Heroes come from the people:Gen Z College Student Saves Deliveryman


Gen Z College Student Saves Deliveryman

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 林楚晗

通讯员 覃丽萍 苏兴圣 张子培

实习生 黄启帆

翻译 汪黄伟 刘晨雨 刘柯兰 (湖北大学)

Reporter: Lin Chuhan

Correspondents: Qin Liping, Su Xingsheng, Zhang Zipei

Intern: Huang Qifan

Translators: Wang Huangwei, Liu Chenyu, Liu Kelan (Hubei University)


“Dr. Xu, if you hadn't come to my aid yesterday, I don't know what would have happened. Thank you so much for saving my life!” On the morning of September 22, through the phone, Liu Peng(a pseudonym) was finally able to express his gratitude to Xu Haohan,the person who saved his life.


Gen Z College Student Shows Bravery in Time of Need


At 5 p.m. on September 21, at theeast gate of Hongling Garden, Hongshan Street, Hongshan DistrictofWuhan City, residents walked in and out of the community during the evening rush hour. Suddenly,with a muffled sound, a deliverymanwas seen falling to the ground, his body twitching.“Oh no, someone fainted!” More people gathered aroundbut withoutfirst aid knowledge, they coulddo nothing butanxiously wait for the ambulance. Worse still, the deliverymanbegan to foam at the mouth.At this criticalmoment, a young mancarrying a black backpack quickly pushed his way through the crowds, and began his rescue efforts without sayinga word.

徐浩瀚(右一)救治外卖小哥 Xu Haohan (furthest right)administering acupressure to a deliveryman


Firstly, he conducted a preliminary examination of the deliveryman, and found his pulse and pupils were normal; Then he administered acupressure on the deliveryman. A few minutes later, the deliveryman woke up and regained consciousness, meanwhile the young man with a backpack stood close by observing the situation. It was not until the ambulance arrived and the deliveryman was lifted into the ambulance did the young man to leave. Just as he was planning to leave silently, the community workers hurriedly stopped him and asked for his name.


This young man who had just saved someone’s life is Xu Haohan, a 23-year-old senior student of Hubei Enshi College.He had just arrived in Wuhan in June this year, and was interning in a hospital nearby. That day, after a day’s work, he was riding a bike back to his apartment, and as soon as he locked his bike, he saw a crowd of people gathering around the entrance. Pushing through the crowd, he saw a deliveryman lying on the ground twitching, moaning with vomit beside him.


After learning that the deliveryman had just quarreled with someone, Xu Haohan initially concluded that it could be a stress reaction due to emotional overstimulation. Immediately, he set aside his backpack, quickly adjusted the deliveryman’s position so that he was lying flat, and then kept his airway open to ensure he was breathing. After performing first aid, drawing on his skills and professional training, the deliveryman's condition was gradually controlled, and the convulsions relieved.


“To further stabilize his condition, I stimulated the three acupoints Hegu, Sanjian and Neiguan(respectively located at the back of the hand, joint of index finger and forearm). He did respond, and then said ‘that hurts’ and slowly regained consciousness.” Xu Haohan said. Seeing the deliveryman recovered, nearby witnesses gave Xu Haohan a thumbs-up.


Carrying a First-aid Kitat All Times


On the afternoon of September 22, the reporter found Xu Haohan in the hospital, after he had just finished assisting a patient with physical therapy. He seemed slightly embarrassed by the praise. “I didn't think much of it,” he said. “I’m a medical student and it is my job to save lives.” Meanwhile, his colleagues were unaware he had saved someone the previous day until the reporter arrived.


This is not the first time Xu Haohan has provided emergency medical aid to someone in public. Last summer, while waiting for a train at Wuhan Railway Station, upon hearing an emergency call for medical staff on the radio, Xu Haohan rushed to help a manwho had fainted, along with others. Since then, Xu Haohan has developed a habit of carrying common rescue tools with him in case of an emergency.


The Deliveryman Expresses his Appreciation to his Lifesaver


“I want to know who saved me and to express my gratitude to him!”Upon learning that the Jimu correspondent had helped him find the rescuer, Liu Peng, the deliveryman on the other end of the phone, choked up.


After he collapsed that day, he was unconscious until he felt a pain in his arm and opened half his eye, he recalled. “All I know is that a medical student helped me, but nothing else.”


“Dr.Xu, your kindness was so touching. Although I was lying on the ground at that time,I knew someone was helping me and didn’t feel alone. Even though I didn’t see your faceclearly,I remember you staying by my side, comforting and encouraging me not to be afraid and saying that everyone was concerned about me and the ambulance was coming soon.” Liu Peng told to Xu Haohan on the phone.


Hearing Liu Peng's gratitude, Xu Haohan shyly touched the back of his head and said: “It’s good that you’re all right. It was nothing much. Remember to manage and regulate your emotions and take good care of yourself.”


Hearing Xu Haohan’s story, Zhu Qianxi, a fellow intern of Xu’s, said“Haohan is generally warmhearted in his daily life. He doesn’t talk much but always offers to help his classmates whenever he can. Thumbs-up to him!”


Xu Dan, Xu's trainee teacher at the hospital, said: “I’m not surprised at all, because he is usually a diligent and inquisitive student. I’m proud to have such a student!”


(Photoby Hongling Garden Community)


