原创: 旗渡译审分享 旗渡法律英语学习号 2016-05-17
(1) 因地域不同而有所差异。
Insolvency在英国通常只能用于公司, 不用于个人。例句:Their company was in a state of insolvency.(他们的公司处于破产状态)。但在美国,这种区别似乎已逐渐消失。比如,一个破产的人,可以用an insolvent person。当insolvent作名词用时,指的就是“破产的人”。
Bankruptcy 既可用于公司、企业,也可以用于个人。例句:Several local companies have gone bankrupt.(当地几家公司已经破产);The court declared him bankrupt.(法庭宣告他破产),都是正确的用法。来自维基百科的下列释义,也可以很好地体现这一点:Bankruptcy is a legal status of aperson or other entity that cannot repay the debts it owes to creditors.
(2) “Insolvency and Bankruptcy denote cases in which an individual or a company possesses insufficient funds to pay off debts or pay debts as they arise. The primary difference in these terms is legal. An individual or company can be insolvent without being legally insolvent, but bankruptcy is the exclusive providence of the courts; no person or company is bankrupt without being legally declared so.”
(3) “The terms further differ in that the payment of debts via liquidation or future capital is required in the case of bankruptcy but not so in insolvency”