丨 關於GBAD丨
不忘本來、吸收外來、面向未來,構築中國精神、中國價值、中國力量。2020深圳室內裝飾行業協會第壹屆第六次理事大會暨首屆GBAD“金灣設計獎”頒獎典禮在深圳國際會展中心隆重舉行。“金灣設計大獎”國際高端設計大獎,以全球化視野打造最具影響力的高端設計大獎,引領設計師對品質生活方式演變的深度思考,推動健康品質生活方式的普及與發展,以設計為驅動力,共話設計未來,助力設計新生代的發展,向經典致敬,展潮流風向。Stay true to the past, absorb the outside world, look to the future, and build the Chinese spirit, Chinese values, and Chinese strength. The 6th Council Meeting of the 1st Session of Shenzhen Interior Decoration Industry Association and the 1st GBAD "Golden Bay Design Award" Award Ceremony were held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. "Jinwan design award" international high-end design award, the most influential global vision in high-end design award, lead designer for the depth of the evolution of thinking quality lifestyle, promote the healthy development and popularization of quality lifestyle, in order to design for driving force, the design plan for the future, help design the development of the new generation, salute to the classic, exhibition trend direction.
首屆GBAD “金灣設計獎”以“大灣區-星設計-新勢力”為主題,來自國內外知名專家評審、全國獲獎設計師與行業大咖、產業鏈上下遊企業界翹楚,共同見證首屆“金灣設計獎”頒獎盛典高光時刻。在本次盛典衍生出RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司│《東方置地·鉑悅府體驗中心》榮獲2020金灣設計年度十佳設計機構獎,實現多層次的對外文化交流格局。With the theme of "Greater Bay Area - Star Design - New Power", the first GBAD "Golden Bay Design Award" witnessed the highlight moment of the first "Golden Bay Design Award" award ceremony. Rick Decoration Design Engineering (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, derived from the ceremony, "Oriental Land · Boyuefu Experience Center" won the 2020 Golden Bay Design Annual Top Ten Design Institutions Award, realizing a multi-level pattern of cultural exchange with foreign countries
△ RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司
首屆GBAD “金灣設計獎”設計師大獎頒獎典禮為設計精英提供至高無上的榮譽歸屬舞臺,旨在表彰實力過硬、成就卓越的室內設計師和設計機構,為設計新生代尋找最佳的設計標榜。RICK瑞克國際設計創始人&創意總監宋愛生(Rick Song)先生榮獲2020金灣設計年度十佳設計師獎,實現品牌賦能加速,為榮耀加冕!The first GBAD "Golden Bay Design Award" designer Award Award ceremony provides the stage of the highest honor for the design elite, aiming to commend the excellent strength, outstanding achievements of interior designers and design institutions, to find the best design for the new generation of design. RICK Song, founder and creative Director of RICK RICK International design, has been awarded the golden Bay Design Of the Year 2020 Top 10 Designer award. This is a crowning glory for brand empowerment.
△ RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司
《深圳文化創新發展 2020(實施方案)》落實國家“壹帶壹路”戰略,構建既有“中國味”又有“世界範”的國際文化交流平臺。深圳室內裝飾行業協會第壹屆第六次理事大會暨首屆“金灣設計獎”頒獎典禮,是由政府相關領導、深圳室內裝飾行業協會主辦,由RICK瑞克國際設計聯袂演繹。政府相關領導、國際設計大師、全國各設計院校的專家/教授及各行業協會負責人、各省市設計師代表、裝飾設計企業家代表等 300 余人共襄盛舉。"Shenzhen Cultural Innovation and Development 2020 (Implementation Plan)" implements the national "One Belt, one Road" strategy, and builds an international cultural exchange platform with both "Chinese flavor" and "world flavor". The sixth Council meeting of the first Shenzhen Interior Decoration Industry Association and the first "Golden Bay Design Award" award ceremony are led by the relevant government and hosted by Shenzhen Interior decoration industry Association, co-performed by RICK international design. More than 300 people, including government leaders, international design masters, experts/professors from national design colleges and universities, leaders of various industry associations, representatives of designers in various provinces and cities, and representatives of decoration design entrepreneurs, are all participating in this event.
·················· RICK ················
RICK瑞克國際(香港)設計有限公司(簡稱RICK瑞克國際設計),香港&深圳雙總部,在長沙及南昌設有分公司,致力為客戶提供高品質的室內空間設計及軟裝設計定制服務。先後幫助萬科、華潤、碧桂園、中南、等中國一線房地產開發商,及萬豪&麗絲卡爾頓、凱悅&君悅、洲際、安娜塔拉、希爾頓、等國際五星級品牌及精品酒店客戶,以理性科學的策略思維設計手法及科學成本的控制,以極高的性價比形成卓越的產品競爭力,令客戶的投資實現市場行銷戰略目標及品牌價值得到長線增值。憑藉國際化視野及對項目品質的極致追求, 其作品榮獲設計專業眾多國內外獎項及榮譽。
宋愛生(Rick Song)先生 是一名新銳、知名青年設計師,其開創及帶領的RICK瑞克國際設計團隊秉承“東西融合” 的設計理念,擅長洞察項目特徵與使用者需求出發,把歷史、自然、文化、藝術結合國際新穎經營理念、生活方式及智慧科技理念融合於其創作中;運用當代的詮釋方式演繹傳統與傳承,讓文化藝術在真實的生活中重獲新生同時為空間賦予靈魂與智慧。塑造出與專案商業定位契合的空間氣質與靈魂 ,為客戶創造獨特而難忘的生活場景和非凡體驗。