陨石,被称为“天外来石”,稀有珍贵。据科学家分析它们大多数在距地面10到40里的高空就已燃尽,即便落在地上也难找到。它们在宇宙中运行,由于没有其它的保护,所以直接受到各种宇宙线的辐射和灾变,而其本身的放射性加热不能使它有较大的变化。所以它本身的记录是可靠的。对于它的研究范围有着相当广阔的领域,比如高能物理,天体演变,地球化学,生命的起源。Meteorites, known as "exotic rocks", are rare and precious. According to the analysis of scientists, most of them have burnt out 10 to 40 miles above the ground and are difficult to find even if they fall on the ground. They run in the universe, because there is no other protection, so they are directly exposed to radiation and catastrophes of various cosmic rays, and their own radioactive heating cannot make it have great changes. So its own record is reliable. The scope of its research is quite broad, such as high-energy physics, celestial body evolution, geochemistry, and the origin of life.
玻璃陨石在地球上的分布,与其它陨石完全不同,玻璃陨石在地球上有一定的陨落区,每个陨落区中的玻璃陨石,代表了一次天体陨落事件,陨落区中玻璃陨石是同一陨落事件的产物。此件极品橄榄绿玻璃陨石,形状呈不规则,颜色为橄榄绿色,整体呈半透明状,内有清晰可见的绿色,晶莹透亮,石面流烧痕迹清晰可见,该橄榄绿玻璃陨石表面分布的许多形状各异的沟槽,叫做熔沟,并存在十分醒目的熔流线,这些都是由于它在陨落过程中与大气剧烈摩擦燃烧而形成的。The distribution of glassy meteorites on the earth is completely different from other meteorites. Glassy meteorites have certain falling areas on the earth. The glassy meteorites in each falling area represent a falling event of celestial bodies. The glassy meteorites in the falling areas are the products of the same falling event. This fine olive-green glass meteorite is irregular in shape, olive green in color, translucent in overall shape, with clear green inside, crystal clear, and clear traces of stone surface burning. Many grooves with different shapes distributed on the surface of the olive-green glass meteorite are called melting grooves, and there are very striking melting streamlines. These are all formed due to its intense friction and combustion with the atmosphere during the falling process.
近年来,中国己跻身于世界上少数几个对陨石开展综合研究的国家,期望在陨石中寻找到更多外星生命痕迹。近两年,因为来源的特殊性,陨石开始被一些人当做珍宝一样收藏起来,坐等升值,数量稀少及市场的追捧是促成陨石收藏价格飙升的重要原因。陨石作为收藏品,考虑的除了其科研和文化价值,还有经济增长价值。In recent years, China has become one of the few countries in the world that have conducted comprehensive research on meteorites, hoping to find more traces of extraterrestrial life in meteorites. In the past two years, meteorites began to be collected as treasures by some people due to the particularity of their sources, waiting for appreciation. The scarcity of meteorites and the popularity of the market are important reasons for the soaring price of meteorite collection. Meteorites, as collectibles, consider not only their scientific research and cultural value, but also their economic growth value.