Heroes come from the people:1017Café A Havenfor “Young Minds”


1017Café A Havenfor “Young Minds”

极目新闻记者 王峻

摄影记者 邹斌

翻译 曹豫,欧佳燕,尹珩(湖北大学)

Jimu news reporter: Wang Jun

Photographer: Jimu news reporter Zou Bin

Translators: Cao Yu, Ou Jiayan, Yin Heng (Hubei University)


Situated along No. 8 Gaoxiong Road, in Wuhan’s Jiang’an Districtisa special café - 1017 Public Welfare Café, where six young adults with intellectual disabilities work as baristas. There, they integrate into society and realize their self-worth through labor.

“心青年”在老师的指导下制作糕点(One“Young Mind” makespastries under the guidance of a teacher)


Hu Hong,the founder of this cafe,is alsothe founder of Aite Education and Training Centerfor Children with Disabilities. 19 years ago, Hu Hong founded Aite Center, where more than 5,000 children with intellectual disabilities have received education. These “winged angels” who initiallylacked skills for independent living and interpersonal communication were later able to play the piano, givespeeches, sing, etc.Currently, more than 2,000 children with disabilities have been successfully enrolled into kindergartens and public schools.

“心青年”咖啡师们和社工老师(左二)【Theyoungbaristas and social worker (second from left)】


However, as these children step into adulthood, how to gain a foothold in society is a lingering concern for Hu Hong. To address this problem,Hu Hong opened 1017 Café next to the Aite Centerin November 2023. By empoweringyoung people with intellectualdisabilities (referred to as “Young Minds”in this article)withskillsin coffee-making and baking, they find their own place in society. After running for nearly a year, the caféis now like a second homefor these “Young Minds”, a haven where they can hone their skills and experience the joy of their newly found autonomy.


TheRoad toEmploymentBegins at 1017


Tucked inthe heartof Gaoxiong community is the unassuming yet cozy 1017 Café, which were it not for the 318 National Highway signpostwould go entirely unnoticed.On September 30th,the reporter walked into the café, where the nuttyaroma of coffee beans welcomed them.


“Hello, what would you like to order?”Xiaohui, who was serving atthe café, happily went to the bar to get the ordering machine when hesaw the guests coming and came to the crowd.


“One iced latte, one Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo.”Although 19-year-old Xiaohui speakswith a lurch, he canclearly and accurately relay the orders to Xiaowei, who was working at the bar. Upon receiving the message,Xiaowei scoops someice into the cupfrom the refrigerator, pours inmilk to 80%full, before finally adding a shot of espresso.A few moments later, a cup of Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo is also ready.


“That’s a total of 38 yuan.”While waiting for the drink, Xiaohui also calculatesthe bill. He showsthe amount on the ordering machine to the customer, while simultaneouslyshowingthe payment QR code to thecustomer. When the drink is ready, Xiaohui carefully serves it to the customer, and sayspolitely“Enjoy”.


Apart from Xiaohui and Xiaowei,another four hard-working “Young Minds”are assignedfor makingcoffee and baking. During the early days of operation, acafé manager and asocial workerwere stationed at the front and back of the café respectively, mainly to observeand help deal with unexpected cases before slowly fading away.


HuHong told the reporters thatpeople with intellectual disabilitiesprimarily include those with cognitive disabilities, Down syndrome, autism spectrumdisorderand so on. Forthese youths with special needs, being employed, learningto interact with others and managingtheir own emotionsis a prerequisite. As part of their pre-job training, 1017 Caféheld courses exposing them to a range of social settingsfrom ordering and making drinkstobaking, etiquette, sales andcleaning.Through such real-world hands-on learning, the aim isto improve the social skillsof the trainees.


“Even atasklike serving coffee requiresrepeated training. They may take time to pick it up, but they are very diligent”, said Hu Hong. Thetraining, which is tailored to each trainee, qualifies them for several job positions.Following a selection process andjob trial, trainees then select a position that best suits their skill set.


101st Cup of Coffeeis a Stamp of Approval


Displayed prominently in the caféisa wooden boardlistingthe names of the baristas and the types of drinks they specialize in — iced latte, Americano, drip coffee, Yangzhi Ganlu (Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo).The prices per serving rangefrom 15 to 20 yuan. Each “Young Mind” has their own signature beverage. For instance, under Xiaowei’s name are three beverage names; however, this does not imply his expertise is limited to these three drinks.


Thecafé has implemented a tough “101 standard”, that is, a barista must complete 100 cups of any drink before it issold at full price, in an effort to ensure quality. Prior to that, the drink is sold at half the price as a “trainee” drink.


“Like most industries, high-quality products are honedthrough repeated practice,” said Hu Hong. The ultimate survival of 1017 depends on whether the barista can win over thecustomers with their skills, rather than appealing for sympathy due to their disabilities. “Only in this way can the employment journey for ‘Young Minds’ go further.”


In fact, the “Young Minds”find it a challenge to meet the“101 standard”for many of the 50-plus beverages on the café’s menu.Hence, they focus on perfecting a few of the bestsellers. Over time, their coffee has become comparable in quality to well-known chain brands.


“We ordered two coconut lattes and two iced Americanos, and both the appearance and taste were excellent,” said Li Qing, a first-time customer at 1017. Like many others who now frequent the café, Li Qing was drawn to the café’s ambienceand high-quality coffee.


In an effort toattract more customers, the café alsostarted offering takeout services. Meanwhile, teachers from the Aite, who have accompanied theseyoung peopleon their journey, arethe café’s mostconsistentcustomers. “Drinking the coffee they make warms my heart,” said Zheng Xiaohong, a teacher at Aite. She was pleased to see these children grow from “Young Minds” into self-reliant employees.


Nowadays, 1017cafésees monthly sales of about 300 beverages. Combined with the sale of baked goodsand consumptionfrom individual and corporate members,the monthly income is enough for the caféto maintain a balance financially.


Hopeto Become aReplicableModel


When 18-year-old Longlong noticed that the pastry shelves were running low, he quickly retrieved packaged pastries from the kitchen and labeled them, demonstrating a skill level that belies the reality of hisdisability.


Longlong’s father, Mr. Wang, told reporters that Longlong received rehabilitation and education at the Aite Center, and went to PeizhiSchool(school for children with intellectual disabilities)to receive vocational education at the age of 14. There hetookcourses such as baking and barista training but struggled findinga suitable job as an adult. Mr. Wang said that once intellectuallychallenged children are detached from society, theirability to adapt weakens and the effectivenessof the rehabilitation is greatly reduced, adilemma many families with intellectuallychallenged childrenface.


Hu Hong understandsintellectuallychallenged youths like Longlong desire to integrate into society but find it difficult to do so for a variety of reasons. Therefore, she hopes to develop Café 1017 intoa replicable model to provide employment opportunities formore“Young Minds”.


In order to realize this goal, Hu and her team have been experimenting with different approachesin the operation of the café. They developeda personalized training plan based on each trainee’s characteristics and interests, allowing them to master skills through repeated practice and improving their self-confidence and social skills.


“Since in Mandarinthepronunciationof 1017is similar to ‘inviting you’, we hope to explore and practice a more suitable employment support model for “Young Minds”, build a vocational training base, and integrate vocational education and special education in themodel to help intellectuallychallenged young adults to master a skill and interpersonal skills beforefinally joining the workplace.” Hu Hong said.


Fortunately, nearly a year following café’s launch, through repeated practice, some of the trainees have been able to independently makea cup of coffee or a pastry, and even trainees who are not particularly well endowed are able to exercise their fine motor skills and patience by learning to tidy up the kitchen and make pastries.


“It makes me very proud to see my childmake a cup of coffee.” Xiaowei’s mother said with emotion, “The children would not bravely take thisimportant step towards society without the care and support of the Aite Center and the community.”


Since working in the café, Xiaowei’s progress continues toamaze themother, “My childhas gone from being reluctant to step out of the door,tonow being able totake the subway and ride a shared bicycle from our home in Wuchang District to the café in Jiang’an District alone every day, not to mentionindependently brew coffee and bakedesserts. Seeing such great changes makes me happy. Although these are basic tasks to mostpeople, it bringshope for a family with a special child.”


Every little bit of growth is a pricelessgift to families with “Young Minds” that allows parents to see greater possibilities for their children.


So far, Café 1017 has trainedsix “Young Minds”, the oldest of whom is 31 years old. According to the schedule, each of them works no more than three hours a day. Hu Hong expects to have 6 to 10 morestaff with special needsemployed by 2025.


Her long-term goal is to develop Café 1017 into a replicable model that can guide parents of “Young Minds”as well ascreate a supportive workenvironment where more young people with intellectual challenges are empowered and respected.

(①In this article, “Young Minds”refers to young people with intellectual disabilities.)


