成的。In short, 300 Ministry capitals are hieroglyphs. The Chinese character library is formed on the basis of these 300 headings.


(3) the Chinese characters formed on the basis of the combination and arrangement of 300 hieroglyphs are not hieroglyphs, but rational characters


So what's going on? This is a bit troublesome, like parents are hieroglyphs, but their "children", that is, the first combination of words produced by the hieroglyphics.


300 heads, 300 hieroglyphs. Strictly speaking, the official names of 300 heads in Chinese characters are called "Wen", not "characters", while the words combined by the heads are not hieroglyphs, but rational characters, which is justified. Here are a few examples to illustrate.



For example, two words of argument.

The word "jue" is composed of "the one in the middle that is actually going out to the right of the box." Here, the eyes alone do not see that there are two men fighting there for a tree pole in both their hands, and people need to explain how they are fighting for each other.


The word "open" is made up of "eye-to-eye". The upper and lower eyelids of a man's eyes are drawn up and down, making the eyeballs more visible. However, it is impossible to understand the meaning of a word without explanation.


For example, the word love is composed of a "heart and a heart," and it also means that there is a hand on the top of the word of love, and a hand on the bottom. In the middle is a heart wrapped in boxes and so on. It means that people who love each other give their hearts to each other. If there is no explanation, how many people can understand it like this?


It is precisely because the words produced by the combination of the heads are not perceived by the eyes and other human senses, they need to rely on rational knowledge based on grasping the nature of things and on the basis of knowledge. In order to understand the rational understanding of the word.


Therefore, as far as the huge Chinese character library of 10,000 characters is concerned, the hieroglyphs (or "perceptual characters") have only 300 heads, that is, 3% of the Chinese characters, and 97% of the rest of the nearly 10,000 characters of the Chinese characters, which I call "rational characters". Rational words are not hieroglyphs. Generalizing Chinese characters as hieroglyphs is a wrong way to mislead people's thinking.
